The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2077: one year later


Rain, pouring heavy rain, fell on the gray sky, turning into curtains like bead curtains, covering the whole world.

Then the heavy rain fell on the city wall with the color of dusk, making a dense, dense sound like a pearl falling on a plate.

This continuous heavy rain straddled all counties in the Taixuan Land except the northern border, and it got bigger and bigger, almost turning the whole land into Heze.

The southern swamp of Taixuan Land is undergoing drastic changes.

Due to the continuous fall of heavy rain, the water level in Daze in the south has risen little by little to the naked eye, and a large number of races adapting to land life are forced to move to the border highlands of Nanze.

However, what is different from the past is that on the highlands of Nanze Marsh, an extremely rough city is gradually being built. Intensive construction phase, but it has already taken shape.

The towering city wall, bordered by the southern swamp and the snowy kingdom of the Central Plains, extends far away, even without a glance at the end. Behind this city wall, there are blocks of different shapes. Between the buildings, there are countless races from the southern swamps, which are being built in full swing.

An aboriginal who originally belonged to the swamp land, carrying a large basket full of mud on his shoulders, gathered in the city from a distance, and at the same time, with a strong physique, walked like flying.

"Get out of the way, let the little master go first, you weak chickens, even the women in our clan are inferior."

On the more crowded street, a very strong voice suddenly sounded, and then at the end of the street, an exceptionally strong figure rushed out under the dense rain curtain, rushing in stride, imposing momentum Like a rainbow.

I saw this man who was twice as tall as the other swamp races, covered with fine scales all over his body, holding two huge pieces of wood with two hands like chickens, and ramming into the room, causing a large number of swamps on both sides. The races exclaimed.

At the same time, these exclamations were mixed with some extremely dissatisfied shouts:

"Where is the clay driller, so reckless, so reckless!"

As soon as this rebuke fell, beside the person who spoke, another companion carrying the mud basket stretched out his hand to support the mud basket, suppressing a lot of voices, and spreading out:

"Master, you have two complaints. This is our treasure in Nanze City. You must know that the swamp ironwood used in the city today is expected to be chopped by this kid. If you annoy him, it will not be an hour. Someone above will tie you in front of them and bow their heads and apologize."

As soon as the words came out, the face of the young master of the swamp race who had spoken before changed slightly, and his lips moved. He wanted to say a few ruthless words, but in the end he swallowed it back into his stomach and muttered:

"If it weren't for Heze in this world, everything is not peaceful, Nanze country has just been established, and it is waiting to be revived, and we are also counting on the majority of Nanze to resist the crisis, this young master will definitely not just swallow it."

After he finished speaking, the young master who was still considered to be a distinguished person might still feel that he could not make it through his face. After a light hum, he lifted the mud basket on his shoulders and continued along the long street, step by step.

Then the young follower behind him, looking up at the thin young figure in front of him, sighed slightly.

In this sigh, there was a deep sense of helplessness and sadness, as well as infinite hesitation about the future.

The continuous heavy rain that lasted for a whole year has had a significant impact on the entire Taixuan Land, especially this land of Nanze, which was originally located in the low-lying area of ​​the Taixuan continent, so that after countless rains fell, They gathered together and poured into this Nanze, turning this swamp into a big lake.

On the other hand, the races that have lived in the land of Nanze for generations, not every race is proficient in water, even if they can be amphibious, compared to lakes, most people naturally prefer land.

As a result, more and more marsh races began to abandon their original habitats, migrate northward, and migrate to the capital that Nanze Kingdom is building.

This Nanze city at this time will undoubtedly become the home of most swamp races in the future, and in order to build a home for the future inhabitation, every swamp race will work hard at this time. It also used extremely fast speed to build the framework and prototype of the city.

At noon, the torrential rain was still pouring down, falling on the stagnant water on the street, causing ripples in circles. For a city under construction, the drainage system can only be used. Disaster to describe.

At the next breath, a big foot with webbed fingers fell in midair on a street not far from the center of the city, and stepped on the deep standing water, making a muffled noise:


Then the water splashed and shot out, causing another commotion among the monks on both sides of the street.

Immediately after that, the young man carrying two swamp iron trees like a hill opened his mouth again and let out a wild laugh, and in a blink of an eye he crossed a large distance and came towards the end of the street.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of this street is a huge building spiraling upward.

Although the style of this building is as rough as ever, it looks extremely strong. At the same time, the hot wave and bright fire light pour out from the second floor of the building. Its power is so powerful that even the falling rain They all evaporated, forming a billowing white mist, enveloping the sky.

Because of this, this building, when viewed from a distance, looks like a torch burning with white flames.

At the same time, on the torch, the three huge characters are flowing light blue luster.

Nanze Palace!

"After spending a few days in the swamp, this Nanze Palace is a lot more powerful."

After a mumble, the burly swamp man put his hands on his shoulders at the same time, and he lifted the two giant swamp iron woods in his hands.

At the next breath, the man's knees bent slightly, and he leaped straight up. The huge body was as light as a feather swallow. In a blink of an eye, he appeared on the spiral staircase of the building in front of him, then strode away and climbed up the stairs. .

Inside the man’s burly body, there was a strong explosive force. After a while, he appeared outside a door of a certain room in this building. Before the stove.

At the same time, a rough voice made it easy to sound from the front, and then came out backwards:

"Boy, to what extent is the water in our southern swamp?"

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