"Only by Zhu Tian, ​​and only by Zhu Tian, ​​can there be so-called peace forever!"

The sky outside the sky belongs to the tyrannical blasphemous language of the Holy Venerable, which keeps lingering back and forth. From the beginning to the present, this Venerable's resentment and killing intent towards the Dao of Heaven has never diminished, but has become more and more intense.

At the same time, on the other hand, as the sharpest weapon carefully nurtured by the Dao of Heaven, the Great Sage of Taiqing who released his sharp edge with all his strength at this time also embodies the most determined intention of the Dao of Heaven to obliterate.

This is not just a battle to clean up the malignant tumors of the old age, on the other hand, it is also a battle of revenge!

"Tiandao only uses you as a sword, Taiqing, you are just a pawn."

Outside Nanxianmen, the voice intertwined with coldness and tyranny continued to roll out, but the evil meaning of this sword of Taiqing was so earth-shaking, even if the Lord roared a thousand words, he couldn't make him hesitate. Half silk.

In the next moment, the green light that pierced the center of the saint’s eyebrows blasted forward again, and at the same time, the endless ancient immortal spirits inside the saint’s body uttered a particularly painful roar:

"Pain, pain, pain!"

Every time this pain came out, the saint’s body full of cracks would continue to explode more cracks outwards, and at the same time, the sharp edges of the clear inside his body surged outwards, and finally formed a piece of mutual interaction. Stacked lotus leaves.

"Look at it, everyone, it's the lotus of Taiqing that represents peace forever. It turns out that the lotus that the Great Sage of Taiqing pierced was not opened on the sword's edge, but in the body of the Lord! "

Along with the exclamation of a Zongmen overhaul in Fengxin City, all the sights condensed outside the Xianting Sacred Palace began to fluctuate violently at an unprecedented level.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, one after another intertwined lotus petal pattern began to emerge from the inner body of the saint as the center, and when viewed from a distance, it was like the surface of the saint’s riddled body. Inside, a green lotus bloomed.

"Out of the silt but not stained, clear ripples but not demon, this Dao Qinglian, opened in the body of the most filthy, most grieving Holy Venerable, is to completely refine the latter!"

As soon as this statement came out, the temples of all the people who heard it jumped wildly, because no one had thought that the final sword stabbed by the first person in this profound place with all his strength was a green lotus. !

"This Sect Master should have thought of it long ago that the Sovereign, relying on the strange connection between himself and the mother of death of Chaos Deshenhai, could actually survive so many years as a living person, and even the way of heaven could hardly do anything about it.

"Therefore, if you want to completely obliterate it, it is not enough to rely on the supreme edge of the sword. Even if it can destroy the sea of ​​consciousness once, twice, or even hundreds of times, it will eventually have the means to recover."

As soon as this shout fell, there were other insightful sect overhauls. Looking at the void ahead, the green Taolian flower that has completely extended outwards and bloomed outwards. The response sounded word by word, followed by Sounded:

"Because of this, it is necessary to refining, from the inside to the outside, from the flesh and blood in the body, to every thought of the soul, through refining, let it disappear completely between the world and the earth!"

"That's the reason!"

Just after this echo fell, outside the Nanxian Gate, a roar with incomparably violent roar, like a violent tsunami, came directly to the surface:

"Refining, Taiqing, you actually want to refine this holy deity, you want to completely erase this holy deity from the world, and even the sound of the court is not so loud. Why are you?"

After the three-character words rolled out, within the Taiqing Daolian, the surface of the body began to fall off a little bit, the original red eyes, began to become more scarlet, and he just wanted the most violent counterattack , A voice that was still strong, resounded from all directions:

"Why? The sage is based on this saint, but the power of the age that gathers forward and never stops, you can live on for one day, one year, ten thousand years, but under the change of times, you will surely be swept away Into the dust of history.

"In the dust of history, right and wrong will be judged by posterity, but for you, even if you have a trace of memorabilia for this land, you shouldn’t go under the circumstances of causing a catastrophe to the world. Tangled the so-called right and wrong!"

The words of the Great Sage Taiqing are pearls, and at the same time, in the body of the Sovereign, countless of the sharpest Taiqing Qi gushes out and injected into the small Taiqing Dao lotus.

Not long ago, there were still a large number of sect monks in Fengxin City. They were worried that if the strongest sword in the hands of the Great Sage Taiqing broke out, it would destroy and sweep the entire sky, affecting the Fengxin City and the current The rushed Central Army of the Kingdom.

But now, the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect, with his unparalleled strength, clearly tells everyone around him that the truly strong edge will only condense and release in the place he wants to release, and will not leak out half of it. Silk!

In this way, this will give the people around you a strange illusion, just like the Taiqing Dao lotus that is slowly blooming outside the Nantian Gate in front of you. The noble and magnificence contained in it far exceeds the edge that it reveals to the world. .

But those high-ranking cultivators who really understand the law understand how terrifying what is happening in front of them.

Because they can clearly see that the body within Qinglian, the body that is completely condensed from the rules of self-destruction and sleeplessness, is being refined a little bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From a distance, the lotus of Taiqing is like a group of cyan flames slowly burning in the world. With the most violent power, it ruthlessly scorches the Supreme Being that is full of countless cracks. Body.


Accompanied by the most ruthless refining of Taiqing Daolian, the increasingly loud scorching sound resounded throughout the sky, and after a few breaths, there was a harsher explosion, which suddenly exploded like thunder.


This loud noise made the monks who heard it suddenly startled, and at the same time, the ecstasy in the eyes of these people reached its peak in an instant, because the lotus of Taiqing was full of cracked sages, under refining. , The whole body completely exploded.

"It's broken, the body of this saint is really completely shattered, and it will be completely refined by Taiqing Qi, we will win!"

With deafening cheers, Yushan roared into the sky like a tsunami, and the faces of countless monks began to show the joy of victory right in front of them.

It is true that it is a great honor for any monk to witness and participate in the birth of an era with his own eyes!

In the next breath, within the Taiqing Daolian, in the body that was blasted by the Holy Venerable, endless gray and black sleepless energy gushed out, but in a blink of an eye, it was slaughtered by the Qing Qi inside the Taiqing Daolian and formed. A one-sided battlefield.

In the end, the countless intertwined eyes of everyone condensed, because in the Taiqing Daolian, there was only a little light left in the end, it was a long orange light, and it was also a ball of light.

"After this saint is refined, is it a light?"

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