The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2056: Crape myrtle

There is no such thing as shame or shame in Tiandao.

It just moves toward the established rules, and under the entire world, for countless years, there are many variables beyond the calculations of the heavens, and for such variables, the heavens will take an extremely long time to calculate and clear them.

But before that, they need to guarantee one thing, and that is their own safety.

A thunderbolt that pierced the void from top to bottom, smashed into the outer sky, and fell towards the nine heavens below. The infinite power contained in this thunderbolt was fierce, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, just as it was when it came.

Perhaps in this world, only the Dao of Heaven at this time can shake the world and shock the world when it comes and retreats.

However, it is extremely ironic that at this time, the Thunder that retreated to the Taixuan Land below, in the eyes of everyone, all fled, and the route of the retreat of the will of Heaven is exactly the same as it was when it came vigorously.

"It's the first time in countless years that Tiandao can run away in such a hurry!"

After the dazzling thunder light penetrated the sky full of purple light, shining in the eyes of Sima Annan and other Daxia taboos, the burly old man under the Nantian Gate opened his arms outward and shook inward at the same time.

After an instant, the columns of crape myrtle condensed out of the sky outside the sky were all generous and bright. At the same time, on top of this purple column, countless complex runes lit up and began to connect with each other.

The connection between the runes at this time is not only the runes and runes on the pillars, but also an unimaginable connection between the **** pillar and the **** pillar in an instant.

Afterwards, countless purple lights gushing out from within each sacred pillar, and after being connected to each other, they formed a huge light shield enchantment, directly in front of the thunder of the will of the heavens.

This great formation enchantment, when viewed from a distance, is like a large web woven from countless purple spider silks, and like a huge hand that is carefully woven to cover the sky, completely enveloped the entire sky outside the sky. Leave no gaps.


In the next instant, the thunder formed by the will of the heavens directly confronted this enchantment at the same place.

As soon as the light hit the face, the infinitely sharp Tianwei Thunder directly cut open the countless intertwined purple threads in front of him, causing countless deafening and violent roars.

At the same time, because of the terrifying power contained in this crape myrtle week sky array, the speed of the sky's thunderbolt down to the Taixuan land below was directly restrained by a large amount.

In this situation, it was as if this blazing white thunder pillar containing infinite power was suddenly plunged into a quagmire, and the speed suddenly became extremely slow.

Then a monk from the sect fully reacted, and suddenly lowered his head, only to see that the thunder phantom in the void above had not yet been extinguished, and within the sacred pillar below, another light of thunder shone out.

"Tian Dao, for a long time, countless gods in our fairy palace have been infinitely proud of this heaven and heaven, this fairy court holy palace, although because of the previous disasters, the fairy palace has no longer peaked and prospered, but this As an old man in the fairy palace, you naturally have to do everything you like as a landlord, so since you are here, don't leave in such a hurry!"

On the same day, when Dao Ting continued to tear the crape myrtle formation below and tried to return to the Taixuan land, the voice from Maharajah Zhongtian directly resounded in all directions and continued to reverberate.

After finishing the sentence, the old man with open hands suddenly raised his hand and pointed it down, then pulled it back.


This pulling, pulling the endless crape myrtle gas, and pulling at the same time, there is the entire formation!

In the next moment, the purple lines that shoot out from within each crape myrtle sacred pillar rune are denser, and the entire array begins to circulate slowly, and at the same time the uppermost sacred pillars begin to shift and change their positions extremely quickly. The speed changes the form.

Soon, under the control of Maharaja Zhongtian, the defense at the bottom of this Zhoutian Lagerstroemia array was strengthened hundreds of times, and the purple line connecting the **** pillars suddenly became thicker by countless times, as if From the original thin thread, it became a chain the size of an adult's fist.


Finally, after this extremely harsh sound came out, everyone was horrified to discover that so far, whether it is the power of the three extinguishments of the Lord, or the heavenly sword that can be directly cut by the power of the incomparably weird luck , Unexpectedly there was a blockage when severing the chain of crape myrtle.

This kind of obstruction was not obvious at first, but with the infinite power of this crape myrtle array sinking more and more, the speed of the sword cutting the chains became slower and slower, and in the end it even killed the will of the heaven. Dead trapped in place.

This is undoubtedly a scene that is unpredictable for everyone, but the naked reality, like a heavy hammer, strikes the hearts of the cultivators!

They didn't expect that this invincible will of Heaven is now like a trapped beast, being placed on the void.

This is the Heavenly Dao of the Supreme Profound Land, and it is the strongest will aggregation of the Seven Heavenly Daos in the Supreme Profound Land!

Thinking of this, a chill enough to radiate every inch of flesh and blood from the whole body once again surged out, and in the next moment, all the cultivators subconsciously let out a cry of surprise:


Because of the blazing white figure holding the sword that was blocked above the void, he directly turned around, raised the sword upwards, and slashed out a sword without any fancy to the place where the Great Lord Zhongtian was outside the Nanxian Gate above.

The long sword condensed by the dazzling Tianwei swung an incomparably mysterious trajectory, and at the same time, Tianpu’s sharpness completely ignored the shackles of space, and at the moment when the sword of Tiandao was swung, the void in front of the Lord Zhongtian was directly torn. Cracked open.

Those who break the formation before breaking the formation, this is Tiandao's response.

After a short while, the unparalleled power of the sky poured out in the void, and in this torrent of sharp edges, a sword light contained in it, and instantly appeared in front of the Lord Zhongtian.

No matter what the situation of the will of Heaven is in everyone's eyes, one thing remains the same, that is, the single talk about combat power, the blazing white shadow that gathers the will of the heavens from the seven directions is invincible.

Heaven's will is invincible, so the sword it slashed out is equally invincible!

So in the next moment, even if the Emperor Zhongtian raised his hand to form a seal, the billowing purple air set up countless layers of barriers in front of him, but he was still shattered in an instant.

Then this sword light continued to extend forward, cutting the purple-clothed old man standing proudly outside Nanxianmen straight back, and even cut it almost completely in two.

The body that had only recovered after tens of thousands of years, Majesty Zhongtian, was simply the body of a mortal, so under the sword of Heaven, it was completely destroyed and turned into powder.

However, the thought of the four imperial ranks still held up the sword, and after this thought was cut into the air, it slammed into the Nanxian Gate behind, and made a loud noise:


This loud bang is like a bell, and like a death knell for whom!

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