The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2053: Great prince

The so-called invincible world is actually a relative concept.

Because once the times begin to change, then there will be talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

In the infinitely long history of the Taixuan Land, there are frequent generations of amazing talents, even Taiqing and Fu Tingsheng, who dare not say that they are unprecedented, not to mention those who have no future.

However, there is a terrifying era, which allows Tiandao to plan for countless years to completely destroy it from the ruler to the core building.

This era is undoubtedly the fairy palace!

In fact, no one of the monks gathered at this time in Tianwaitian, except for a few people such as the old monarchs of the Central Shangguo, can really understand the strength of the fairy palace.

But the way of heaven is different, so with two swords, the will of the way of heaven that smashed the barrier outside the fairy palace, step by step towards the southern heaven gate, firm and steady, full of meaning to obliterate.

It has come to the final step of its own rules and plans.

The Lord has died, and once the Xianting Palace in front of you is completely destroyed, then the world's luck will be completely reshuffled, and this tens of thousands of years of chaos will be ended, then a brand new under the control of heaven. The era will start.

In the eyes of everyone, cutting off the past and opening a new era is just like the sequence that Tao is going to run today!

In fact, the will of Heaven that descended into the Taiqing Great Saint's body at this time was completely transformed by rules, so there was no sound at all during the journey, but for some reason, every step of the figure in the front stepped out, it was still the surviving sect in the back. The monks all felt a loud noise after another, knocking in their hearts.

"Da, da, da!"

These loud noises are like a big mountain. It is difficult for everyone to breathe, and some people with a shallow cultivation base, after a muffled sound, directly spit out a mouthful of blood, but held their mouths firmly without making any noise. .

Then the silence of this place outside the sky began to spread outwards, and under the gaze of countless light, the will of Heaven, holding the sword in his right hand, was getting closer and closer to the Nanxian Gate.

At this time, the Nanxian Gate was opened for the most part because of the impact of the Tianwei torrent. You can even see the Baiyu Avenue with many cracks behind the door.

Once inside and outside the South Immortal Gate, there were Jinhai and Yinshan two towering town gates guarded by suppression. At the same time, the large formations set up by countless heavenly soldiers and generals of the ancient fairy court were enough to protect this fairy palace from the wind.

However, at this time, this South Immortal Gate stood alone. In other words, this Immortal Palace ushered in the most terrifying enemy when it was at its weakest.

Step by step, the eyes of Tiandao Will, which is getting closer and closer to the Nanxian Gate, are still filled with unsentimental white light. Then the figure walking forward officially appears outside the Nantian Gate, and it is here. In an instant, it stopped his figure.

This extremely strange move caused the monk who was commenting on all this to have a thick incomprehensible color on his face, but soon, this incomprehension surged directly into a shock.

Because an old and strong voice suddenly rang out from within the Xianting Sacred Palace:

"Heaven, you can be forgiving and forgiving. The fairy palace has been completely destroyed for tens of thousands of years. At this time, the fairy palace, from the Tongtian Emperor, to the last grade, is long gone. .

"This place today is just a dilapidated building, so there really is no need to fight so much."

In this old voice, there was a full sigh, but all the monks in the rear heard it, but they were no less than the sea of ​​majesty and punishment. They once again roared crazily in the sea of ​​knowledge, and then blurted out:

"who is it?"

This is the horror in the word "who", which is obvious, because no one can think of this place, in addition to the three strong existences of Taiqing, the Holy Venerable, and the Heavenly Dao, there is still another person hidden.

At the same time, this voice appeared abruptly, and even the Heavenly Dao consciousness that stood proudly outside the Nanxian Gate at this time, the operation of the rules, there was a momentary pause.

Because it clearly deviated from the former's control of the entire development of the situation, it can be said that there has been a deviation, and in the face of this deviation, the will of Heaven will make its own response in the next instant.

After that, the blazing white shadow once again held the sword and raised his hand, and directly cut out to the front of the sound.

In the next instant, the void was completely cut in half again, and after the torrent of the rules of Heaven's Punishment rushed forward, it continued to bombard the Nantian Gate without fancy, making a loud noise that shook the sky.


While this loud noise tore through the silence of the outside world, it also shattered countless layers of the outside world behind the South Heaven Gate, and then in the deepest part of the void, a group of lights came on.

Too mysterious burning lamp!

"Tai Xuan burning lamp, how come it is a group of Tai Xuan burning lamp, is it because this Holy Venerable hasn't died yet?"

As soon as this group of lights appeared in the deepest part of Nantianmen, the exclamation of Fengxin City immediately sounded, and then the rest of the sects shook their heads directly, denying:

"This is impossible. Under the divine power and punishment, the Holy Venerable cannot be alive. He may be able to hide from everyone, but under the lock of heaven, unless he can jump directly to a place beyond the sky, then it must be To be cut to death."

After speaking, the sect of the sect was overhauled, his eyes began to fluctuate, and the words of each word continued to be heard:

"There is no doubt that there is another existence within this group of Tai Xuan burning lamps, but who can this be?"

This questioning whisper undoubtedly uttered everyone's heartfelt thoughts, and as soon as this statement fell, after the Nantian Gate, there was originally only a nail-sized Taixuan lamp, suddenly beating, and swelling outward into a fist. At the same time, this old voice continued to say:

"Heaven, you should understand very well that my fairy court has been in charge of the world for so many years, and has never done anything to harm the common people. On the contrary, because of the kindness of Emperor Tongtian, the war in this continent has been unsuccessful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Supreme Profound Land has never had a peak and prosperous scene in countless years."

When the words fell, the burning lamp spread outwards again, forming a person the size of a person, and then began to fluctuate, as if there were some who wanted to walk out from behind the lamp.

In the next moment, under the gaze of countless undulating lines of sight, the lights separated to the sides, and the first ray of different colors emerged behind the lights.

That is a wisp of purple awn!

Then the purple light grew more and more, forming a figure that walked out directly, the figure was old, with long hair flying in the back of his head, an old man with infinite gaze.

At the same time, the purple light spread out to the entire Nanxian Gate. Within the purple light, the voice that belonged to the old man became louder and louder, resounding everywhere:

"Once the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth came, Wuxiangong did not resist, but silently accepted it. When you wiped out everything in the land of Taixuan, the same was true for Wuxiangong.

"Now, Maharaja Zhongtian, the head of the four imperial emperors under the seat of the Immortal Emperor Tongtian, is here to ask Heavenly Dao, why do you want to press so hard at every step?"

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