"Anything in the past is a prologue. The people of the old age and the things of the old age are destined to be submerged by the torrent of time. This is the way of the development of the world."

Suddenly, the emptiness of the world outside the sky is silent, the magnificent voice belonging to the great sage of Taiqing, resounding through the world, and after this statement appeared, in the sea of ​​knowledge of all the surrounding cultivators, the thinking and thoughts of that Taiqing sword were frozen. , Began to continue boiling and circulating.

Afterwards, there was an overhaul of the sect, and he moved his eyes first, and after confirming that he had restored his control of the body, he locked all his thoughts out of the Nanxian Gate in front of him at the same time.

It was a fight for the strongest that was completely beyond the understanding of the world's creatures!

At the same time, the Sect Master of Taiqing, who turned into a streamer of Taiqing and was already integrated with the sword, contained the voice of infinite killing intent, and continued to resound through the sky:

"Under the torrent of heaven and earth, right and wrong are not important. The meaning of this saint holding the sword is to completely cut off the acne and malignant tumors of the old era and lead the era that belongs to the contemporary people.

"Since the collapse of the fairy palace, whether it is the holy court or the holy lord, you have occupied too much air and luck. Tai Xuan, I've been in the dust for thousands of years!"

After the deafening words came out, the countless monks gathered all over the sky felt that endless blood and pride emerged in their hearts.

Especially the Central Shangguo Charge Army full of blood and murderous aura, every soldier among them, who fought in blood, shouted in unison:

"Kill moths, kill tumors, kill kills!"

Under the screams of killing, on the other side of the Nanxian Gate, the monk's defense line constructed by the holy court monks was finally completely destroyed, and then a flood of charges composed of countless iron-blooded soldiers was like a branch. The arrow is normal, approaching directly outside the Xianting Holy Palace.

Soon, the first general who went to the center roared and jumped up on the golden dragon head, stepping directly on the platform with an incomparably long time outside the Xianting Saint Palace, and again roared and roared:

"My central government will regain its former glory!"

At the moment he set foot on the Xian Ting Holy Palace, he created the entire history of Shangguo, in other words, the entire Central Shangguo is moving towards a new history.

"These soldiers from the Central High Kingdom really are all out of life and death. You must know that the sword that the Great Sage Taiqing is piercing can even destroy the entire void countless times. At this time, they rushed to the South Heaven Gate. , Maybe it's dying!"

"For countless years, the central government has gone up to the old monarch, down to every citizen, and they don't want to return to the fairy palace at all times, so even if they die, these soldiers will not take a step back."

The voices just came down with awe-inspiring voices, and the sound that burst out from the sword of Taiqing in everyone's ears once again shining in the world:

"When this sage was in the northern border a few days ago, I heard a word and was greatly moved. I only felt that my heart was trembling, so I would like to share with you all."

With the sound of this word, Taiqing Jianmang, which was confined by sleepless hands, did not start to expand and explode as the rest of the people imagined, but began to shrink inward.

At the same time, with the rapid shrinking of this Taiqing sword light, densely interwoven patterns began to appear on the sword light, and these patterns combined into one place, and it was a green lotus that was in bud.

In the next instant, the lotus leaf of this green lotus slowly bloomed outwards, and at the same time, all the hands of the sleepless densely surrounding him, Qi Qi seemed to have encountered the most terrifying natural enemy, howling and evaporating into scarlet mist.

Immediately after Qinglian, the voice from Taiqing Dasheng continued to spread from all directions:

"When we are alive, we should establish our heart for the heaven and the earth, establish our destiny for our life, for the sake of the sacredness, and for the sake of peace for all generations!"

The words of the Great Sage of the Taiqing shook his ears, making the entire sky emptied, as if trembling again for these four sentences.

Then outside the Nanxian Gate, endless cyan light gushed out from the scarlet sleepless fog, and directly turned into a sky-opening blue pillar, running through the entire world.

Within the green pillar, everything disappeared in an instant, leaving only a sword, a lotus, and the sage who was pierced into the center of his eyebrows by the sword of the Taiqing.

The green lotus blooms above the green sword!

The world is once again frozen in place. For the vast majority of monks who have witnessed all this, the scene in front of them may be very ordinary, but for those who have begun to touch the law, they can already feel it just by looking at it. An edge that even fears the world.

After an instant, Tianwaitian, which was almost still, suddenly began to change.

I saw that as the green lotus continued to bloom on the green sword, the monster-like sage in front of the sword of Taiqing seemed to have been subjected to the most sharp torture in the world, and began to tremble extremely violently.

Afterwards, there were countless sharp mouths covering the body of the Lord, and they all let out a roar with extreme unwillingness, and the self-conscious mouths were no longer the fearsome sleeplessness, but the sharp sharpness of Taiqing. gas.

In other words, although the sword of Taiqing only pierced the saint's eyebrows, the incomparable cleanness had already penetrated the entire body of the saint and began to raging outward.

From the inside out, destroy first, then create life, this is the way of killing and cutting contained in this sword of Taiqing!

"Taiqing lotus blooms, all ages are peaceful."

Accompanied by the thick and steady speech of the Taiqing Zongzong, more and more of the light of the Taiqing, under every inch of the skin of the Lord, shoots outwards, and at this time, the latter seems to be inside. The porcelain that was broken directly, cracked open numerous cracks, almost to the next breath, it was completely broken into pieces.

It is true that, with the exception of the Holy Court monk who is retreating towards the Southern Heaven Gate at this time, the rest of the creatures in the outer sky are all expecting this scene to happen infinitely.

Afterwards, the body of the saint, which was even more hideous and terrifying than the monster, swelled out a little bit under the eyes of the incomparable wings, and at the same time, the cracks on the body became more and more dense.

At the next breath, the sharp mouth in the center of his eyebrows was smashed, and at the same time the sage of Taiqing sword light pierced into the sea of ​​knowledge, the line of sight in his eyes moved forward, and he continued to look at the sword blooming in front of the green lotus, and The look in the Lord's eyes is still extremely cold.

After a while, a more tyrannical voice rolled out from the Lord's mouth:

"To open peace for all generations? Taiqing, this is a joke, a real joke, this holy deity can tell you all with certainty that there can be no so-called peace for all generations if there is this heavenly way!

"If you want the so-called peace of all ages, there is only one way, and that is to go with the deity to extinguish the way of heaven and punish the heavens!"

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