The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2054: The most unending road

Under the heaven and the earth, for countless years, there are always variables, and there are some variables, perhaps even this so-called omnipotent heavenly way is unexpected.

Now outside the Nanxian Gate, the Four Royal Zhongtian Maharajas who walked out of the Taixuan burning lamp were completely beyond everyone's expectations.

At the same time, this purple-looking figure appeared on the Baiyu Avenue behind Nanxianmen, and it also represented that the Xianting Sacred Palace at this time was not empty, nor was it a fish to be slaughtered.

But as everyone knows, the appearance of Maharajah at this time has caused such turbulent waves in the hearts of the surrounding sect monks, because this may represent a terrifying thought:

"Perhaps this ancient fairy garden has not completely collapsed?"

As soon as this thought came up, a chill that made the whole body start to tremble, which made it easy for all the monks to gush out of their hearts, rushing straight into the sea of ​​knowledge, and looking at the pupils in front of them, they also began to swell and shrink.

"If this Heavenly Dao Will has emotions, then it should be extremely shocked at this time!"

On the deck of the big summer treasure ship, Sima Annan also sounded with horror, accompanied by the purple gas gushing out of the fairy palace in front of him.

In fact, it's not just him, all Daxia Taboos have the same astonishment on their faces, although Daxia has already known the existence of the Four Royal Monarchs in advance, compared to the rest of the sect monks in the Taixuan Land. But watching the Great Lord Zhongtian really appear in front of Heavenly Dao, he was still shocked.

Undoubtedly, the beginning of the transformation indicates that the situation that has already begun to be clear and clear, once again tends to be chaotic, one wave is not flat, one wave is rising, but it is certain that this heavenly will is still in the current grasp. The one with the most chances of winning.

"I feel a strange breath."

At the next breath, at the end of the treasure ship’s deck, the voice from Zhao Yu made all the Daxia officials behind them feel stunned, because they have infinite confidence in their great emperor, and once the young emperor said this, it meant What is currently emerging is not a small change.

That may be an upheaval that can completely change the entire pattern of heaven and earth!

At the same time, Zhao Yu's voice just fell, and within the Xianting Sacred Palace, the louder and louder old voice from Maharaja Zhongtian came out again:

"Back then, the Immortal Emperor Tongtian summoned the immortal gods of the Immortal Palace to gather in the High Heaven Hall, in order to deal with this so-called era of killing and calamity.

"The Xiandi once said that the heaven and the earth will be an epoch, and once the epoch is over, the heaven and the earth and everything will be restarted, and the sorrow of our Xianting Sacred Palace is actually that, although it is Peak, but to face the catastrophe of the restart of this era.

"What a great talent is your Majesty the Emperor, for the development of the general trend of the world, you don't need to be far from heaven!"

This difference of three words came out from the Lord Zhongtian, with a thunderous sound, and then his body covered by dazzling purple awns began to solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a majestic old man wearing a purple imperial robe. .

Although the Lord Zhongtian at this time was only transformed after the soul revived, the domineering majesty that once dominated the party still spread out wave after wave along with the purple energy, while watching the gaze of the will of the heaven in front of him. , Brought unparalleled power.

Afterwards, the sky outside the sky, the voice belonging to Maharajah Zhongtian, sounded again:

"The Holy Venerable was once the penman of a small Immortal Emperor. Although he was a servant of the Immortal Emperor, he could get news that ordinary people didn’t know, but don’t forget, what the Holy Venerable can hear depends on what the Immortal Emperor tells. What about him."

As soon as this statement came out, the hearts of all the monks who heard it were bitterly chilling. It is true that these sect monks, who have lived in the shadow of the holy court and the holy since their birth, naturally know the means and control of the holy.

You know, even the Seven Heavenly Ways of the Supreme Profound Land, in order to completely obliterate the Holy Venerable, spent tens of thousands of years on the layout, but now hearing the words of the Lord Zhongtian, it seems that this was originally impossible. The Lord is also part of a big chess game.

Thinking about this, how to avoid making people think about it, and this game of chess, even the seven heavens in front of it, are also counted.

Ordinary cultivators can think of this, and they have the heavenly path that operates infinite rules, so they can naturally take it into consideration, and the reaction of the will of the heavenly path is countless times faster.


There was another light stepping sound, but what surprised everyone was that at this step, the will of Tiandao was not toward the Nantian Gate in front, but stepped out toward the rear.

At the same time, a strange cry of horror came directly from the mouths of a large number of monks who had witnessed all this:

"The heaven is above, the will of the heaven is actually retreating!"

Before the words fell, within everyone's sight, this Heavenly Dao Will took another step back, and at the same time, the cracks on his body spread out and cracked. This behavior caused the exclamation of the rear to continue to sound abruptly. :

"Heaven's will to give up conquering the Immortal Court Saint Palace in front of him, and its move is to leave this outer sky and return to Taixuan!"

As soon as Sima Annan's words fell, Zhao Yu at the front of the deck raised his head, his dark eyes looked straight ahead, and Di Yin continued to roll out:

"The first sequence of the Heavenly Dao must be its own safety, so once it feels any crisis, it will directly choose to return to Taixuan.

"Don’t forget, this place is a place outside the sky. It is the heaven outside the sky where all the heavens need to use the body of the Great Sage Taiqing to descend. Once the Taiqing body remains in the outside sky before the body of Taiqing is completely shattered, then it is equivalent to being trapped. This is undoubtedly the most devastating blow in this place."

As soon as this emperor's voice came out, countless people behind were staring at the taboos in front of them. The eyes that were still calm before, directly caused a particularly violent wave, because they seemed to have thought of the appearance of the four imperial princes, the purpose What is it!

In the next instant, the Great Lord Zhongtian, who was completely condensed in the Nantian Gate, made an action that was completely opposite to the will of Tiandao. He did not retreat but moved forward, and directly took a step forward.

With this step, the will of the Lord Zhongtian poured out without reservation.

He wants to attack, he wants to attack the heaven in front of him!


The Qi machine shrouded outside the Xian Ting Sacred Palace once again circulated violently in a direction that no one could predict, and then the infinite purple Qi that swept out suddenly spread out vastly, like a purple torrent, sweeping past This majestic and huge fairy palace.

Afterwards, within the billowing purple energy, the Lord Zhongtian, who had become more and more tall, once again took a step towards the retreating will of the heavens, and the words of each word resounded from all directions:

"When the Emperor Tongtian made a plan for this century, he considered giving you two paths to heaven, but in the end, the will of heaven you still appeared outside the Xianting Holy Palace.

"It's a pity, you finally chose the most unending path!"

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