The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2080: Ask for help

The general trend of the world is inherently complicated and unpredictable, and it tends to develop in a direction that the rest of the people cannot predict.

Since a year ago, Zhao Yu imprisoned the Dao of Heaven in the Heavenly Land, and the entire Taixuan Land has been torrential rain.

At the same time, all the monks who witnessed all of this in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm knew that a new era was coming.

However, no one has a final conclusion about what this era will be and where it will go.

The top-level hall of Nanze Tower. After the door of the hall was pushed open by the old and the young, the internal scene immediately came into view. What is surprising is that the scene behind the gate is not a magnificent lobby for discussion, but a complete one. Open terrace.

On this wide platform, you can overlook the entire Nanze City, which is under construction in full swing, and if you face the north, you can see a giant snow-capped mountain that extends directly into the nine heavens at the end of the line of sight.

This snow-capped mountain is familiar to all the creatures in the marshland. It is the holy land of the Kingdom of Xuemei, and it is also one of the most famous sacred mountains in the entire Taixuan Land, the Snow Mountain.

The existence of Fengxue Shenshan and the countless snow on the mountain have made it the shrouded place in the south. For countless years, it has accumulated more water vapor than the ordinary boundary, and has become a huge swamp landform, which also gave birth to the living in the swamp. Countless races.

In other words, the two are interrelated masterpieces of the natural world.

However, the recent continuous rainstorms have completely changed the relationship between the two and made Nanze a real South Lake.

The importance of the habitat for the survival of the race is self-evident, if you lose even the living place, then it means that you no longer have a foothold in this world.

Therefore, at the forefront of this Nanze Palace, a middle-aged monk wearing a gray-brown imperial robe looked worried, looked down at the big city under construction, and continued with a helpless voice:

"Twilight Lord, in this short year, one-third of the landforms of the land of my Nanze have been turned into a lake, and countless people have been forced to leave their homes. What is even more dangerous is that there is nowhere in the swamp. Monsters who can go."

After speaking, the middle-aged monarch of Nanze State raised his right hand, pointed at the entire swamp below the rain, and continued to speak very solemnly:

"According to our country's monks' investigation, the collective migration direction of these alien beasts is to the north, which means that before long, there will be endless alien beasts rushing out of the swamp. That is a catastrophe of life and death."

After he finished speaking, the Lord Nanze turned his head, looked at an old man standing beside him with his hand, and said:

"Almost all the monks in my country have been sent out by the master of the country to find a solution, trying to open the way to drain the water, at least to slow down the spread of the water, and the rest of the people will build this big city below. If it is really necessary in the future Facing the charge of the swamp monster, at least there is still a city to defend.

"In fact, if the Lord of Twilight does not come in person this time, the Lord of the country wants to go north to find your country for help, but he never thinks that you have come half a step earlier."

Among the words of the Nanze Kingdom Lord, besides joking, there was more helplessness. Then the old man in yellow robe beside him looked at the rain curtain in front of him. After a few breaths of silence, he still spoke:

"You are an external trouble, and my twilight country is the most difficult internal trouble."

The word "inner worries" came out, and the vitality that came out of the body of the yellow-robed old man suddenly became countless times stronger, and the words of each word came out again:

"Lord Nanze, I thought that after the Holy Lord was extinguished, and even after the incident of Tianwaitian, the entire world would usher in an era that truly belonged to us, but I never thought that it would be the current situation!"

As soon as the words of the yellow-robed old man fell, the response from the Lord of the Nanze Kingdom sounded immediately:

"It can only be said that the former Immortal Palace is really too powerful, and the back hand left by it has caught all of us completely unprepared."

As soon as this remark came out, another moment of silence appeared between the two sovereigns, and because the two of them were heavy on their minds, the extremely strong pressure of the superiors, like a black cloud covering the top, was suddenly suppressed.

At the same time, at the back of the main hall of the Nanze Tower platform, the old and the young standing in the rain after pushing open the door before, felt the waves of strong pressure, and their minds were slightly shaken.

Then the two looked at the two silent lord under the rain curtain from a distance, bowed their heads and lowered their hands, and waited respectfully, not daring to neglect.

Then in the silence of the two people in front, drop after drop of rain fell on the gloomy sky, dripping on the face of the young man Nan, and then flowing down the latter's cheek.

At the next breath, the young man frowned, and began to feel a thick coldness spreading over his face, muttering to ask:

"Huo Lao, how can there be snow in this torrential rain?"

This question fell, and the old man with his head down next to him slightly raised his eyes and looked towards the sky above, but found no abnormalities. Then a lowered voice came out:

"Nan boy, there is nothing in the rain, why is there snow, are you stunned?"

"How come, there is obviously snow, falling from the snow sacred mountain in the north."

After the young man Nan finished speaking, he lifted his body and looked at the sacred mountain in the north, only to see a thick misty color in his eyes, and the voice continued:

"Not only is there heavy snow, but there is also a voice, which seems to be calling me."

However, the burly young man's voice stopped abruptly, because the old man beside him directly stretched out his hand, pressed the former's head, and pressed heavily, and the voice came out at the same time:

"This snow sacred mountain is far away from us, and it's separated from the swamp mountains. The snowflakes falling on it turned into rain halfway through. You kid, give me a clearer mind."

After speaking, the old man coughed slightly, fixed his gaze on the figure in the front, and continued to speak:

"Be energetic, the Lord of Twilight Kingdom has already left, so Lord Lord will find you and me soon, don't be distracted."

The voice fell, and the young man Nan who slapped the back of the head firmly, the strange color in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and after recovering, there was still a little dazed face on his face.

But the next breath, as expected, a majestic and majestic voice rolled down in front of the old and the young:

"During this period, the lord of the country has been closely watching the changes in the situation in our southern swamp and the entire Taixuan Land, and found that everything is developing in an extremely unoptimistic direction.

"Nanze's floods cannot be taken lightly, so the monarch wants you to come and ask for help."

As soon as the word for help came out, the void atmosphere of the entire platform outside the hall suddenly stagnated, followed by an ice blue jade medallion that flew down in front of them and suspended in front of the two of them.

At the next breath, the voice of the Lord of the Kingdom of Nanze continued to sound again:

"With this token, go to Xuemei Shangguo Xuemei City, find the second elder of Snow Wind Mountain, see if you can have a chance, and recommend you to Daxia!"

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