The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2046: God's power

Close your eyes, open your eyes, at a thought, but completely different.

Because after opening his eyes, it is no longer Taiqing who holds the sword, but Heavenly Dao!

In the next moment, the pupils of the Great Sage Taiqing reopened his eyes, the original dazzling rich blue aura instantly dissipated, and replaced by the blazing white color that symbolizes the infinite heaven's punishment.

At the same time, the full-bodied Tianwei, turned into a wave visible to the naked eye, spread out around the platform outside Nanxianmen.


In the senses of all the people around, the entire line of sight in front of them was completely occupied by the sea of ​​heavenly punishment and thunder, and the next breath was a loud noise that shook the sky:


That was the majestic wave of the Heavenly Dao, the sound of the bombardment at Nanxianmen, and it was also the meaning of this supreme Heavenly Dao to obliterate this supreme palace suspended above the sky.

It is true that just like the people in the central government, unable to bear the holy court hanging above their heads, this heaven and earth, which absolutely dominates the heaven and earth, naturally regards the remains of the immortal palace out of control as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh.

After an instant, a wave of Heaven's Punishment like a thunderstorm crashed once again on this South Immortal Gate, and then there was another loud noise that spread to the sky.

But this time, even if the two strongest men of the Holy Venerable and Taiqing did not react to the death-to-life struggle, Nanxianmen suddenly shined, and changes that no one could predict began to take place.

I saw countless colorful lights radiating from within the fairy gate, rushing to the top, and instantly formed a huge light mask, directly covering the entire site of the issued fairy palace ruins.

At the same time, this huge colorful mask also blocked the mighty Heaven's Punishment and Thunder that overturned the sky, just like a colorful island standing in the raging sea, standing still.

Such a sudden change caused this qi machine in the sky outside the sky to once again turn into a very strange situation.

But one thing is certain, that is, the way of heaven that descended to the outer sky with the body of the Great Sage Taiqing, with every move, it is enough to easily destroy the sky and the earth, tear the sky!

"Boom boom boom!"

After a loud bang, the fuzzy figure standing proudly on the Qinglian took a deep look at the fairy palace in front of which was covered by the colorful light.

In the eyes of this figure, there is an infinite color of indifference. This color of indifference is even higher than the indifference in the eyes of the Lord. It has completely abandoned the so-called emotions, and some are just absolute rules and absolute reason. .

In the next breath, the shadow of the heavens retracted his gaze from the Xianting Sacred Palace in front of him, and looked down at the Taixuan burning lamp that was imprisoned by the Taiqing Daolian lotus, and within the orange burning lamp. , The deity added by the power of luck.

Tiandao's eyes had an extremely cold temperature, and even the void along the way was frozen with ice crystals visible to the naked eye.

As far as the holy deity is concerned, the primary purpose of his coming this time is to completely erase the holy deity below from this side of the world.

Therefore, he directly gave up on the barrier that smashed the Xiantian Palace in front of him, and slapped the will of the infinite regular circulation down.

Suddenly, this group of burning Tai Xuan burning lamps suddenly began to flicker violently, just like a precarious candle in a violent storm, perhaps in the next instant, it will be completely extinguished.

After an instant, there was a scream, which made the Taixuan burning lamp roll out:

"Heaven, you actually came here, and you dare to really appear outside this fairy court palace!"

In addition to the horror in the voice of the Lord, the original indifference was restored, and then he stopped the movement of breaking free from the whole body Taiqing Daolian, and his scarlet eyes met with the eyes of heaven, and the voice sounded again:

"If you go back 30,000 years, and give you three courage to the heavens, you will not dare to appear outside the Nanxian Gate when the Immortal Palace is at its strongest!

"As it changes today, your courage is fattening up, God!"

The words of the Lord were completely cold, but they did not get any response from the existence above, and even if the words of the Lord were several times more unpleasant, there would still be no change in the reaction of Heavenly Dao.

Because this is the way of heaven, ruthless, without desire, without any own emotions, and naturally speechless!

Heaven will not speak, but its supreme will to operate, but with the sea of ​​thunder that rolls and roars all over, it clearly reveals its supremacy to the world.

At the next breath, the mighty thunderous tide pouring out from the Nantianmen gate increased several times, and then the vague left hand of Tiandao lowered it, like the Taiqing Great Sage at the beginning, stacked on the one holding the hilt of the blue sword. On the back of the right hand.

In the will of the heaven coming at this time, the saint below must be obliterated, and within the rules of heaven, there is no hesitation.

Therefore, after an instant, the sword of Taiqing, which was originally blocked by the power of the Taixuan burning lamp and gas, changed drastically, and the torrent of the blazing white heavenly obliteration power was passed down along the hands holding the hilt, and transformed. As the thunder of the heavens, it runs through the entire sword.

Afterwards, the viscous force of air transport in the Lord's body, like a block of snow after being burned by flames, melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and made a particularly harsh evaporating sound.

As a derivative of the three supreme auras, the power of air transport is inherently capable of blocking the sharp edge, but at this time the sword of divine power pierced by the heavens is completely different.

Because this is the sword of the mighty heavenly punishment, the supreme punishment of the heavenly punishment that can destroy the power of Qi Luck!

Therefore, after a short while, this blazing white sword, as if unimpeded, completely shattered the air transport barrier outside the group of Tai Xuan burning lamps and lights, and pierced inward, directly piercing the body of the Lord.


In the next instant, the holy lord's roar with extreme pain suddenly rose to the sky, and saw this sword of heavenly power directly pierced the holy lord's hands that overlapped his head.

The sword tip pierced out, and Heavenly Punishment Thunder condensed and circulated with a more violent power. At the same time, Heavenly Dao held the sword in his hand without any pause, and continued to unswervingly descend.

Even if the Holy Venerable has exhausted his full power to prevent the piercing of this sword, even if the Tai Xuan burning lamp around the Holy Venerables fluctuates to an unprecedented degree, the speed of the piercing of this divine mighty sword has not slowed down.

Immediately under all the ups and downs of gaze, this sword of divine might approached the head of the Lord in the burning lamp bit by bit.

Before the sword arrived, the edge had already tore through the ruled body of the Lord, making the latter almost sleepless chaotic rules, and countless gray-black droplets dripped outwards.

Under such circumstances, the complexion of the monks of the sect was extremely ecstatic, and the next breath, countless uniform roars, came from the sect monks in Fengxin City:

"Under the heavenly path, the Lord is doomed to escape. This time, a new era will finally come!"

At the same time, accompanied by the roar of the mountain roaring like a tsunami, the sword of divine might came from top to bottom, piercing the body of the holy master completely.

The thunder of punishment in the sky condenses inward, directly forming a pillar of divine power that penetrates the entire void of the sky, vast and mighty, destroying everything.

At the same time, within this beam of light, the Lord turned into dust and scattered!

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