The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2059: Two swords in one instant

Obviously, the nature of the Ziwei Zhoutian Great Formation is still a great formation built on top of the core. Since it is a great formation, then most of the monks in the Taixuan Land know that the fastest way to break the formation is to find the great formation. And destroy it.

The formation eye is the core of the formation, and it is also the gate of life.

Therefore, when both parties know well, the most important condition for creating a large array is to hide the eyes of this array firmly!

"Ordinary large formations will spend most of their power to protect the eyes, not to mention this incomparable crape myrtle Zhoutian large array, so it is not easy to find the eyes of this formation!"

The sky outside the sky, on the Daxia Treasure Ship, the eyes of taboos glanced back and forth outside the Nanxianmen where the purple qi surged in front of him. Not only the will of the heavens at this time, including them, they also want to know. Where are the eyes of this big formation?

However, at the next breath, after mobilizing his thoughts and calculating, Sima Annan directly shook his swollen head and said:

"No, everything in this majestic fairy palace is so magnificent, thoughts are simply inaccessible, no, no, no!"

As soon as Sima Annan said the words, the Nanxian Gate that stood tall outside the Xianting Saint Palace had even more complex runes appearing on it. At the same time, chains gushed out from the door, whizzing. He shredded the void in front of him, and chased after the will of the heaven that turned into a blazing white light.

This Nanxian Gate, or this crape myrtle Zhoutian Great Formation, has already begun to fully reveal its grandeur!

Once the crape myrtle **** lock completely binds the will of heaven and then pulls it into the south immortal gate, then this ancient immortal palace will complete a supreme feat that will shock the world in any era.

"The way of heaven is panicked like a dog in the mourning family, God, if it weren't for the old man's thoughts to flow at this time, he would definitely think he was born in an illusion."

With an incredible murmur, after being heard from a sect monk, the faces of all the surviving monks in Fengxin City showed the same expression, dull.

The sluggishness at this time is the numbness that emerges because of the shock of the mind again and again!

However, in the next moment, these numbness was suddenly broken, and then all the monks opened their mouths and exclaimed:

"Look at it, this heavenly Dao is actually going to be trapped!"

Before this exclamation sounded, it turned into the shadow of the sky of the thunder shining void, and hundreds of crape myrtle chains tore the void, completely sealing the front, back, left, and right sides of the sky thunder in all directions.

At this time, the Great Lord Zhongtian, who controls this crape myrtle Zhoutian formation, has to do very simple, even the same as the previous Sage's response to the Taiqing Great Sage, that is to force the will of the heavens and use the sword!

"God, there is not much time left for you now!"

The voice that rolled from the mouth of the Great Lord Zhongtian continued to resound in all directions, and at the same time, the chains of crape myrtle that blasted out of the void had almost entangled the ankle of the will of Heaven.

And just in this moment, the will of the heavens flashing outside the Nanxian Gate stopped in an instant, and immediately after the entire blazing white eye, it began to brighten directly.

The will of Heaven is so vast, so between these simple movements, endless waves of divine power were directly set off, and then the infinitely shocking flood of Heaven’s punishment once again went crazy outside Nanxianmen. break out.

"Boom boom boom!"

The torrent of Tianwei and the Ziwei God Lock blasted against each other, producing countless loud noises that shook the sky. Between the incomparable violent might and the will of Heaven, once again raised the sword in his hand and cut it directly in front of it.


In the next instant, the heaven and the earth reappeared, and the void outside the Nanxian Gate continued to be completely divided into two without any fancy.

Afterwards, everything in the entire Ziwei Zhoutian Formation was completely flooded under the mighty sky, and began to tremble violently, and even if it was not the first time to see this shining divine mighty sword, but everyone, still They all felt the most shocking horror power.

After an instant, the extremely dazzling white light lit up in the infinite divine might, but what made everyone exclaimed again was that the direction that the sword of heaven was pierced was still under the Nanxianmen in front. The old man with a very tall stature.

"March Zhongtian, the will of Heaven has once again slashed towards Maharaja Zhongtian!"

With an incomprehensible exclamation, he hovered directly on the treasure ship of Daxia, and then the sword of supernatural power that divided everything in front of him into two completely solidified the time circulating in the body and tore away the mighty Ziwei imperial energy in front of him. He appeared in front of Maharaja Zhongtian in an instant.


In the next instant, another loud noise that could shatter the eardrums of ordinary monks rolled out, and then all the eyes of all monks were directly occupied by the tumbling Tianwei Thunder.

The majesty of the sky, coming and going swiftly, so this ruining sky and thunder completely dissipated after a short time, but after the divine power dissipated, what was left was a scene that made everyone gasp.

Before the white figure of Heavenly Dao, whether it was the rolling Ziwei Emperor Qi or the countless chains extending outside the Nanxian Gate, they were all destroyed, leaving only an empty void.

Afterwards, the gaze that reacted from the rear suddenly turned under the Nanxian Gate to search for the place of the Great Lord Zhongtian, only to find that the burly old man, who had originally been surrounded by purple air, was once again hitting the trembling Nanxian Gate. , Followed by a slow decline.

Under the mighty power of the sky, the soul body of the Great Lord Zhongtian had already become extremely dim, so dim that it was almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

And it’s worth mentioning that, when the soul was almost shattered, the vague shadow behind Zhongtian Maharajah also shattered and opened, but it did not completely dissipate, and it seemed to be deeply embedded in Nan behind him. Within the fairy gate.


Under the eyes of everyone, a particularly faint groan of pain came from Maharaja Zhongtian’s mouth, and then he stretched out his hands to support the ground, trying to stand up his vague body as usual, but it was difficult to do it. arrive.

Not only that, in the next second after the power of God’s punishment dissipated, one after another, one after another, cracked on the body of the Lord Zhongtian, and then shot out countless blood-like spirit powers from it, looking far away. Go, it's like a poignant flower in full bloom.

"The state of the Lord Zhongtian at this time can be said to be in dying, and his desires are completely broken, but why does this official feel that the sword of heaven is particularly violent?"

With an unbelievable voice, it came from Sima Annan's mouth, and then the surrounding Daxia Taboos nodded and said:

"If according to the words of the Lord Zhongtian, he can still receive the three swords of the heavens, then after this sword, he should not be so severely injured?"

This road just fell with a determined voice, and in front of everyone, the emperor's voice from Zhao Yu came directly:

"The reason why the Great Lord Zhongtian was hit so hard is actually very simple, because just now, Heaven did not shoot a sword, but directly blasted a second sword in an instant!"

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