The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2051: The second step of the way of heaven

Most of the time, the reason why human calculations are not as good as heaven calculations is that heaven has almost eternal attributes, and the infinite life span has already determined this heaven, and in fact has already stood in an invincible place.

The Lord has been an absolute alien in the land of the Supreme Profound Land for countless years. With unparalleled endurance, he escaped the catastrophe that caused the collapse of the fairy palace, and also used the wisdom of the world to walk step by step to where it is today. Point.

The saint who created the holy court in one hand can be said to be under the heavenly way and dominate the common people!

But in Tiandao's view, the so-called brilliance and the so-called dominance of the heavens and the earth are all past moments, and even if it is the so-called long tens of thousands of years, from the eyes of Tiandao, there is no difference from the short and incomparable few breaths in normal days.

Once you have unlimited time, there will be an infinite number of choices and layouts you can make. On the other hand, if you want people to perish, you must first make people crazy!

Heavenly Dao has unlimited time to watch the carnival that belongs to mortals indifferently, and what Fang Tianda is best at is also to obliterate the madman's Luotuo.

Heavenly Dao often uses thunder means to completely destroy you when you are at your craziest and peak, just as it did at this time!

Outside the Nanxian Gate, the blazing white sword formed by the recondensation of Heaven's Punishment and Thunder easily tore open the void, and also nailed the group of burning lights that fled backwards to the ground of the platform.

And it is worth mentioning that at this time, this group of lights nailed outside the Nanxian Gate, almost completely extinguished, is only one step away from the holy palace that exudes colorful lights.

Although I don’t know if this short step is taken, the Lord can escape from the hands of heaven and death as before, but at the moment when the will of the seven heavens are all gathered, this possibility is already complete. to be excluded.


After an instant, the Tai Xuan burning lamp of the sword of Heaven's Punishment burst out with a burst of explosion, and although this roar was not loud, it made all the sect monks who were still in the outer sky tremble subconsciously. .

At the next breath, a turbid and chaotic blood flowed out of the burning lamp, and in a blink of an eye, it was completely evaporated by the mighty power of heaven's punishment, making an incomparably harsh hissing sound.


This scream seemed to be the last and most maddening roar of the Lord before he died. In this scream, there was unwillingness and pain, but there was no color of relief.

The Lord’s unwillingness is obvious, and the Lord Lord, who has lived in the two eras and has vaguely controlled the fall of the Supreme Profound Land for tens of thousands of years, only made such a roar. I have to say that it gives people a kind of extreme. The sense of contrast.

All creatures will eventually die. At this time, the roar left by the Lord who died by the hand of heaven is not long, and it falls in a blink of an eye. At the same time, the chaotic blood that gushes out of the burning lamp is also completely destroyed. Evaporated.

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth!

At the next breath, the entire sky outside the sky fell completely into silence, and in this extremely strange silence, every sect monk, even at this time, had already rushed to the center above the Nanxianmen platform. The soldiers of the country did not have any joy on their faces.

It stands to reason that when these people's common enemy, the Lord, died in front of them, and the long-cherished wishes of several generations have been fulfilled, then all that is left is ecstasy and relief.

But like today's outer sky, there is no joy or shouting, some are just coldness and fear, that is the coldness of the current situation, and the fear of indifference to the heavens!

For all sect monks, although the means of the Holy Venerable can reach the sky, these people still have the hope of defeating him in their hearts, but facing the will of the heavens standing outside the Nanxian gate at this time, even this little thought, Can't rise.

His own life and death may be between the eyes of Heavenly Dao. This kind of coldness emerging from the depths of his heart is enough to freeze every monk who knows the soul of the sea.

At this time, the situation in Tianwaitian, the monks behind, are like prisoners who are waiting for Tianwei’s punishment. Life and death are hard to control, and every minute and every second that passes forward is a torture of incomparable torture. .

Then a series of gazes intertwined with fear and anxiety, they crossed the void of the world that was almost full of cracks, and condensed on the figure outside the colorful Nanxian Gate.

Compared with when it first came, at this time, on this not tall body, a series of tiny cracks have begun to appear. Although these cracks are not large, they are numerous and continue to spread outward.

It is true that although the body that the will of the Tao came to today was attracted by the strongest Taiqing Great Sage with his own rules, this does not mean that the latter can fully carry the common will condensed by the seven heavens.

Therefore, the existence of the Heavenly Dao in this side of the sky is destined to not be too long, and before the Taiqing Great Sage's body is completely shattered, it must return to the Taixuan sky below.

At the next breath, all the gazes looking ahead suddenly began to fluctuate extremely violently, because the shadow of the heavenly path, after a moment, continued to start its own actions.

And the momentary pause just now, it seemed that Heavenly Dao was thinking according to its own rules, and after this brief thought, the Shadow of Heavenly Dao began its own follow-up actions.

It chose to give up obliterating the uneasy creatures in Fengxin City behind it, but instead tried to use a limited time to conquer the fairy palace that exudes colorful camouflage in front of it.

If there is obsession with the Dao of Heaven, then the Xianting Palace in front of you is obsessed with the Dao of Heaven!

After an instant, the right hand condensed by God's mighty thunder, gently lifted forward again, and then the blazing white thunder sword flew directly back, returning to the hands of the will of the heavens.

In the next moment, this heavenly will, grasped the blazing white sword in front of him, and at the same time raised his foot, stepped forward.

This step seemed to be stepping directly on the weak underbelly of Tianwaitian, directly causing endless waves and crashing forward.


The tumbling and roaring Tianchao tsunami continued to rush forward, and then ran into the Immortal Palace in front of him again without any fancy, and made a more violent roar. At the same time, the void of the entire sky, the crackling crackling sound, was once again extremely dense. Sounded.

At the next breath, after taking a step, Tiandao Will once again raised his foot and stepped forward. At the same time, the right hand holding the sword lifted up, and the sword's front pointed directly at the Nanxian Gate ahead.


The will of heaven raises the sword, and the **** punishes Tianwei with natural riots.

Subsequently, the substantive laws of obliteration of the heavens began to gather violently on the sword of the heavens. Before it was cut out, the edge had already split the entire void in front, and caused the colorful light cover covering the Xianting Sacred Palace to tremble.

"Heavenly Dao, what the Heavenly Dao has to do after destroying the Holy Venerable is to completely conquer the entire Xianting Palace?"

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