"Sister, this is a young sister, isn't it? At a young age, she's short-sighted. It's a pity, it's a pity."

"The outbreak of the wind eye in Fengxin City, Fufeng County, is not a joke. It cuts all the wind and rages arbitrarily. Even those major repairs won't dare to wander outside. This girl will definitely be shattered for a while. The silk does not exist."

At the edge of the main island square of Fengxin City, as this shadow jumped forward, one after another exclamation sound continued.

Then he stood on the edge of the square and stretched his hand forward, but he caught Kong Nan, his eyes opened, staring at the shadow that flew forward like a feather, and the whole body began to tremble slightly.

"In these troubled times, there are cultivators, especially weak-willed female cultivators, who can hardly endure the suffering and choose to leave. It's just a shame."

"As the saying goes, it's better to die than to live. Maybe it's a kind of courage to choose to step into the eternal darkness calmly!"

For the overhaul in the Great Profound Land, they saw too much life and death, so the imminent death of life in front of them just made them lament the injustice of heaven and earth.

It is true that sympathy is the most useless emotion in the realm of the Supreme Profound Realm!

But what these monks who were discussing with each other did not know was that not far from them, there was a young man whose body was trembling more and more violently, so that dense beads of sweat fell down his cheeks again.

Because the lingering voice once again lingered in Nan’s ears, and at the same time, an indescribable will, like a seed germinating, broke out of the former’s sea of ​​consciousness, bursting out, and unexpectedly in an instant, He took control of the young man's body and made a movement that everyone could not imagine.

At the next breath, the burly young man standing on the edge of the square bends his knees directly, leaps up in the direction that the girl in front is flying out of.

The immense power made the young man's body soar into the sky like an arrow from the string, and after a few flashes, he disappeared directly in place, allowing the monks on the platform to stay in place and be left alone.

A moment later, a burst of extremely dense wind roars, making it sound like a huge mountain landslide, deafening, under the main island of Fengxin.


This loud noise caused the monks on the countless platforms to retreat hurriedly. Before they quit three steps, the countless haze winds visible to the naked eye rose directly from the eye of the wind below, instantly occupying the front of everyone. The whole sight.

"The eyes of the Lanfeng wind broke out, this power is really powerful!"

After a long time, awe-inspiring admiration came from the monks in the square. As for the two who jumped out before, they have long been forgotten.

Because these monks all think that they have been completely cut into pieces by Lanfeng, and the dead, the least need to worry about!

But in fact, there is a completely unexpected scene between the haze wind storms that these people can't see.

I saw a young girl with wings on her back, like an elf in the storm, moving in the wind, beautiful and amazing. At the same time, the girl was carrying a strong body in her hands. Young people.

The young man’s rough face was full of weird colors, his eyes were staring at the haze wind that evaded like a docile butterfly in front of him. For a while, he didn’t even know what to say, and then a sweet voice came from above the young man. :

"Boy, where are you from?"

When this question fell, Nan swallowed, healed the pores that he had exploded because of the life-and-death crisis, and opened his mouth to respond:

"Nanze Country."

"It turned out to be Nanze's idiot, so it's no wonder that she stupidly jumped in with this girl."

At the next breath, a voice with a sudden realization came directly from the Yu clan girl's mouth, which made the young man Nan's brows jump, and he wanted to retort, but in the end he tightened his lips and said nothing.

Perhaps seeing the dissatisfaction of the young man below, the young girl waving her wings and quickly shuttled between the wind and storm, with a smile on her face, and then she said:

"My name is Qingyu, and I'm so desperate for you, your friend, this girl has agreed."

When the voice fell, Qing Yu raised his left hand, drew a magic spell forward, and slammed it forward. Then a cyan streamer turned into a flying giant bird, opened his mouth and screamed, tearing open the wind. Rush forward.

"Let's go!"

After a low cry, Qing Yu threw the young man in his hand south toward the streamer flying bird, and at the same time, his right foot volleyed a little bit, and also moved up, very gracefully standing on the back of the supernatural giant bird, and then more swiftly. Rushing towards the undulating island in front of the dense fog.

"Girl, where are we going?"

On the back of the blue bird’s magical power, the young man Nan, who was sitting cross-legged, looked at Lanfeng, who was retreating rapidly on his side, and the sound of inquiry fell, and then the sweet response came immediately:

"You have to ask, of course it is the Taihang Palace."

As soon as the three words of Taixing Palace came out, Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and said hesitantly:

"But Miss Qingyu, just now I heard people around me say that Taihang Palace is the territory of Daxia outside the north, and ordinary people can't enter. We are so rash, there is no problem, right?"

"No, no, this girl has been there many times before, and there is no problem."

The voice coming from Qing Yu's mouth was full of certainty, which made the young man Nan next to him nod subconsciously, only to feel that this young girl in neon feathers, standing proud and tall, suddenly became taller. .

But soon, Nan knew that he was wrong, and it was very wrong, because when the magical bird that shuttled through the wind and storm quickly approached the island where the Taihang Palace was located, it did not land directly, but was extremely strange. Made a big turn to the side.

This big bend directly bypassed the front of Taihang Palace and flew towards an inconspicuous corner of the wind island. It was obviously not the first time to see the girl who was familiar with the road.

"Before Daxia was helping to build Fengxin City, Taihang Palace would occasionally be opened to the public because the masters needed to go in and out, but after the construction of the city, it was too difficult to get in."

After the unimportant voice came out of the girl Qingyu's mouth again, she controlled the breeze giant eagle under her, silently passed through the layers of thick fog, and landed in a remote place.

Then Qing Yu leaped down from the eagle's back, landed steadily on the island, clapped his hands, and continued to sound confident:

"But how can this be a hard-to-get this girl? My Qingyu is naturally not an ordinary person."

After speaking, the flying girl in feather clothes stretched out her hands and pressed forward, and then wisps of wind began to gush out over the former's body, and at the same time, the slender body slowly blended into the front under Nan's incredible gaze from the back. Within the faintly shining enchantment.

"Steal, smuggle?

The stammering voice of the south fell, and Qingyu's low whistle sounded again within the barrier after the next breath.

"Oh, I almost forgot you."

Then came the billowing blue wind, which wrapped and pulled the young man in the back, and disappeared into the same place.

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