The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2060: Left or right?

If the time outside of the Xianting Sacred Palace was moved back to before ten breaths, then the entire void of the outer sky would be flooded with the endless divine power of God's punishment.

The blazing white light of Heaven's Punishment and Thunder not only tore open the already shattered void, but also gave all the monks who witnessed it, whether it was thoughts or sights, there was an extremely brief trance.

But just in the midst of everyone's trance, the will of Heaven holding the sword forward, the blazing white figure, while stabbing the first sword, twitched his right hand, and again slashed the second sword forward without hesitation. .

The two swords came out together, and the Heaven's Punishment and Divine Power contained in them was undoubtedly far more than simple double stacking.

The first sword of heaven not only completely smashed the chain of crape myrtle entwined with its teeth and dancing claws in front of it, but also completely tore the barrier formed by the aura of crape myrtle in front of Maharaja Zhongtian, followed by nothing fancy. Cut on the latter's soul.

The second sword followed by Tiandao continued to slash on the body of Maharaja Zhongtian, but also on the vague figure condensed behind the former!

"It turns out that the Heavenly Dao actually cut two swords at the same time in an instant. No wonder it has such a terrifying power, it is no wonder that the spirit of the Great Lord Zhongtian was almost completely wiped out."

When the young emperor’s explanation sounded through the ears of all the taboos, Sima Annan’s exclamation sounded directly, and then his brows were still frowned, his eyes fixed on the one in front that was difficult to get up, he could only lean on The Lord Zhongtian sitting in Nanxianmen continued to speak every word:

"Since Heaven has made two swords at the same time, then a bigger problem is here."

After finishing speaking, Sima Annan paused for a moment, and the young and solemn voice continued:

"If the Great Lord Zhongtian said, the way of heaven has only three swords, or even if the way of heaven can stab more swords, it is certain that it will be extremely embarrassing for him to stay in the heavens for the time.

"Therefore, it has undoubtedly few chances to make a move, and with the rules of the law of heaven and absolute rationality, today's every move is to return to Taixuan as the first sequence, and it will definitely not do useless work."

As soon as Sima Annan's voice fell, Li Chunfeng's response sounded directly beside him:

"So is it possible to understand that, at this time, Tiandao's move means that he has locked the eye of this crape myrtle formation and is trying his best to break the situation!"

Li Chunfeng said the word "breaking the game" very solemnly, and his voice has not yet completely fallen. Xu Qing, the windrunner standing proudly in the taboo array, suddenly took a step forward, raising his voice a lot, and directly sounded:

"It turns out that in the calculations of this Heavenly Dao, the eyes of this Ziwei Zhoutian formation turned out to be Lord Zhongtian, but how could this be? Lord Zhongtian is just a soul that awakened tens of thousands of years later, and Obviously, this large formation has been buried in this place beyond the sky for countless years, so this time the eyes should not be the Lord Zhongtian!"

The windrunner Xu Qing just heard this incredible voice, and a mighty heavenly might hit the front again, and even under the imprisonment of this crape myrtle formation, she still possessed a daunting The edge.

At the same time, there appeared together with this Tianwei, as well as the billowing Ziwei Emperor Qi that re-emerged inside the Zhoutian Great Formation. What makes people start to feel weird is that now this purple energy is flowing out again, no Then all the crape myrtle sacred pillars came from the periphery, and more came from the Nanxianmen outside the Xianting Holy Palace.

"Heaven, my lord said, even if you kill me, it's useless, because my lord is not a frontrunner at all."

A roar of rage came from the mouth of Lord Zhongtian. In the next moment, Lord Zhongtian who was sitting outside the Nanxian Gate mobilized the last strength in the soul, continued to raise his hands, and slammed behind him. Above the purple door.


There was another roar that sounded like a giant bell, blasting the world like thunder, and then more and more crape myrtle runes began to emerge on the Nanxian Gate, and at the same time the void inside the gate began to fluctuate like a river or sea. boiling.

Then the countless purple qi within Nanxianmen cracked outwards again, and a chain of regenerated crape myrtle gods stretched out from it with teeth and claws.

As soon as these chains of Ziwei Emperor Qi appeared, they instantly crossed the void, wound up in all directions, facing the Taiqing body descended by the will of Heaven.

At the same time, Lord Zhongtian, whose soul body was more vague and vague, still stared at the will of the heavens in front of him, and continued to whistle:

"Come on, Heaven, stab the last sword in your hand to the deity. You only have this last sword. After you stab this sword, you will be completely imprisoned by this Nanxianmen.

"My fairy court is in the sacred palace in the land of the Supreme Profound. Although it is already lonely, it can imprison the heavenly way. Thinking about it at this time, I only feel that it is infinite pleasure!"

The long howl in the middle of the sky is full of self-confidence, and it is this kind of self-confidence that makes the cultivators who are watching all this around, and even begin to doubt whether Tiandao's move to lock the former for this large array is correct.

But obviously, these people have forgotten the fact that Tiandao is called Tiandao, to a large extent because of its omniscience and omnipotence, and since it is omniscience and omnipotence, then they will not make mistakes when life and death are at stake.

In a moment of time, the blazing white figure shrouded in crape myrtle chains disappeared in an instant once again, and this time, the will of Heaven is no longer just standing in place and swinging a sword, but controlling the entire body completely. Tearing away the wave of crape myrtle in front of him.

As soon as the will of heaven moved, the world changed its color, and when the light of the blazing divine might once again shined in everyone's eyes, the uncontrollable shouts of the monks all came out:

"Heaven's Dao is about to make a move, and he has to swing his last sword!"

Compared with the speed of ordinary sound propagation, the speed of Tianwei Thunder tearing forward is undoubtedly countless times faster, so before the exclamation sounded, the white figure of Heavenly Dao had already torn the sky out of the sky again.

But what was unexpected to everyone was that the will of Heaven at this time was not as far away from the Nanxian Gate that swallowed countless crape myrtle chains, as everyone else thought, but instead of retreating and advancing, it appeared directly here. Right in front of the doorway.


The mighty sky burst, one after another thunder, pouring out along the body full of cracks and cracks in the sky, and at the same time, the chain of crape myrtle entangled was forced to retreat, and outside the Nanxian Gate, a piece of nothingness was directly emptied. area.

Then Tiandao Will, who appeared right in front of the Great Lord Zhongtian, slowly lowered his head and stared at the former who was half leaning outside the Nanxian Gate in front of him. Without any hesitation, he lifted his sword directly and stab it downward.

This is the last sword that Tiandao stabbed in order to break the game, and it is also the mighty sword that determines the development trajectory of the entire world!

In this future era, will it go left or right?

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