The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2070: Heaven's last chance

As the son of Taixuan, the Great Sage of Taiqing is destined to leave a strong mark in this era.

As the saying goes, things in the past cannot be tracked, and things in the future are unpredictable, and as he has said with impassionedness in Fengxin City, there is only him, and only these now standing in the sky outside the sky, a monk with complex faces, It can represent the deformed era after the collapse of this fairy palace!

But no matter how deformed this era is, it belongs to the era of all people at the moment. It should be loved and changed with every effort.

There is no doubt that the Great Sage of Taiqing is the one who has incorporated this kind of love and responsibility into his bones.

Who doesn't admire such a pure existence?

Outside the Nanxian Gate, the Qi of Taiqing turned into a tumbling torrent, and it rolled forward again, but the difference from the previous one was that within the cyan torrent at this time, there were still wisps of dazzling blood.

At the same time that the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect was swinging his sword, his back was also on the verge of breaking. The Heavenly Punishment Thunder, which belonged to the will of Heaven, condensed directly backwards, and then the dazzling white light outlined inwardly. A vague figure.

Heavenly Dao's will turned into thunder and separated from his body, which meant that the Great Sage Taiqing had completely restored his control over himself, and the latter's eyes had completely restored their former cyan in an instant.

But in the next moment, within Taiqing Great Sage’s blue eyes, a slight imperceptible fluctuation flashed directly, because he could clearly hear that there was a dense array of firecracker-like sounds in his body. Spread out.


Then the Taiqing Sect Master swung the sword out of his left arm, and pieces of regular skin fell off. Then the Taiqing Sect Master wrinkled his brows, holding the sword and closing his hand, and wanted to stab a sword forward, but moved. However, he stopped halfway, switched from stab to slash, and blasted a crescent moon upward.

In the next moment, above the Nanxian Gate, the dq Emperor Qi Zilong opened its huge mouth, and again spewed a magnificent breath of the Emperor Qi dragon down, and then the dragon breath blasted at each other in an instant while training in Taiqing. Directly above Nanxianmen, a sea of ​​chaos intertwined with purple and cyan colors was formed.


Under the earth-shaking concussion, the Taiqing Sect Master, who had only one arm left, suddenly turned sideways, preparing to make up for the gap left by the loss of his right arm. However, under this crape myrtle Zhoutian formation, Zhao Yu undoubtedly Is the supreme master.

Therefore, after an instant, Qingfa's entire right side of the middle-aged man who exploded outwards, the void and soundlessly cracked outwards, and then Zhao Yu, who was flying in the black and gold robe, pressed his lips and stepped out.

At the same time, the wooden sword in the hand of the young emperor suddenly began to burn the raging crape myrtle fire, and the purple flame on this sword, in addition to the unparalleled emperor's power, had the power to obliterate everything.

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Ziwei Yan blade!"

Under the magical power of Yan Bian, the wooden sword in Zhao Yu's hand, which was originally only an adult forearm length, suddenly soared because of the purple flames. Down.


Facing this extremely powerful Yan Blade supernatural power, the Taiqing Sect Master, who lost his right arm, was born on the back side, and in such a situation, he had only one way to deal with it.

Explosive sword.

Therefore, the Great Sage Taiqing did not hesitate to explode the cyan long sword in his hand and exchanged it with his right arm!

After an instant, in the sight of everyone in Tianwaitian, Taiqing Qi, one of the three supreme auras, shining outward again.

Then the mighty Taiqing rules rose to the sky, turning into a tumbling cyan streamer of Taiqing Dao lotus, and even made all the monks in the rear who witnessed all this feel that they had returned to not too long ago.

Because not long ago, it was also on the platform outside the Nanxian Gate. The Great Sage Taiqing used this exploded lifelong sword to completely refine the body of the Lord.

The difference, however, is that this Taiqing Qinglian, which is slowly blooming at this time, gives people the feeling that in addition to being powerful and vast, there is also a poignant beauty.

That may be the final swan song of the Taiqing Great Sage in this world!

"Boom boom boom!"

Along with the outward blooming of Taiqing Daolian, wave after wave of Taiqing waves visible to the naked eye swept outward with Daolian as the center.

At the same time, within this Dao lotus, the blazing white thunder will turned into a dazzling stream of light, and suddenly descended towards the lower end of the Zhoutian Great Formation.

Heavenly Dao's will moved, and the void vibrated, and then the monk of the sect who was paying close attention to all of this, his complexion changed suddenly, and he blurted out:

"Look, the will of Heaven's Dao has begun to take action!"

Before the words fell, the blazing white thunder of Tianwei appeared like a teleportation, appeared at the bottom of the sky, and crashed into the border enchantment of this crape myrtle Zhoutian formation.


Heavenly Dao Thunder hit the big array, and the loud noise it produced was unprecedented, and even the entire void began to vibrate violently.

At the same time, this shocking power spreads widely, whether it is the so-called space or the purple runes lingering, suppressing the entire large array of Ziwei Emperor pillars, they all begin to tremble crazily.

In the next moment, after the loud noise fell, there was a buzzing sound like tinnitus, followed by the entire Zhoutian array, purple light exploded, and the originally transparent purple enchantment was completely visible at the speed of the naked eye. Condensed.

At the same time, this consolidated crape myrtle formation has become the strongest copper wall and iron wall in the world, and even the thunderous will of the heavens rushing forward is completely shaken back without any fancy.


After an instant, there was another violent collision, resounding through the world.

After that, within everyone's sight, the blazing white thunder that was transformed by the way of heaven, at this moment, hit the Ziwei Zhoutian barrier in front of him countless times!

Every time it hits, the entire crape myrtle celestial array will tremble violently. At the same time, the place where the will of the heavens is impacted is exactly the same. a little.

Then this blazing white color became brighter and brighter, indicating that Heavenly Dao was violently hitting this large array at an unprecedented violent speed, and trying to tear it out, returning to Tai Xuan.

This is the last chance for this seven-party heavenly path aggregate!

"The big formation is trembling, but your Majesty is temporarily trapped by Dao Lian, the Great Sage Taiqing. If it takes a long time, if you can't say that the will of the heavens, will you completely break out of this crape myrtle Zhoutian big formation?"

On the Da Xia treasure ship, a worried voice from Li Chunfeng came out, but before his words fell, Sima Annan's extremely determined voice sounded directly:

"Master Li doesn't have to worry at all, because Heavenly Dao can't run away this time!"

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