The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2047: Tianwei looks back

Taiqing, the Lord, the Way of Heaven.

Above the empty chessboard of the Taiwaitian, these three occupying the top of the world in the Taixuan Land, in a short period of time, played a thrilling, life-and-death game.

In other words, these three have gone through countless years of game, and in this life-and-death confrontation in a place outside the sky, they have gradually become clearer and clearer.

The path for monks to transcend between heaven and earth is from the widow to the many, and then from the many to the widow, and whether it is Taiqing or the Holy Venerable, they have reached the point where they can cover the sky by themselves.

In the end, the so-called number of people does not have much meaning for the existence of the two people, Taiqing and the Holy Venerable, for self-cultivation.

This is also one of the reasons why the Lord didn't care about the monks of the Holy Court after he left the customs.

The Great Sacred Realm is the ultimate cultivator of monks, and it can also be an existence that can wrestle with the heavens, but being able to wrestle does not mean that you can punish the sky. These are two completely different concepts.

As the saying goes, the more obsessed, the more afraid.

For countless years, the Lord has used the Xianting Palace and Lingxiao Hall to avoid the gaze of the heavens, and then used the Taixuan burning lamp to open up the connection with the Chaos Mie Shenhai, and to tend to the sleepless person a little bit. Get rid of the shackles of the five decays of heaven and man, in order to avenge the heavens.

Similarly, for so many years, Tiandao has also tried every means to obliterate this nobleman, including cultivating the sons of Taixuan, first using the sound of the court with the highest realm, and then using the sharpest Taiqing to eliminate and smash it. The infinite background and rules in the body of the Lord.

All of this is actually for this sword at this time.

This is a sword of heavenly power!

It is worth mentioning that the will of the Heavenly Dao that descended in the Taiqing Great Saint at this time is not just the Central Heavenly Dao in the core area of ​​the Central Plains of the Taixuan, but the will of the entire Seven Heavenly Dao of the Taixuan. In one place.

It is true that in the face of the old monster who has lived for so many years, even if it is the way of heaven that has been planning for countless years, he did not dare to ask for it.

"The sword of heaven and power, this is the sword of power and power!"

Outside the Nanxian Gate, the pillar of the mighty heavenly punishment thunder that runs through the entire outer sky, shining with a dazzling light that is hard to look at.

The flickering light shone on the faces full of horror, and at this time, for the originally disturbed sect monk in Fengxin City, he could finally put his heart to rest back. in the stomach.

This battle between the Sect Master of the Taiqing and the Sovereign was really too tortuous, and the situation changed drastically, causing every Taixuan monk to feel violent ups and downs. At this time, the high heavenly Dao came down and let all the monks come down. At this time, there is a sense of unreal trance.

Although he was in a daze, his heart’s awe and fear for the Dao of Heaven were inherent in the body. Therefore, facing the light of divine punishment that soared to the sky, a great sect master subconsciously withdrew a step backwards, with a solemn attitude. The voice continued:

"It is the first time that Tiandao can make his own shot in so many years. It shows the strength of this holy lord, but this time, the malignant tumor of this old age will finally be uprooted. It is undoubtedly a blessing for the people of the world! "

As soon as this statement fell, another sect was overhauled around him, nodded, and agreed:

"The saint and the holy court have occupied so much air force in the entire world for so many years. Now that he dies, these air luck will be completely reduced to zero and return to the Taixuan earth. This is the sky for the common people of the world. Great luck, just."

This is just a single word. The monk who opened his mouth paused, his face was complicated, and then he let out a sigh:

"It's just a pity, this Great Sage!"

This sigh undoubtedly speaks the heart of all the monks around. In many cases, the more pure people are, the more awe-inspiring they are. If a new era can be opened today, then the whole world must be grateful for this. This is the great sage of Taiqing who has worked hard to create peace for all ages!

After the four words Taiqing Great Sage appeared in the hearts of all the monks, these people raised their heads one after another and looked at the figure that continued to stand with the sword beyond the light beam of the divine mighty thunder in front of him.

In just a few moments, everything is right and wrong. The person in front of him is not clean, gentle, and some are just incomparable white divine punishment, as well as the coldness of seeing everything as a dog.

For some reason, looking at the infinitely tall figure of Heaven in front of him, a chill rose in the hearts of countless monks.

And in the next moment, this chill turned into boundless majesty, and it slammed into Fengxin City where the monks were located without any fancy.

In just a moment, the defensive barriers arranged by countless monks outside Fengxin City were torn to pieces in an instant. Then the monstrous majesty added to the body, causing countless monks in the city to directly soften their knees and kneel down with a bang. land.

At the same time, on the other side of the Nanxian Gate, the torrent of soldiers from the Central Government who was struggling to kill was directly swept away by this sky power, and then a soldier slammed on the platform outside the Nanxian Gate. , Tumbling far away.

In other words, with the supreme majesty of heaven, all the creatures below are not to be approached, not to look directly at, and not to be profaned!

The sky is rolling, covering all directions, and this place outside the sky may be the first time since its establishment that it has been swept back and forth by such a strong sky. This is undoubtedly the common will of these seven heavens and they are swearing themselves. The majesty.

Since the collapse of the Immortal Palace, not only the entire Taixuan Cangsheng has fallen into underestimation, and even the Heavenly Dao has suffered unprecedented severe damage, and now this heavenly majesty that has swept across the heavens is also this heavenly Dao, which is proclaiming to the world. Its revival!

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar of the power of the heavens impacting on the Nanxian Gate filled the ears of all the monks, and at the same time, the heads of these people seemed to be pressed down by the mountains, and it was difficult to lift them.

Even at this moment, the Heavenly Dao locked most of its will to the Thunder Pillar of God's Punishment in front of him, but the slight pouring of power already suppressed the surrounding monks, unable to breathe, even breathing completely. Stagnant.

The next breath, still standing proudly outside the southern sky gate, the shadow of the heaven that occupies the center of the entire sky, seemed to sense something, turned sideways slightly, turned his head, and looked back.

At this glance, there is another torrent of heavenly power!

After an instant, the void where Heaven's Dao's gaze was, the ice and thunder intertwined with each other, and stretched forward mightily.

Heaven looks back!

A moment later, the power of this look instantly entered the entire Fengxin City, and the end of this heavenly gaze was the colorful treasure ship where everyone in Daxia was standing.

At the same time, on the treasure ship, all Daxia people stood proudly like the emperor's shadow in the front, and did not bow down!

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