The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2055: The Way of God Retreats

Hum, hum, with the sound of Maharaja Zhongtian, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, Tiandao continued to withdraw three steps backwards.

The retreat of the way of heaven makes it difficult for all the monks who have witnessed this to believe their eyes. It turns out that the way of heaven that is inexhaustible and waved to kill all things will also retreat!

As Zhao Yu said before, as far as Tian Dao is concerned, guaranteeing his own safety is always the highest priority, and in this place outside the sky, after the Emperor Zhongtian comes down with boundless purple energy, this is from seven. The will formed by Fang Tiandao undoubtedly felt an unprecedented threat.

Therefore, the will of the Heavenly Dao, did not hesitate to execute the action of returning to Taixuan. After taking three steps, on the entire blazing body, countless heavenly punishments and thunder flashed, almost wanting to completely escape from the Nanxian Gate backwards. Shrouded in scope.

But at the same time, the Great Lord Zhongtian, who has completely stepped out of the Xianting Saint Palace, suddenly raised his hands, opened them outwards, and continued to blast into the world with a roar:

"Heaven, if you can accept the existence of this ruined building after the collapse of the Immortal Palace for so many years, then my Immortal Palace Saint Palace will not violate the river water with you, and concentrate on dealing with this so-called epoch catastrophe.

"However, your Majesty Tongtian Immortal Emperor is right. In this epoch catastrophe, not only is everything to be restarted, including your heavenly path, in fact, there is no difference between you and all living beings.

"So you are doing everything possible to occupy a more powerful position in this catastrophe. On the other hand, the way of heaven should be completely regularized, and once there is a threat of survival, then the sequence of preserving yourself in your core, It's a variable!"

The grandmaster Zhongtian's roar fell, and after the seven-color barrier shattered, the dim Nanxianmen platform suddenly began to shine outwards with extremely rich purple light.

Then these purple awns extended outwards, and at an unparalleled speed, they instantly covered every inch of the void in this land beyond the sky. This speed is so extraordinary, just like the original purple awns have been hidden in the deepest part of the void outside the sky. Only then did it burst out completely.

"Could this be the craze of crape myrtle that could only be controlled by the Great Emperor of the Immortal Palace?"

In Fengxin City, a number of extremely senior elderly overhauled, raised their hands, looked down at the purple gas that was lingering over their hands, which could only be seen but not touched, and continued to mutter:

"It is said that this crape myrtle qi is not god-like, independent of the heavenly system, and only unique to the former Emperor Tongtian. Why do these four imperial princes also have it?"

As soon as this question fell, the response from another old monk on the side immediately sounded:

"The air of the crape myrtle in the depths of the sky outside the sky is not released by the Lord Zhongtian, but is originally arranged in this place outside the sky.

"In other words, this is a game, a game that has been hidden for countless years, waiting for Tiandao to appear outside Nanxianmen!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the monks in Fengxin City who heard the words felt their eyes dizzy violently, and it was almost impossible to stand still, and after shaking, they were in a deep trance.

Since it is a game for the heavens, naturally there must be a bait, and this bait is the Lord!

"I think the world has been laid out for tens of thousands of years. In the end, it will only be in the middle of the game. If the Lord sees the scene at this time, he will inevitably die?"

After this trance voice came out, all the monks' faces showed extremely complicated emotions, and then the complicated eyes were quickly occupied by horror.

Because of the thick crape myrtle aura that originally hovered around the body, suddenly under the action of a mysterious force, all of them surged towards the void of the sky.

In the next instant, a little bit of purple light began to appear around the void where the Xianting Sacred Palace was located. These purple light were very inconspicuous at first, but within a very short time, they suddenly became extremely dazzling.

This kind of dazzling, just like in the void of the outer sky, directly appeared rounds of dazzling purple suns, and at the same time, the sights within these purple suns began to gradually appear in everyone's eyes.

"Shenzhu, among the dazzling crape myrtle aura, there are actually big pillars from the sky!"

Accompanied by the exclamation of countless monks, more and more purple pillars surrounded by the air of crape myrtle began to appear in the void outside the sky, and these crape myrtle pillars, connected to each other, directly formed a huge sphere, and the center The Celestial Palace is completely surrounded.

There is no doubt that this is an infinitely stunning array against the sky!

So far, no one has a clear understanding of the role of this large formation, but they have already felt the infinite changes in the Qi machine in advance, so they opened their mouths and stared at the front with a dull face, which formed in the blink of an eye. The shocking array.

In fact, it only took a few thoughts ups and downs from the emergence of the purple air in the sky to the emergence of the big formation, but for the monks in Fengxin City, it was completely unparalleled.

But no matter how shocking the minds of these monks were, in this mantis hunting cicadas and the oriole in the middle game, they were the most inconspicuous people who looked up, and they didn't even have the qualifications to enter the game foil and embellishment.

This is the sorrow of mortals, who never have the right to choose, they can only accept the victory of either party, and then bow their heads and endure the rule in silence.

But for the monk whose complexion changed again and again in Fengxin City at this time, it was not known whether it was luck or misfortune to be able to witness with his own eyes what was happening in the sky at this time.

"If this Heavenly Dao is really imprisoned by the Immortal Palace in this Heaven and Outer Heaven, then what will happen to this Heaven and Earth, I really dare not think about it."

On the Daxia Treasure Ship, Sima Annan trembled extremely clearly when he said this. Obviously, even this young man who had seen the big scene couldn’t help it when he witnessed what was happening in front of him. Sweat on the forehead.

At the same time, just after the words fell, the brows of all Daxia Taboo began to jump wildly, because the white figure of Heavenly Dao Consciousness under everyone's gaze disappeared in an instant.

After an instant, a dazzling light of thunder appeared abruptly among the purple glow of the sky outside the sky.

The thunder light was like a sword light, flying out from the Nanxian Gate, straight down without fancy, like a thunder from the sky, instantly splitting the entire sky outside the sky from the center, completely splitting it into two.

The speed of this thunder falling downward is so exaggerated that it even surpasses the beating of almost all monks' thinking, and at this time, it is only the phantom that it left on the void.


A fierce riot sounded in all the monks' formation, no matter how powerful the Heavenly Dao turned into thunder at this time, it could not obliterate a trembling fact.

Heaven is shrinking!

In the next instant, incredible shouts, resounding through the entire sky outside the sky:

"Heaven will retreat before the war, what kind of terrifying means did the great formation arranged by the fairy palace before these long years?"

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