The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2069: Tear hand for sword

The blue eyes and the hearts of the people in the world are too clear.

In order to obliterate the Holy Venerable, the Great Sage Heart of Taiqing was willing to completely regularize his body, to attract the volition of Qifang Tiandao to this place outside the sky.

Although the saint was annihilated by the heavens, the current situation, even the great saint of the Qing Dynasty, is completely unpredictable.

The crape myrtle Zhoutian formation outside the Xianting Sacred Palace directly exploded with the mighty power of the heyday because of the change of owner, and coupled with the young emperor’s control beyond the scope of understanding, the will of heaven is inevitable. There is no way to avoid it.

"There is actually only one way to heaven under the current situation."

On the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, the solemn voice of each word came from Sima Annan's mouth. Then, like everyone around him, he locked his sight outside the surging fairy palace in front of him, and continued to speak:

"That is to let the Great Sage Taiqing take control of this body again, and use the power of Taiqing to resist the actions of His Majesty, and then his own will will break out and turn into the thunder of Heaven's punishment, attacking the battle wall, and see if it can Get out of the cover of this crape myrtle Zhoutian array!"

Sima Annan’s words, each word by word, are particularly certain. On the other hand, his judgment on the form of the Tao today can be described as sharp, because soon, everyone’s ears, a sound of vigorous vicissitudes, directly Sounded:

"The Lord of the Northern Territory, although you and I have never really had a deep contact, but this Sect Master already knew the identity of your Ziwei Emperor Star. When you evaporated the Beihai with one hand, the sea and the sky were exchanged, and the Northern Territory was recast, the sage actually Right in the North Sea."

As soon as this familiar and unfamiliar words came out, countless monks’ complexions that had been heard changed abruptly, and then I saw the other blazing white eye of the Great Sage Taiqing, which symbolized the will of heaven, also constantly flickering, and the inside of the eye In the deepest part, a little blue light emerged.

This situation indicates that the Great Sage Taiqing is regaining his control a little bit, and then another word of the former comes out again:

"In fact, speaking of it, you still have to thank this suzerain, because at that time in Beihai, it was this clan who had concealed the Taixuantian Dao for you, your identity as the Emperor Ziwei."

As soon as this remark came out, it was tantamount to the relentless blast of the rolling thunder, and the entire Ziwei Emperor was full of anger, rolling violently, and also made Zhao Yu stepping out of the moving void with the sword, his eyes squinted slightly.


In the next instant, an extremely fierce commotion sounded directly in the formation of all the monks behind, and these people could not think that there was such a little-known cause and effect between the Great Sage of Taiqing and the Lord of Great Xia. .

"It turns out that there is such an extraordinary cause and effect between the Great Northern Territory and the Sect Master of Taiqing, so will this confinement of the sky be changed?"

With an uncertain murmur, after it was heard from the monks in the back, Zhao Yu, who was standing in front of the Taiqing Sect Master, began to stretch his brows slowly, then his lips lightly opened, and two words came out:

"Thank you!"

This thank you, sincerely, and when Zhao Yu is in charge of the party, there is definitely no need for the so-called emptiness and the snake. Then the young emperor after finishing these two words, Shen Ning for a moment, the young and steady voice continued to sound:

"A must?"

"Naturally, everyone knows that this sage is a sword in the hands of Tiandao, and the will of Tiandao comes from the body of this sage, so it is natural to leave my body steadily. This is cause and effect."

After the word "Cause and Effect" came out of the Taiqing Sect Master's mouth, it was categorically decisive. As soon as this word fell, the blazing daylight on the former's body was quickly receding at a low tide.

This means that the will of Heaven within the main body of Taiqing Sect is pulling away from the sea of ​​consciousness where the Great Sage of Taiqing is located, and after this will withdraw, what remains is a devastated, broken body everywhere.

This is a body that is difficult to describe in words. It is like a vase that has been torn countless times, but for some reason it has not been directly exploded, but despite this, it can no longer bear it, even if there is any crack. .

How can mortals inherit the sky?

It is also because he is Taiqing, the strongest person who masters the supreme aura of heaven and earth, so that he still has a breath.

"Sect Master Taiqing, you are in front of me, but you can't hold the sword anymore."

At the next breath, Zhao Yu's extremely calm voice continued to sound, and then Taiqing Great Sage, whose eyes had completely restored his own appearance, did not deny it, but nodded and responded:

"This saint did break the Taiqing Sword when he killed the holy lord, but I didn't have nothing, because I still had a hand."

After that, the middle-aged man with blue hair raised his left hand under incredible gazes, and stretched out his right arm that had collapsed his entire palm.

In the next moment, Sect Master Taiqing suddenly used force and directly tore off his entire right hand completely. This was a crazy move that caused countless people to exclaim.

But on the face of Taiqing Great Sage that was full of cracks, there was no trace of alienation. His body was almost completely broken, and these feelings of pain had already been completely suppressed by the strong will.

As the entire right arm was completely torn down, this hand began to transform into a substantive rule of Taiqing, and after condensing inward, it directly transformed into a Qingqing sword that swallowed air.

Then the Great Sage Taiqing raised the sword in his hand and nodded to Zhao Yu in front of him, as if telling the young emperor that the Great Sage Taiqing held the sword again.

"The sword that the Great Sage Taiqing tears off his arms can be said to have completely cut off the vitality of his departure from the Taiwaitian. Originally, because of the will of the heavens, he might be able to get his life back. But at this time, he is bound to die."

When Sima Annan said this, he carried an inexplicable look, and then he sighed slightly:

"For the sake of heaven, Sect Master Taiqing, is it worth it?"

This sound is worthwhile, and it is undoubtedly speaking the question in every monk's heart.

However, the taboos who were standing outside the Nantian Gate and watching the battle at this time were very clear that once the cultivation level or realm reached a certain level, then whether the choice made was worthwhile is no longer important, because there is something more important than it is worth.

Between heaven and earth, there are always some obsessions that will make you make choices that are not understood by ordinary people. It may be a passage or a cause and effect.

Because of this, Sect Master Taiqing didn't have the slightest fear on his face full of cracks at this time, but with a faint smile.

Then he stepped out with his right foot and raised his sword with his left hand. After his body turned in a big circle, he thrust forward suddenly.

The blue light between heaven and earth regained, and the torrent of Taiqing rolled forward again!

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