The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2068: Turn back to the cyan eyes

A strong man in the Great Holy Realm, after his body was shattered, what was inside it?

Obviously, the strongest in the Great Sacred Realm is completely different from ordinary creatures in essence, so naturally their bodies will not be simple flesh and blood, but rules, which belong to the rules after the creatures have cultivated to the extreme.

Especially the Great Sage Taiqing, as the sharpest sword of the Heavenly Dao, in order to attract the Heavenly Dao to come, he directly regulated his own flesh and blood completely.

Therefore, after the left hand of Tiandao Will shattered, wisps of cyan regular streamers were easy to gush out from the broken joints, and between Tianwei and Billowing Ziwei Emperor Qi, the wisps of Taiqing Qi appeared so abrupt. .

But this abruptness is actually not important at all. What is important is that Tiandao was injured and shattered his left hand!

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Counter shock, this is the forbidden magical powers you possess, Lord Liang?"

On the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, a respectful voice belonging to Sima Annan sounded. After the voice fell, Liang Po at the forefront of the deck did not speak back, but just nodded.

Then Sima Annan showed a smile on his face, and the young voice continued:

"Your Majesty takes action to control the Ziwei Zhoutian. Presumably this world is about to change completely. It seems that after today, the Military Aircraft Department will start to be busy again."

Sima Annan's sigh came out, and the opposing vastness of Qi outside Nanxianmen began to change drastically again.

Faced with the fact that his left hand was broken, even this Heavenly Dao Will seemed to have come to a halt because it exceeded expectations.

The ancient will in front of Zhao Yu once again fell into a very short calculation, and facing this fleeting opportunity, the young emperor would naturally not miss it.

After an instant, the young emperor held the sword forward again, and at the same time gently raised his left hand.

At the same time, the vast and rich Ziwei Emperor Qi within the Zhoutian Array suddenly moved with the young master's thoughts, and then the sea of ​​Ziwei began to surging violently, as if a behemoth was about to rush out of the ocean.

Especially the Nanxianmen with bright runes, after violent shaking, a dense chain of crape myrtle gods once again extended from it, covering the sky and the will of the heavens.

This chain of crape myrtle chains is several times larger than when the Lord Zhongtian controlled it before, and the suppressive power contained in it is also worlds apart.

But faster than the chain of crape myrtle, it was Zhao Yu's upright figure torn out with a sword!

Under the mystery of the Ziwei Zhoutian formation, the time and space in front of the will of Tiandao completed the shift and transformation in an instant, and then the small wooden sword surrounded by Ziwei Emperor Qi stretched out behind the void and penetrated without fancy. In the eyebrows of Tiandao Will.

However, when this sword stabbed, Zhao Yu was not angry with his prestigious face, and there was no expression of joy, but directly frowned, because the will of the heavens under the sword, after a wave of fluctuations, directly turned into The phantom dissipated.

In the next moment, Zhao Yu clenched the wooden sword and threw it to the side without hesitation. The Ziwei Emperor Qi in the entire formation once again surged in the direction of the swing of the sword.

Then, in the wooden sword in the hands of the young emperor, a sound of earth-shaking dragon roar sounded without warning:


As soon as this dragon roar sounded, all the monks were extremely surprised to find that within the emperor's qi surging extremely violently outside the Nanxian Gate, a huge purple dragon dragon head roared from top to bottom.

Immediately after the long eye of the purple emperor dragon was fully opened, the long dragon beard flew backwards, the dazzling purple light crazily condensed in the dragon's mouth, and a sharp whistling sound came out.

Before the howling sound, a dragon breath of Emperor Qi had completely cut through the void and crashed down. At the same time, under this dragon breath, the broken body full of cracks in Heaven's Will was directly revealed.

"Look, everyone, the moving figure of Heavenly Dao's will has been forced out!"

This exclamation of the monk from the rear just came out, and the dragon's breath that was dazzlingly pierced through the figure below again, which was another phantom.

The retreat and retreat of this god's will, the appearance of rushing away, deeply stimulated the hearts of all monks. For the first time, they realized that perhaps there is no such thing as invincibility in this world.

Even if it is this unparalleled will of Heaven, what he can do when facing this rolling Ziwei Emperor Qi is still evading and then avoiding.

But the Will of Heaven, who has been deep into the game, even if it tries to avoid it, still can't escape Zhao Yu lock.

Therefore, in the next moment, the young emperor just lifted his finger forward slightly, and over the Nanxian Gate, the huge and boundless emperor dragon head turned its head directly, and it sprayed out a boundless shining emperor against the void below. Qilong breath.

The purple light dragon's breath blasted from top to bottom like a peerless gun, and fully integrated with the suppressive power of this crape myrtle Zhoutian array. Its strength was unprecedented, so the figure of the will of heaven flashing in the void was once again forced. Out.

This time, the will of Heaven is no longer simply continuing to retreat, but directly lifted the right hand that had broken several fingers, and pressed it out with a palm in front of him.

After an instant, the surging clear air began to surge outward from the broken finger of the former, and a clear air mask was formed in front of him in an instant, protecting the void in front of him.

Almost at the same time when the barrier of the Great Qing appeared, the deep purple Emperor Qi dragon breath came with a thunder. After the two banged together without fancy, there was another earth-shattering roar, tearing the void out:


Under the loud noise, there were still a pair of even more horrified eyes, and then Sima Annan on the treasure ship raised his hands and slammed it. A louder voice came out directly:

"The power of Taiqing, this Heavenly Dao Will actually began to borrow the power of Taiqing, which shows that the body it is on can no longer mobilize the power of this heavenly power and punishment.

"The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. It is true that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. How high this heaven is, but now I have to use the sword I cultivated to get the opportunity to escape. This world is interesting, and it is really interesting!"

Sima Annan’s words just fell, the Taiqing barrier under the Ziwei Emperor’s aura and dragon’s breath only persisted for a short breath, and then cracked every inch, and then the void before the barrier was directly moved, Zhao Yu walked out behind the void, Hold the sword, stab it out, and do it in one go.

After an instant, this small wooden sword plunged into the Taiqing barrier like a broken glass window, and made an extremely harsh sound.

A moment later, after a bang, the Taiqing barrier was completely shattered and turned into a snowflake-like Taiqing air to fall. At the same time, the young emperor raised his left hand and waved the large sleeve of the imperial robe with a heavy wave to the side.


Under the wave of the big sleeve, all the pervading rules of air flow disappeared without a trace. Then Zhao Yu looked at it and saw the Taiqing body, where the will of heaven is located, standing in front of him.

In the next instant, the young emperor's black eyes fluctuated for the first time, because at this time one of the eyes in the body of Taiqing turned from the white of heaven to blue.

That is the color of Taiqing!

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