The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2065: Emperor Star

Countless things in the heavens and the earth, every individual, will change over time, and the evolution of the general trend of the entire era is originally a collection of these countless individual changes.

Tiandao is like an emotionless machine, standing proudly above the nine heavens, watching all changes silently and knowing everything.

In other words, all the behaviors of the monks on the Taixuan earth can be seen in the eyes of the heavens, and there is no escape, no escape.

This is one of the reasons why it is called omniscience and omnipotence!

But for Tiandao, once there is an event that cannot be calculated by his own rules, it is a so-called variable.

It is true that for countless years, there are not many things that can be called variables by the heavens, but often, once these variables appear, they will be linked to each other, and finally greater variables will be formed.

There is no doubt that the Tianwaitian and Xianting Sacred Palace where everyone is located at this time has been the biggest variable since the ancient Xiangong era, and it took countless years for Tiandao to obliterate this variable before it came to the present situation.

The sword broke through the great formation of the sky, stepped on the majesty of the sky, and stood proudly under the aura of the broken Ziwei Emperor. The power of the sky displayed was how desperate.

But accidents often occur inadvertently, and so do variables.

Outside the Nanxian Gate, the blazing body is rising and shrinking the will of the heavens. The movement of slowly turning the body actually has an extraordinary meaning, because it means that in such a critical situation, the heavens are already. Can't figure out the source of this variable.

Therefore, Tiandao needs to turn around and use his own eyes to confirm the person who stopped the entire collapsed array with his own power. Who is it?

"It's the Great Northern Territory, the extremely young Northern Great Emperor!"

Accompanied by the Da Xia treasure ship, all Da Xia Chong officials shouted in unison deafeningly, and then reacted to the sect monks, opening their mouths tremblingly.

And the words hadn't fallen yet, these monks were able to climb up from the ground, staring at the front as if they were completely frozen, and continued to stammer and say:

"The Great Northern Fuyao, unexpectedly, was able to prevent this crape myrtle Zhoutian formation from continuing to collapse. How could this be possible?"

With an incredible voice, it continued to sound in the mouth of a sect monk, and then there was an older monk who seemed to have thought of something, his body trembled, and he blurted out:

"Heaven's will smashed the eyes of the crape myrtle Zhoutian array in front of us, making the crape myrtle imperial energy in the entire array, no one can control it, it can only be shattered and dissipated.

"Between heaven and earth, the only known existence that can control Ziwei Emperor Qi is the Immortal Emperor who used to pass through the sky. The array is broken."

Speaking of this, the old monk with broken clothes and extremely embarrassed, but his complexion showed a strong flushing color, becoming more and more excited, then took a deep breath, raised a lot of voice, and continued to roll. Out:

"Therefore, there is one and only one way to stop this big formation from collapsing, or even to re-operate, and that is to control the Ziwei Emperor Qi that is rapidly dissipating again."

As the words fell, a sect monk who had a terrifying idea emerged from the sea of ​​knowledge. The temples jumped suddenly, staring at the body in front of them, and they also began to tremble violently, saying every word:

"That is to say, this Northern Emperor Fuyao, after countless years, after the former Emperor Tongtian, is the second existence able to control the Ziwei Emperor's Qi?"

After this trembling voice came out, perhaps it was to confirm that this sentence was true. The void outside Nanxianmen, who was originally waved by Zhao Yu and pressed the pause button, suddenly began to tremble violently.

And this tremor was different from the previous tremor caused by the will of Heaven swinging the sword to chop the big array, but the Ziwei Emperor Qi that was originally lost in dissipation, after countless years, once again met the cheers and excitement of the master.

It is also the excitement and excitement of this Zhoutian Array itself, completely uncontrollable!

In the next instant, the violent ups and downs of the formation that had initially fallen into silence became more and more intense, and then endless Ziwei Emperor Qi emerged from the depths of the void again.

At the same time, whether it was the Ziwei sacred pillar floating above the void or the Nanxian Gate that suppressed the entire sky, the rune that had disappeared was relighting little by little.

Zhao Yu not only pressed the pause button outside Nanxianmen, but also pressed the backtrack button!

"Boom boom boom."

There was a loud noise after another, which was like a breakthrough, and the speed of the runes that were re-lighted became faster and faster. It only took a blink of an eye to fully light up, and it was brighter than before. It was unprecedentedly bright. !

After all the runes were lit, the entire crape myrtle formation was like a double hammer dropped. This heavy hammer not only hits everyone's hearts, but also violently hits the will of the heavens head-on.


Another loud noise shook the world.

Then, with the sudden fluctuation of the violent crape myrtle aura, he turned his side and looked at Zhao Yu's will of the Emperor's robe flying in the sky, and was directly shaken back a step.

The retreat of this step also meant that Tian Dao's right foot had left the Maharaja Zhongtian who was lying on his back.

Afterwards, on the platform outside the Nanxian Gate, the dim eyes of Maharajah Zhongtian lit up to an unprecedented degree, filled with excitement and ecstasy, and finally opened his mouth directly and let out a long scream:

"Lagerstroemia emperor star, there is a Ziwei emperor star in the sky outside the sky. I never imagined that your heavenly Dao has controlled the world for so long, and you can let any of the Ziwei emperor star become a climate, even appear outside the Xianting Holy Palace, hahaha, Weird, amazing, cool!"

The roar that Maharajah Zhongtian said at this time, with incomparable pleasure, and even a merciless mockery of the way of heaven.

Then he raised his body a little bit harder, and raised his eyes to try to see the appearance of the young Emperor Yin.

But what you can see is the purple qi, the tumbling purple qi that permeates the entire void beyond the Nanxian Gate.

At the same time, this vast and endless Ziwei imperial qi, like a wanderer who has been wandering for countless years, finally found his hometown, rushing into the tall and straight body.

Even outside the South Immortal Gate, a purple storm pillar connecting the whole world was formed!

Afterwards, Lord Zhongtian, who gradually put away the madness on his face, fixed his eyes on the front, his expression changed for a while, and finally murmured:

"The second Emperor Ziwei star after the immortal Emperor Tongtian came to the world, who is capable of such a great ability to cultivate a Emperor Ziwei star without telling the truth of heaven and everyone?"

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