The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2045: There is no more clarity in the world

"I use my body to lead the way of heaven!"

When this magnificent and mighty voice sounded in the ears of everyone in the entire Tianwaitian Void, every sect monk who heard the words felt that their souls were completely shaken out of their bodies because they were too horrified.


Even if there is no real loud noise from the outside world, there is still a roar in everyone's ears, which is the most violent shock from the soul of the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Heaven, heavenly way, could this heavenly way come here?"

The stuttering voice came from the mouth of the major repair in Fengxin City, and then these people suddenly shook their heads to get rid of the chaotic thoughts in the sea of ​​knowledge, and then raised their heads again to look out of the Nanxian Gate in front of them.


At this moment, all the monks who raised their heads and stared up were shocked to take a step back, because an immense will and majesty rolled in outside the Xianting Sacred Palace.

At the same time, the surface of the Taiqing Sword held by the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect had a more dazzling cyan light, and then one after another incomparable rune patterns began to be outlined.

After the appearance of these runes, a striped road intertwined, directly forming a blue shirt figure holding a sword and lifting the sky, and if you look carefully, this figure, whether it is posture or dress, is at this time Taiqing Great Sage. Exactly the same.

"The burning rules are here to attract Heaven, Taiqing, you are dying!"

A piercing roar came from the mouth of the sage under the confinement of Taiqing Daolian, and at this time, dignity and fear appeared in the eyes of the former, and the voices continued to sound:

"For the sake of heaven, even ignoring one's own life and death, in the eyes of this saint, how stupid this is!"

As soon as the saint’s vigorous and icy voice fell, the answer from the upper emperor Taiqing directly sounded:

"You are wrong, this saint did this not for the sake of heaven."

After the steady and vigorous words came out of the Taiqing Great Sage’s mouth, his entire body continued to transform into an illusory and regularized transformation, and it is worth mentioning that with the appearance of the Heavenly Dao rune imprint, the guardian spirit at the center of the Taiqing Sect’s eyebrows Yu, began to flash crazily.

The flickering look of this spiritual feather is like that of the Heavenly Cloud Palace Hall Master. He already knew what the Great Sage Taiqing would do next, and he reacted, trying to stop it desperately, even behind the blue shirt figure. The huge wings began to tremble violently, causing a particularly dense rustling sound.

There was an extremely anxious voice for a while, and the others might not understand it, but Sect Master Taiqing definitely understood. After that, this person had almost turned into a fascinating existence, raised his left hand, and stroked his eyebrows very gently. Soul feather.

Taiqing Great Sage’s movements were extremely gentle, as if stroking his lover’s full head of blue silk, and with the former’s movements, more and more heavenly runes appeared on the long sword, and then these runes extended. Above, it spread directly to the illusory body of the Taiqing Sect Master.

At the same time, everyone found very clearly that the entire outer space around the sky was shaking at an extremely high frequency, as if there was a magic weapon bombarding the entire outer barrier of the outer space.

"Heavenly Dao, this is the Heavenly Dao hitting the outer sky, right?"

Under the trembling of the void, the muttering voice came from the monks in Fengxin City. Then these monks raised their heads and stared at the extremely dark dome above. They scanned the left and right sides, but found no abnormalities. .

There are no longer a few people from the sect who acted the same as this monk, but at the next breath, an old voice sounded directly in the ears of these monks:

"Everyone is confused, what I am waiting for now is the land outside the sky, the land outside the sky is above the Nine Heavens, so this heavenly way comes from below!"

As soon as this statement came out, before everyone turned their eyes down, an unprecedented roar suddenly resounded from below everyone.


Under this loud noise, the sky outside the sky suddenly began to tremble crazily, and this tremor was not because the Fengxin City at the feet of the cultivators was shaking, but the space, including everything in the space, was shaking crazily.

Then a blazing white thunder, from top to bottom, across the entire nine-day firmament, instantly appeared under the sky beyond the sky.

The speed of this thunder is faster than the thought flow of any cultivator. After most of the cultivators reacted, this ray of heavenly thunder has already blasted through the entire barrier of the sky with lightning speed. .


The time passed forward for a moment, after this ray of heavenly thunder flashed again, it appeared directly outside the Nantian Gate, beside the blooming Taiqing Dao lotus.

After a while, this blazing thunder continued to move forward, rushing into the Taiqing long sword full of runes of the heavens, and at the same time the runes on this sword, together with the immense majesty of the heavens, surged up at the same time. , Poured into the Taiqing Great Saint's body.

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar of the mountain roared like a tsunami, which came from the vague, not tall body of Great Sage Yu Taiqing.

Then, under the interweaving of countless lights, the dragon-like runes of the heavens spread upwards around the former's body, and in a blink of an eye it came to the middle-aged man's neck, followed by an extremely abrupt stop.

At the same time, Sect Master Taiqing stroked the twinkling spirit feathers of his eyebrows again, and a trace of nostalgia and smile appeared in his eyes, and then the former sighed slightly, his lips lightened, and he murmured.

This whisper came from the mouth of Sect Master Yu Taiqing, as if to himself, and also to Ling Yu, whose brows were twinkling, and at the same time, he was talking to the whole world:

"This saint, not for the Dao of Heaven, let alone for himself, but for the common people in the world!"

This murmur was not loud at first, but then it turned into a roar, deafening, resounding through the sky, and turned into a louder and louder shout, tearing through the endless space, and even spreading throughout the core of the Taixuan.

That is the most pure cry of a person who is pure and pure!

The roar fell, the Great Sage Taiqing no longer stayed at all, and directly closed his eyes.

At the same time, the Heavenly Dao rune that had almost completely covered the former's body, without any hindrance, rushed into the head of the Taiqing Sect Master.

"With his own body, can he do it?"

"Since the Great Sage Taiqing did this, he must be sure of it, it's just that."

At this point in the response, the person who spoke paused, and then continued with a lamented voice:

"It's just that the cost of doing so is too great. It can be said that from this moment on, there will be no Great Sage in the world!"

After this scream sounded, the loud noise caused by the trembling and shaking of the void stopped in an instant, and then the cyan figure above the Taiqing Daolian opened his eyes again.

At this moment, he is no longer Taiqing, but God!

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