At the northernmost part of the land of Nanze, the torrential rain was still there, and the rushing rain flooded the whole world under the dark clouds. During the subsequent torrential rain, an old man’s voice faintly sounded:

"Boy, nowadays the heavy rain has had an impact on the entire Taixuan Land, which is far more profound than what you can see. Except for Heze everywhere, as dark clouds cover the sun, the growth of the plants on the earth, It all started to slow down."

This old and rough voice came out, and there was a figure of an old and a young in the mountains outside the southern swamp, moving in the sky, stepping a little above the huge tree, and flying out to the north.

As the old man said at this time, the growth of plants on the edge of the swamp was greatly affected by the decrease in sunlight, so that most of the ground under the two of them was bare.

The old man's words just fell, and the next breath, the burly young Nan next to him, flying through the woods at the same speed, nodded and replied:

"Old Huo makes sense. When I came to this mountainous land last time, under this huge tree, all were lush and lush, but this time, it was completely different, so that I even thought that this place had just encountered a Catastrophe."

"Our land in Nanze can be described as the entire Taixuan, only the lush land of Dongsheng Forest, even here we have suffered such an impact, not to mention the rest of the land."

Compared with the time when he was in Nanze City before, because he was responsible for the Lord’s order to go north, Huo Lao at this time put on a robe that symbolizes the country of Nanze, and at the same time he carefully combed his scribbled hair like a bird’s nest. After some care, the whole person even seemed to be somewhat powerful.

Then this old man from Nanze Country raised his head and stared at the edge of the swamp forest that was getting closer and closer, and continued to open his mouth and say:

"The whole terrain of our southern swamp is lower as we go to the south, and from Nanze city to the north, it is a steep mountainous landform. In other words, the entire land of Nanze is only the one where our capital is located at this time. The area is a flat landform, which can be suitable for the establishment of a city.

"And this is one of the reasons why the Lord of the country is so worried now. The transformation of Nanze into a lake means that we must compete with the endless alien beasts in the swamp."

After he finished speaking, the old man waited for a few breaths, but he didn't hear the answer from the person behind. This made a little difference in the eyes of the former. He paused slightly, and when he looked back, he saw the burly young man Nan. He frowned again, looking very dazed.

"Ahem, boy, could it be that you really got caught up in something evil? How come you have just started in Nanze Tower, so you look like you are not alive?"

The old man’s vigorous voice was like a big bell ringing, rippling back and forth in this swamp woodland, and then the young man who recovered, his pupils continued to expand and shrink, and then opened his mouth and said:

"Sorry, Huo Lao, boy, I'm distracted again."

"Could it be that the rain is mixed with blizzard again, and someone is talking to you again?"

After the question from the old Huo passed through, a flash of recollection flashed over the burly man's southern face, and then he nodded and said:

"Yes, and this time, the call has become much clearer. Someone is calling me to wake up, and the snow in front of me is very big and flickering."

"I think your kid is completely stunned. The old man guessed that it might be because the realm breakthrough was so fast that a golem appeared. When it comes to Snow Charm City, I really want to call a medical practitioner to show you. "

When he said this, Huo Lao's eyes showed a strong look of worry. It is true that for this rising star of Nanze Country, not only him, but the entire upper class of Nanze Country are particularly concerned.

However, the young man Nan didn't have much worry. After shook his head, he looked forward and turned away from the subject and said:

"Huo Lao, the border of the Xuemei Upper Country, shouldn't it be here?"

"Quickly, turning over the mountain in front is the snowy road leading to the north. As we all know, Fengxue Shenshan was the dojo of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, one of the four imperial palaces, during the Immortal Palace era.

"Therefore, around this mountain, the law of ice is inherently shrouded, so the old man guessed that the so-called heavy snow in the sky may be right in front of your eyes."

The old and the young are not weak in cultivation, so the speed of crossing the void is very fast. During the conversation, countless swamp trees below flashed behind him, and it only took a short half-quarter of an hour to completely turn over the place. The mountain leaped down suddenly.

But in the next breath, when everything in front of him was shown in front of the two of them, a thick look of horror appeared directly in Huo Lao's eyes, and then Huo Lao pressed his lips without saying a word.

Next to the old man, Nan, a burly young man who was also surprised, scanned the circle below, and his voice came out:

"Huo Lao, where is the snow road you mentioned?"

This question was like a slap on the old man’s face, making his old face fierce and painful. After a while, the latter lowered his head and murmured in response:

"This North Glacier Road was actually flooded. How is this possible?"

Accompanied by the unbelievable exclamation of the old man, I saw that directly below this mountain peak, the icefield that had stretched northward had unknowingly turned into a series of closely intertwined rivers.

Then the river rolled to the south, rushing into the swamps and mountains in the south, and emitted a deafening sound.

"It turns out that most of the big water in our southern swamp land actually flows out of the territory of Xuemei, the old man should have thought of it!"

The sound of enlightenment just came from Huo Lao’s mouth, an ice-blue streamer flickered in the void ahead, and at the same time, the sharp whistling sound was as harsh as rubbing on ice, which made people fascinating. Shocked.

"Who is coming?"

At the next breath, a loud roar rolled out of the young man Nan's mouth, and then he took a step forward, opened his posture, and slammed directly into the air in front of him.


Along with the loud sound of the air being completely blasted, before the young man's heavy punch, a fist breath was visible to the naked eye, bursting like a white smoke, straight into the blue and white streamer coming from a distance.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the three crisp roars, the streamer coming from a distance was directly forced to stop in place, revealing a beautiful Snow Meizu woman, and in front of the latter was a heavy frost shield that was completely shattered on three sides.

"This rough man in the swamp has such a strong physique."

After a whisper came from the woman of Xuemei Country, she then put away the different color on her face, her icy blue eyes stared at the bottom, her red lips continued to light up, and her voice sounded:

"The two are fellow daoists from Nanze Country, Snow Charm Country's Fengxue Sacred Mountain offers sacrifices to Han Yin, and is here to wait."

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