"Your Majesty, it seems that Daxia, we still can't enter the eyes of the will of this heaven."

Above the devastated and almost shattered Fengxin City, inside the volleyed Daxia Treasure Ship, the voice of Sima Annan sounded.

When this voice fell, this handsome face, but the thoughtful Da Xia Zhongli's eyes, slowly let out a sigh, and then listened to the voice from the young emperor:

"There are only the most pristine rules for the operation of Heavenly Dao, and within the rules of Heavenly Dao, the sequence of the fairy palace in front of you naturally exceeds my Daxia."

Zhao Yu’s emperor’s voice did not have too many ups and downs, because it was simply stating a fact, but after speaking, the young emperor paused slightly, his black eyes staring at the front and raising the sword forward, causing divine punishment. Tianwei's frantically trembling figure sounded word by word:

"The existence of Tianwaitian and Xianting Sacred Palace is the greatest blasphemy against this Tiandao, and Tiandao has planned for countless years for this, and paid the tragic price of Futing Sheng, Taiqing and other Taixuan sons, naturally not just for Kill a saint!"

As soon as Zhao Yu said this, the Daxia Taboos around him frowned, and then the voice from Sima Annan continued to sound:

"It turns out that Heavenly Dao has worked so hard to come down to this Heavenly Heaven in order to completely obliterate this Immortal Palace Holy Palace, or in other words, obliterate everything that belonged to the former Immortal Palace!"

All these two words, Sima Annan bite extraordinarily, but the words did not fall, outside the Nanxian Gate, the will of heaven holding the sword, without any hesitation, directly held the sword, facing the majestic and magnificent front, exuding strands The Nanxian Gate of colorful light suddenly cut out.

With one sword, the heavens will move!

In the next instant, the extremely dazzling light of Heaven's Punishment shining in the void once again, and then the dazzling light moved forward, turning into a stream of light that was difficult for the naked eye to see directly, and slashed on the colorful mask outside the Nanxian Gate.


The sword that was slashed by the will of Heaven with all its strength is completely indescribable, and it can even be regarded as the shadow of Heaven at this time, using the power of the entire Supreme Profound Land to slash the immortal without reservation. Above the courtyard holy palace.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the colorful enchantment that was originally shrouded in Nanxianmen sagged directly inward, just like a ball being prodded hard.

At the same time, the magnificent Nanxianmen, which suppressed the entire sky outside the sky, also began to tremble crazily to an unprecedented degree.

As everyone knows, the fairy gate of Xianting Sacred Palace is the core of the entire Tianwaitian Void core, and once this fairy gate is chopped by a sword, then the feedback to the outside world will be a void tsunami magnified countless times.


In the next instant, wave after wave of void tsunami, directly centered on Nanxianmen, poured out crazily, this is this Nanxianmen, which is spreading the power of the heavenly punishment it has endured in all directions.

At the same time, the void outside the Xianting Sacred Palace was completely shattered and spread outwards rapidly, but then, the void that was subsequently fragmented and spread began to roll back very strangely, forming a very strange picture. A shocking scene.

This scene is like rolling void sea water, directly hitting the dam and being washed back, and this dam is a figure, the will of heaven holding a sword to continue to take a step forward.


After a soft sound, Tiandao Will took another step forward, and the sword held in his right hand also extended a section forward, and this short section forward, for the entire world that has already been swayed by wind and rain, it is even more disintegrating. The devastation.

At the same time, with this small step of Heaven, the Seven-Colored Enchantment outside the Xian Ting Sacred Palace that was poked to the limit could no longer be resisted, and countless dense cracks appeared directly.

As the most important core place of the Immortal Palace, the Xianting Sacred Palace has had the world's first-class defense barrier since its construction. At this time, the colorful barrier that stands in the sea of ​​the gods of heaven's punishment is this saint. Palace, in the face of crisis, it operates on its own.

However, the time has passed, and the fairy palace is no longer the former fairy palace, and the heaven is not the old heaven. And since the heaven has planned for so many years and finally stood outside the fairy palace, it is enough to show that its will to conquer is unparalleled.

"Crack, click!"

A series of extremely dense and ear-piercing shattering sounds once again sounded more densely above the barrier outside the fairy court holy palace, and once this barrier was completely shattered under the power of punishment, it means this The Will of Heaven can open the Nanxian Gate for the first time after the Immortal Palace dominates the world, and step into this heavenly immortal palace grandiosely.

Although the way of heaven is not like ordinary mortals, it has the emotion of turmoil after getting what you want, but for some reason, the horrible figure in the sight of everyone, the fluctuations pouring outwards are more violent and more violent.

Afterwards, this figure, which was shrouded in infinite white light, which was already difficult to look at directly, stopped the action of thrusting the sword forward, and finally withdrew it directly back, and then thrust forward with a sword.

During this stab, the second sword of Heaven's Path was formed again.


The second sword that Heavenly Dao Will stabs Nanxianmen, the power of divine punishment contained in it is also difficult to describe in words, and then the light of Heaven's Punishment extends forward again, bombarding the cracked colorful barrier.

After another breath of time, the colorful barrier right in front of the Nanxian Gate was opened without fancy to a huge dark hole, and this huge hole is so conspicuous, it also shocked all the monks who witnessed it. .

"This Heavenly Dao Will tore open the barrier outside the Xian Ting Sacred Palace, it is about to completely conquer this Xian Ting Sacred Palace, it is invincible!"

After a murmur of fear and awe was heard from the mouth of a major sect, a massive flood of Heavenly Punishment began to rush into it along the broken barrier hole.

Then this endless Tianwei and that Nantian Gate really collided, just like two stars in the galaxy, no fancy collision!


After an instant, this place outside the sky, also because the roar was too loud, directly fell into a very strange silence, and within this silent silence, the will of the heaven holding the sword outside the Nanxian Gate, The right hand holding the sword continued to rise.

In the next moment, the blazing white sword of heaven was cut out again from bottom to top, and then the shining light of the heavenly punishment turned into a mighty crescent, which soared into the sky, directly blasting the colorful colors that had been blasted out of a big hole. The enchantment is completely divided into two.

Heavenly Dao wielded two swords, and the fairy palace had no defense at all!

At the same time, this **** of heaven will look straight ahead, continue to raise his foot, step by step forward.

It wants to destroy the incomparable fairy palace in front of it. It will clearly prove that any glory and glory are temporary, and only eternal time is truly unbeaten!

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