The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2076: He imprisoned heaven

Above the nine heavens, beyond the heavens, everything is silent.

When Zhao Yu threw three punches, completely smashing the will of Heaven into the Nanxianmen, everything was settled.

Then there were countless monks’ hearts that were difficult to smooth, madly shaking, and the mouths that were squeezed and couldn’t make any sound. At this moment, the monks of Tai Xuan who had completely fallen into a trance state had no idea. What kind of emotions should be used to express their inner feelings.

Whether it is shock, horror, hesitation, or fear, it is not enough to describe one's feelings at this time. Only silence can calm the turbulent sea of ​​consciousness.

Then a monk wanted to control his body, but was horrified to find that the distance between his mind and his body seemed infinitely far away, and it was impossible to control it at all.

On the other hand, even though the most violent air bombardment has ended, what is left out of the sky is broken and devastated visible to the naked eye.

The two men of the Holy Venerable and Taiqing moved to Fengxin City in the sky outside the sky. They were already broken everywhere, shattered into huge fragments, floating powerlessly above the void.

At the same time, among these fragments, countless corpses lay on them, wisps of scarlet and dazzling blood flowing out, staining the broken walls and ruins, also representing the number of monks who died in the battle of this day. How shocking it is.

Not only that, on the other side of the Immortal Palace Saint Palace, the assault army of the Central Shangguo lined up and repaired on the platform of the Immortal Palace, and in front of this soldier's front was the shredded Saint Court monk. Line of defense.

Regardless of whether it is the powerful army of the Central High Kingdom at this time, or the holy court monk who is fleeing in a hurry, the whole body is infested with scarlet blood, and the dense wounds are still bubbling with blood.

The previous roars and screams completely disappeared at this moment. In other words, everything in the Ziwei Zhoutian Formation, Zhao Yu punched the third punch, bringing the blazing thunder together with the seven rounds. The Eye of Heaven, the moment it completely smashed into the Nanxian Gate, it was frozen in place.

Under this Zhoutian formation, Zhao Yu is the absolute master, and even the most mysterious time and space can be directly held in his hand to stop its flow completely.

The next breath, outside Nanxianmen, frowned slightly, looking at the young emperor who shone more than the purple immortal door in front of him, his black eyes moved, and after a brief thought, he stretched out his right hand forward.

As soon as Zhao Yu moved, time and space began to flow again, followed by Dou Zhuan Xingyi, time and space returned to place, and everything under the crape myrtle array resumed flow.


After a thunderous loud noise, the sect monk's divine consciousness in the ruined wall rushed back into his body and began to grasp the body again, followed by a violent coughing sound like a drowning person after being rescued:

"Cough cough cough."

These sect monks, young and old, regardless of their cultivation level, opened their mouths and breathed forcefully, and then some heads of sect with good cultivation skills, after adjusting their auras, propped up their bodies on the ground, feeling at a loss. Looking around in a circle, murmured:

"It's over, it's all over."

As soon as the word “end” came out, more dramatic fluctuations in expression began to emerge from the faces of the monks, and then more and more monks struggled to stand up, but they were in the vastness of the emperor’s prestige. Down, lay down on the ground again, only letting the big beads of sweat flow down his face.

After Tiandao was blasted into Nanxianmen by the young emperor, the many sect monks who began to feel the power of the young emperor's body directly began to really feel the majesty pouring out from inside the upright body at the end of the field of vision. What a vastness.

It is no exaggeration to say that the young emperor who is the ruler of this formation can suppress these sect monks countless times even with a single thought.

Life and death are judged by others, whether death or alive depends on other people's thoughts!

Thinking of this, the monks lying prone on the ground moved their throats and swallowed their saliva. Finally, a trace of fear began to appear in their eyes.

The content of their fear is very simple, that is, the Lord of Great Xia who laughed to the end in front of him, will he use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to directly obliterate the heads of the many forces in the land of the Supreme Profound Land?

On the other hand, if Zhao Yu had the heart to dominate the world, then this would be an excellent opportunity of a lifetime.

Imagine if Zhao Yu obliterated the entire Taixuan 108 County, over 70% of the sect overhaul, then Daxia's soldiers would easily sweep all directions, and no one could stop it!

After another breath of time, more and more monks began to think of this, which naturally included the Daxia Taboos on the Daxia Treasure Ship, and then the Nantian King Chang Xiliu who stood on the bow of the ship, clasping the show tightly. Fist, frowned, stepped forward slightly, just about to open his mouth, but he was caught by Sima Anan.

Then Chang Xiliu turned his head and looked at Sima Annan, his red lips lightly opened, and a very slight voice came out:

"Sima-sama, the big man doesn't stick to the trivialities, let alone the star of Ziwei Emperor."

When the words fell, Sima Annan retracted his right hand and responded softly:

"Your Excellency Chang, Your Majesty has his own plan."

After speaking, Sima Annan, together with all the other taboos, folded his hands in front of him, his head hung down, and waited very respectfully.

It is true that the young emperor has already used unparalleled power to completely conquer the entire Daxia and become the supreme sovereign in the eyes of all Daxia's people!

Zhao Yu has his own judgment, and facts have proved that the young emperor’s choices are correct!

For any sect monk in Tianwaitian, the waiting time is extremely long now, although the time really does not last long, and then a cry of extreme grief completely broke the silence of the entire Tianwaitian.

This call came from the other side of the Xianting Holy Palace, and also from the Central Sergeant Sergeant Formation:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

As soon as this shouting sound came out, everyone's eyes began to shift, and then the complex color became thicker, and I saw the front of the central army, the old monarch sitting upright, finally slowly lowering his own. Skull.

However, before the complete death, the old monarch had a smile on his face, because the Lord died in front of him, and this alone was enough to make this old man die without regret.

"Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth, this place beyond the sky has already created too many killings."

In the next instant, a young emperor voice sounded throughout the sky outside the sky, and as soon as this emperor voice sounded, the hearts of countless cultivators were directly picked up, and they once again condensed their eyes to the figure outside the Nanxian Gate. superior.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who was under countless eyes, suddenly disappeared. After reappearing, he had already regained his feet on the Daxia Treasure Ship.

He was still wearing a flying black and gold robe, and he was wearing a towering crown, but for some reason, everyone felt that this young man had already stepped on the entire Supreme Profound Land.

He imprisoned God!

Compared with before, at this time, Zhao Yu's face had a little more emotional ups and downs, and the Emperor Wei on his body began to withdraw from his body. He raised his hand and waved forward slightly, and the Emperor Yin continued to burst out loudly:

"I don't want to kill any more evils, so please go back. Finally, the entire Sky Cloud Palace flying race in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm will be blessed by Da Xia from now on and not be humiliated!"

Zhao Yu is still the same Zhao Yu. Although he didn't agree to Taiqing himself, he would do what he thought was right.

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