The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2082: Brand new Fengxin City

Xuemei Shangguo, at the foot of the Snow Mountain, outside the city of Xuemei.

The heavy rain falling over the sky hit the icy blue city wall in front, making a crackling sound, and as Huo Lao and his party approached the Snow Charm City, the roads on both sides obviously became alive.

But it's just a little bit.

The Xuemei clan that controls the Xuemei Nation were originally sparsely populated. Coupled with the recent civil turmoil, some of the subsidiary races in the entire Xuemei country were also killed and injured. As a result, the entire city gate seemed extremely deserted.

"Old Huo, are the cultivators of Xuemei Country so cold?"

Outside the Snow Capital City, the young man Nan, who was riding on the back of a snow beast, first raised his head and glanced at the Xuemei country woman who was riding in the front, then turned his head and continued to speak softly:

"On the way, this sister has never said a word to us, just let us follow, Huo Lao, do you know what it means?"

When the burly young man said this, his voice was unclear. Therefore, just after the words fell, before Huo Lao on the side could speak, the woman in front directly controlled the alien beast under him to stop, turned around, and frowned. Standing up, a cold voice came directly:

"Didn't your country master tell you the purpose of this trip to Snow Charm City?"

After speaking, Xue Mei gradually took on the weird face of the glamorous female cultivator, which made Huo Lao who just wanted to speak, his face changed slightly, and then looked at the young man next to him, and then raised his hand. He bowed forward and said loudly:

"The two of me are indeed very confused, and I ask the girl to clarify."

"Come and talk, I have received a lot of monks from the power these days, and I really haven't seen anyone as confused as the two of you."

After the still cold voice was heard from Xuemei Country's female Xiu Hanyin, the former slowed down and waited for the two behind to catch up, before continuing to speak unhurriedly:

"First of all, the two need to know that this time the cultivator gathering is not just us, but the cultivator forces named in the vicinity of the Central Plains core will send people to participate, and our purpose."

At this point, Han Yin paused, staring at the old and the young who were attentively aside, and then gently spit out two words:


As soon as the word Da Xia came out, the look on the fiery old face did not change, and he nodded, took out a cold jade card, and said:

"His Majesty has explained this before, saying that after going to the capital of the Xuemei Kingdom, if you look for the second elder of the Snow Wind Mountain, you will have the opportunity to go to Daxia."

"The second elder in your mouth is my master."

With a little proud voice, Yu Hanyin's mouth sounded, and then he continued to control the snow beast under him, rushing towards the gate of the capital city in front of him, and the other side went on to explain:

"And the cold jade order in your hand was also given to Nanze by the master personally, for this time Heze Taoist Association."

When the word "Daohui" came out of the female Hanyin's mouth, the expressions of Old Huo and the young man Nan suddenly became extremely ugly. It is true that the previous World Taoist Society was too tragic, and it was tragic to the monks of all major forces. , Shi Qu is only two return, which makes the rest of the people directly become scared.

At the next breath, perhaps seeing the bitterness in the two of them, Han Yin raised her snow-white right hand and shook it lightly. The voice came out:

"The two of you don't have to be nervous. This time the Heze Taoist Association is no better than the World Taoist Association. There are no so-called disputes. It is just that we, the Central Plains forces, were held in response to this torrential rain and there is no conflict of interest."

It was said that the old and the young beside the woman let out a sigh of relief. It was said that she was bitten by a snake once and feared the ropes for ten years. Although the two of them did not directly participate in the previous Taoist society, but Just listening to the survivors’ narratives made them horrified and trembling.

Then the old man named Huo, who raised his hand and arched forward again, turned his eyes slightly and asked:

"Friends of the cold Daoist, since this Taoist meeting is to discuss the heavy rain this day, is it to be held in the capital of your country?"

"Naturally, it is not in the capital of Wuxuemei country."

After this explanation came out, Han Yin's beautiful face began to show a little solemn color, and he continued to speak:

"Speaking of this Taoist meeting, we have to mention the Daxia we talked about before. In fact, most of our forces are very clear this time. For the heavy rain that lasted for a whole year, almost no one can say that there is a clear solution. The law.

"So the only thing we can count on is the mysterious country in the north, the far north."

After the words fell, the group of people came directly to the gate of Xuemei Country's capital city, but the leading Han Yin did not enter the city.

At the next breath, the old and the young beside Han Yin released their breath at the same time, and controlled the alien beast under him to stop. Before it stopped completely, he heard a loud neigh suddenly sounded within the black cloud above his head. And this scream was even accompanied by a thunder falling from the sky.


The blue-and-white thunder fell in the rain, turning into a blazing light, connecting the heavens and the earth, and the entire cloud layer above the capital city of Xuemei Kingdom, was forced away by a huge force like two sides. Directly rushed to a huge behemoth.


After an instant, the violent wind pressure rushed down from the top in advance, and directly blew the guns of the people below without fancy. Even the body sitting on the back of the alien beast shook for a while, and then came from the south. The old and the young in Zeguo raised their heads, and the exclamation came out directly:

"Xue Mei went to the country, it's such a big deal."

Before the words fell, I saw a huge ice bird above the sky, tearing open the rain curtain, swooping down, and matching the shining thunder behind him, with extraordinary momentum.

"Two, time is pressing, we won't enter the city. Since Daxia was born in Beihai, she has lived far away in Beihai, rarely interacting with other forces, which is extremely mysterious.

"During this period, there were a lot of forces going north to the Beihai, trying to establish contact with Daxia, but they all came home in the end."

Along with the swooping down of the giant snow wind eagle above the sky, a cold voice came from Hanyin's mouth again, and then the young Snow Charm country woman turned over and jumped off the strange beast, the voice continued Outgoing:

"However, in the past six months, Daxia has obviously increased its connection with the entire Taixuan Land. Whether it is selling various powerful treasures through the Chamber of Commerce, or communicating between young disciples, they have begun to become a little bit more frequent.

"And the place we are going this time is Daxia's most important stronghold in the core of our Central Plains, Fufeng County and Fengxin City."

After finishing the sentence, Han Yin paused, and added word by word:

"Brand new Fengxin City!"

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