The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2044: I use my body to lead the way of heaven

Throughout the ages, the more the pure, the stronger, and this Taiqing sect master is undoubtedly a pure person, holding the most pure sword in his hand.

From the beginning to the end, this Taiqing Great Sage had only one thing to do, and that was to continue to pierce the sword in his hand into the scarlet eye of the Lord below.

Because this sword of Taiqing is far from over, it is still unclear who will die!

At the same time, at this moment, the green sword in the hands of the Great Sage Taiqing continued to shine, shining in the void of the entire sky.

This sudden burst of brilliance also caused all the monks around who had witnessed this to subconsciously ignore the weird state of the figure holding the sword above Taiqing Daolian.

At this time, the Great Sage of Taiqing is already looming, alternating between virtual and real.

Obviously, this is not a state that can be called normal, and this state, in the eyes of a discerning person, also means one thing.

"The state of this great sage of the Qing Dynasty is not very good. The shape is between the virtual and the real. This is undoubtedly exhausted."

On the Daxia Treasure Ship, after the words of the Southern Heavenly King Chang Xiliu came out, Sima Annan not far away, with black eyes, staring at the half-empty figure in the green shirt in front of him, word by word echoed. :

"This Taiqing sword should have completely exhausted all the foundations of the Taiqing Sect Master's thousands of years of cultivation. It is even said that this sword is the former's mortal sword!"

As soon as the word desperately came out, all Daxia Chong officials who heard the words appeared awe-inspiring, and then Sima Annan took a deep breath, and the young voice continued to speak:

"To live with the sword, to die for the common people, to abandon the rest of the right and wrong, not to mention, this great sage of Taiqing is regarded as the son of Taixuan, and in the entire history of heaven and earth, people like him can be said to be handicapped. countable."

After this word of admiration fell, the breathing of all the taboos in the entire Daxia treasure ship suddenly stagnated, because the flesh and blood in the body of the figure pierced with the sword in front had completely disappeared and turned into Real rules and sharpness.

At the same time, at the front of the deck of the entire Daxia treasure ship, Zhao Yu's imposing emperor's voice rolled out:

"The sword in the hands of the Great Sage Taiqing has already reached the final change, and this final victory or defeat will soon be fully known."

After the emperor's voice in Zhao Yu's mouth exploded, outside the Nanxian Gate, the Taiqing Great Sage, who had been completely imaginary, folded his hands on the hilt of the Taiqing Sword, which was released with great light, and then went to the holy place below. The hiding scarlet eyes, violently pricked down.


With a soft sound, it appeared under the sword of Taiqing, which meant that the sharp edge of the Taiqing that broke out last began to blast each other with the Holy Venerable's air transport barrier outside the eyes of the Tao.

At the same time, the blooming Kai Shi Dao lotus suddenly closed inward, and the Holy Venerable had already climbed half of his body, stuck tightly, and could no longer climb out half a step.

"Come on, Taiqing, let the deity see what you can do to break the power of luck outside of the holy deity, and kill the deity, come!"

The next breath belonged to the roar that sounded from the Lord's mouth, with incomparable tyranny and fury.

Faced with such a provocation by the Lord, Taiqing Great Sage, with a vague body, still had a plain color on his extremely handsome face. Then he commented his gaze down, and then a faint voice came out:

"Holy Lord, just like what you said at the beginning, in the entire world, no existence is immortal. Under the long and flowing river of time, everything will eventually fall into silence.

"So life will die, the sea will wither, the stone will rot, and your deity will naturally die."

When the Sect Master Taiqing said this, his tone was flat and there was not much emotional fluctuation, and it was this calmness that made people feel more trembling, and every pore under his body was trembling violently.

Then, in everyone's ears, the steady and thick voice continued to be heard:

"Although this sage has been practicing for a short time, thanks to a stronger understanding than ordinary people, my day has to be worth the rest of the living beings for decades. Therefore, this sect master has had countless boiling thoughts over a long period of time. Used to think about a problem.

"That's **** you!"

As soon as this statement came out, the murderous intent that had already boiled to the extreme outside the Nanxian Gate rose to the next level, and even the roar of the surging Taiqing Qi on the eyes of the Holy Venerable Dao loudly resounded. Countless times.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a loud noise that was higher than a loud noise, the voice of Sect Master Taiqing continued to speak, continuing to linger in the void:

"This Sect Master knows that it is not easy to kill you. Whether it is the ultimate sharpness or the most vigorous origin, you can’t do anything about it. Obstructed by the back hand.

"So for so many years, not only the Lord, you have tried every possible means to think about how to live, and this Sect Master always dreams of **** you.

"But after thinking and thinking about it, I finally realized that it may be really difficult to do it by myself. This is a fact!"

The sound of this serious or serious voice fell, not only the complexion of the monks who heard the words around him changed drastically, but even the violent ups and downs of the Holy Venerable had a very violent wave, and then the latter just wanted to open his mouth. Roaring, above the Taiqing Great Sage's more and more majestic response, it burst out:

"But the Lord, this saint can't kill you, doesn't mean that other existences can't kill you, you might as well think about it, what do you fear most?"

This faint questioning sound came out, and the opened sharp mouth of the Lord suddenly closed, and the scarlet eyes suddenly began to ripple infinitely, and the mouth opened with a loud scream:

"Impossible, Taiqing, this place is a battlefield carefully selected by this holy lord. This is the outer sky created by the Xianting Sacred Palace with all my strength. It is impossible for it to come here, absolutely impossible!"

The words of the saint had the most violent mood swings since the beginning, and then his sharp gray claws suddenly opened outwards, and the roar continued loudly:

"Since it uses you as a sword, it means that it is also extremely afraid of itself. How could it come here in person? This holy deity does not believe it."

The word unbelief constantly echoed above the void outside the Nanxian Gate, but the figure in the blue shirt standing proudly above the green lotus with the sword, the downward movement of the sword, without stopping, at the same time, the voice became more and more determined. , Outgoing:

"As time goes on, creatures will change, and so will the ways of heaven. Therefore, the Lord, you can't look at this new era with the eyes of tens of thousands of years."

The words of infinite suffocation fell, the Sect Master of Taiqing suddenly lowered his head, his cyan eyes stared at the hair, and the unprecedented high voice in his mouth resounded from all directions:

"I use my body to lead the way of heaven, punish evil and charm, and go against the universe!"

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