The bright purple pillars are grounded to the sky.

Every ray of purple meaning in this purple storm tornado is a tumbling and rich crape myrtle aura, and at the same time, these crape myrtle auras are more violent and richer than at any time when this great Zhoutian formation starts to move. .

With such a purple air, even a monk who had witnessed all this had forgotten that just a short time ago, this great formation was punished by the Lord with the mighty power of the sky and directly smashed the formation. Eye, burst the big array.

However, there will always be some unexpected changes in everything in the world. Even the omniscience and omnipotence of heaven cannot guarantee to control everything.

Therefore, between Zhao Yu’s hand and the press, the great formation restarted, and the development of the entire world era, there was an inflection point. In other words, the young emperor’s light press pushed the torrent of the era forward completely. In a trajectory that no one can predict.

"The Great Emperor Fuyao of the Northern Territory can actually control the Ziwei Emperor Qi. This is a natural co-lord of the world. The times will change, and it will completely change!"

Among the purple qi flying all over the sky, a monk from the sect screamed in exclamation directly, but for the emperor who was surrounded by the purple qi at this time, he did not think so much.

At this time, Zhao Yu was in a mysterious and mysterious state, or at the moment after the opening of this crape myrtle Zhoutian formation, Zhao Yu was in this state.

This is a call out of nowhere, just as the sea attracts fish and the sky attracts birds.

Therefore, Zhao Yu didn't hesitate too much. He took a step forward gently on the bow of the Daxia Treasure Ship, and without any hindrance, stepped into this crape myrtle formation.

As soon as he entered the great formation, he was like a fish in the water. It only took a single thought to appear directly outside the Nanxian Gate. At the same time, the endless Ziwei Emperor Qi poured into the body, giving people an extremely warm feeling.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu lowered his head slightly, staring at the playful jumping Ziwei Emperor Qi in front of him. The black eyes like ebony were calm and quiet. Then the eyes of the former lifted slightly, passing through the purple tornado in front of him, and began to talk with him. The blazing white eyes of Heaven looked at one place.

Black and white.

Those are two pairs of completely different eyes, but the same is that the slight expressions contained in the two pairs of eyes at this time are steady and indifferent.

Heaven is ruthless, it only has rules that are working to the extreme, so even if the danger of being imprisoned at this time comes again, there will be no emotions in the eyes of Heaven, but Zhao Yu is different, he is a person with true feelings.

So after an instant, the young emperor frowned, because he began to think about the current situation.

There is no doubt that Zhao Yu at this time has completely replaced the previously broken shadow of Immortal Emperor Tongtian, and has become the eye of this crape myrtle Zhoutian array. Therefore, when the young emperor began to think, the entire seat The array also started to operate with it.

The coercion, the vast and endless emperor's coercion immediately swept outwards, sweeping the entire outer sky, leaving a deep silence.

At the same time, the purple tornado that originally rolled upwards from Zhao Yu's body suddenly spread from the inside out, as if inside, there was a pair of boundless purple wings extending out.

Under the wings of the wings, there was the handsome face of the young emperor who was thinking about his brows, and the emotion of this thinking was clearly fed back to the hearts of every monk in the sky.

What is the content of the young emperor's thinking at this time?

When every uneasy monk thought of the above questions, they all felt a tremor, so that they were dizzy and unable to stand firmly in front of them.

The content of Zhao Yu's thoughts is actually self-evident, but there are very few monks who really dare to delve into it.

Because this confinement of the sky has developed to the present situation, whether it is the will of the heavens or the crape myrtle formation that has been dormant for countless years, it has demonstrated the supreme power that can instantly obliterate these monks countless times.

However, outside the Nanxian Gate at this time, there is an ancient existence who cares more about the young emperor's decision than anyone else. So soon, the old roar of the Zhongtian Maharaja rang out in the entire void:

"The young emperor is not an old man bluffing you. In Tiandao's eyes, once he has the emperor's posture, the emperor stars who control the Ziwei imperial qi are all thorns in his eyes, and he will definitely kill him.

"Therefore, no matter it is for you or the kingdom behind you, you must not let the way of heaven return to Taixuan, because this is letting the tiger return to the mountain!"

This roar fell, and the Lord Zhongtian was half lying on the ground. Seeing Zhao Yu in the Crape Myrtle Dragon Scroll, there was still no obvious reaction, and then the former's face changed suddenly, and his anxious voice continued to roll out:

"Young Emperor, this is the most once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in countless years. Don't miss it, definitely don't miss it!"

The roar of Maharaja Zhongtian just came out, before it fell completely, and suddenly stopped, because Zhao Yu, who was guarded by Ziwei Emperor, suddenly looked down.

This is a glance that is almost indescribable in any words!

Under this sight, the Lord Zhongtian, who originally wanted to continue to speak, could no longer make any sound in his open mouth. At the same time, under the gaze of these black eyes, everything around seemed to be violent. Between the changes and the shifting of the stars, time seemed to have returned to the palace of the heavens tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, the Zhongtian Maharaja was the head of the Four Royal Maharajas under one person and above the immortals. In this fairy meeting, there was also a look at the top of the most tumbling palace. .

In the feeling of the Lord Zhongtian, the two eyes that had been separated by countless years were so similar, with the same majesty, the same imperial intent, and the same overbearing.

At this moment, the Great Lord Zhongtian understood that he did not need to speak any more words, because he was facing the emperor star who controlled the aura of crape myrtle.

As the supreme emperor, he naturally has the ability to judge and think independently, that is to say, no matter how clever the Lord Zhongtian is at this time, he cannot influence any judgment of the young emperor.

Being the co-owner of the world, looking alone, arbitrarily, and acting alone!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged maharaja no longer spoke, but climbed up on the ground, and at the same time stretched out his hands and folded his hands in front of him, respectfully making a please gesture.

The next breath, a deep silence, once again enveloped the crape myrtle Zhoutian array that began to exude infinite power. The monks held their breaths, controlled themselves not to make any sound, and waited for the person in front of him. The verdict of the young emperor.

That's right, it's a ruling!

After a few very short breaths, countless gazes looking forward began to fluctuate suddenly, and at the same time the monks opened their mouths, but they stopped their subconscious exclamations.

Because outside the Nanxian Gate, the tornado of Ziwei tornado that ran through the entire sky and the sky stopped in an instant, and then the billowing purple gas separated to the sides, and a sword was stretched out from it.

A small wooden sword!

Zhao Yu's verdict has been issued, prisoner days!

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