The general trend of the world will always roll forward. Although there are many influencing factors that determine the transformation of this world, everyone knows that the result of this battle in the sky outside the sky will completely change the entire Supreme Profound Land. Years of progress.

Undoubtedly, this is a battle of reaping sons that has lasted countless years on the chessboard of heaven and earth.

At the same time, in this game of heaven and earth, the identities of the cicada, mantis, and oriole change back and forth, one after another, thrilling, and at this last juncture, the final victory or defeat of the whole game may have to be decided. The sword that Yu Tiandao stabbed at the Great Lord Zhongtian at this time!

In the entire vast area of ​​Taixuan, at this moment, there may be countless monks stab, or practice, or fight each other, but there is a difference between swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

There is no doubt that there is a huge difference between the sword of an ordinary monk on the ground and the sword of the sky, and to a certain extent, the sword of the sky is almost invincible!

Endless white light shining through the heavens and the earth, strands of divine punishment of heaven and power, lingering on this sharp sword, at the same time directly piercing the middle of the eyebrows of the Lord Zhongtian below.

The sword of heaven can easily affect the entire passage of time around it, so in the eyes of a monk behind, everything that happened outside the Nanxian Gate directly became particularly slow.

At the same time, because of this slowness, everyone can see these details more clearly!

I saw ahead, on the blazing white body descended by the will of Heaven, the dense black cracks had spread to the limit, forming countless hideous black grids, and even gave people a sense of creepy.

Then, on the deck of the Daxiabao ship, a young voice from Sima Annan suddenly sounded:

"The body of the Taiqing Great Sage that the will of Heaven has come has really reached the limit among the limits, and if there is no such physical body on the Taiqing Sage, for the will of the heavens, it is undoubtedly the loss of the sword in his hand. I will definitely be completely imprisoned by that Nanxian Gate!"

Sima Annan's blurted words, in addition to horror, even showed an eagerness to try, but just after he finished speaking, the Nantian King Chang Xiliu beside him shook his head directly, and his voice came out:

"In the long inheritance of our Dongji Jade Hub Fire Mansion, there has always been such a clan motto, and it says that you must not underestimate the way of heaven, because since ancient times, the will of heaven has been difficult, and the will of heaven has been difficult!"

The shout of Chang Xiliu just fell, and a violent roar made it easier for the Nanxianmen in front to roll out, resounding everywhere:

"Come, Heaven, take your sword and pierce this great monarch's eyebrows to release the power of your sword to your heart's content. This monarch was once the head of the four imperial princes. , Honored!"

The roar fell, and the soul was quickly dissipating, the purple qi in his eyes rolled up and burned, and his entire body became extremely solid in an instant under the mighty Ziwei imperial qi.

And at this moment, the Great Lord Zhongtian seemed to have recovered to the head of the Four Royal Great Lords who had been sitting on the side of Tai Xuan, under one person, and over hundreds of millions of years ago, tens of thousands of years ago!

He is the proud son born in countless ages, even if his resurrected soul has taken over the four swords of the heavens, his eyes are still stern, his eyes are still majestic, sitting outside the Nantian Gate, the whole person is like suppressing The borders on one side are as heavy.

In the next instant, under countless incredible gazes, Maharajah Zhongtian raised his head directly, and finally hit the sword of Heaven's Punishment that was pierced from above, and the old and majestic voice rolled out:

"It's a pity that this scene came too late. If my fairy court is still at its peak, if the Emperor Tongtian is still dominating the world, countless gods and gods will surely raise their arms and roar to the sky!"

After the words are finished, time freezes again at this moment. For all the cultivators in the sky outside the sky, the pause in this moment and the impact on the sea of ​​consciousness are undoubtedly unparalleled.

That is the chaotic wave formed by time warping, and the chaotic storm formed after spreading outward, even causing the will of many monks to be directly exiled to the corner of endless darkness.

Fortunately, this exile is not permanent, but even for a moment, it is a nightmare among nightmares for those who have experienced it.

"Three phases from ancient to modern, time is long, sure!"

At the next breath, Sima Annan’s roar sounded in everyone’s ears, and then the burning three-phase fire in the hands of the former was suddenly crushed, and the three-phase power burst outwards, and at the same time it turned into a long river of time. The enchantment opened outwards, directly smoothing the time that the chaos was shattered.

The twisted time returned to normal afterwards, but few of these sect monks knew about it. Just now, they walked steadily before the ghost gate.

Then a sect monk directly sat back on the ground behind him, gasping for breath, and then staring blankly in front of him, the expression of astonishment on his face even more intense.

Because looking from these people's eyes, the scene outside the Nanxian Gate in front of them has violent fluctuations and distortions, as if the former is under the water surface, watching the scene above the water surface.

However, the Daxia Taboos who were surging on the Daxia Treasure Ship at this time had no time to care about the feelings of these sect monks.

Because in their sight, the shadow of the heavenly path intertwined by countless thunder crazily, under the constant distortion of time, a slight movement of the wrist caused the sword in their hand to deviate from the middle of the sky, and hit it. Head.

Then the will of Heaven made a move that was beyond everyone's expectation. He raised his right foot and stepped on the chest of Maharaja Zhongtian, and stepped the latter directly on the ground of Nanxianmen.


The foot of Heaven’s Path undoubtedly has infinite power like a mountain and cracking the earth. Therefore, the entire platform outside the Xianting Palace is like a turbulent lake, undulating violently. Stepping on the ground is like being severely pressed against the chest by the entire Taixuan world.

In a sense, heaven is Tai Xuan!

Therefore, the spirit body of the Great Lord Zhongtian exploded outwards at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in the next instant, it was completely pulled back by the endless Tianwei again, and was imprisoned to death.

Then inside the void outside the Nanxian Gate, a blazing white light shone out again. There is no doubt that this was the third sword stabbed by the heavens and the last sword that the former broke.

And this sword pierced not the Great Lord Zhongtian, but the back of the Great Lord Zhongtian, the one that almost merged into the Nanxianmen, but there was still a shadow with a vague outline!

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