
Fengxin City, Fufeng County, outside of Fengdao where Taihang Palace is located, enveloping the entire Fengdao enchantment, was silently cut a small opening, and then two young people, both young, cats He walked gently among the dense forests on the island.

"South, in fact, many people understand it incorrectly. Although this Taihang Palace belongs to Daxia's land in Fufeng County, it does not mean that this wind island belongs to Daxia."

While slowly moving forward, the young man Nan's ears heard the soft voice of the feather-clothed girl in front.

After that, Qing Yu, who had completely condensed his body and down, and appeared to be familiar with the road, raised his hand to make the seal, and continued to release the original force outwards, strengthening the wisps of wind elves that hovered around him, and continued to speak:

"Our Tianyun Temple is only in respect of Daxia, so we evacuated everyone on this wind island and left it completely to Daxia, but in a sense, this The enchantment surrounding the island actually belongs to the Heavenly Cloud Palace."

After speaking, the girl who shuttled through the dense forest raised her mouth, showing a slightly triumphant smile, and her voice continued:

"So this enchantment is just useless in front of this girl."

After the voice fell, Qing Yu, who had been turning around in the dense forest, stopped abruptly, raised his hand to Nan at the back, and made another silent gesture, and pushed aside the tall grass in front of him. , Poke his head out slightly.

Then the young man Nan, who slowed down, stepped forward, pushed aside the cover in front, and looked down, his eyes suddenly widened, because in front of him was a corner of a huge palace that had never been seen before.

The location where the two of them are at this time is half a mountainside, and from this angle, you can just see the impactful buildings in front of them.

If at this time this brand-new Fengxin City has surpassed the ordinary monks' understanding of architecture in Tai Xuan, then this corner of Taihang Palace has completely subverted the cognition of the young man Nan.

"This is weird."

The muttering voice came from the mouth of the boy Nanze, and then Qing Yu, who was lying next to him, nodded slightly and responded:

"Yes, when I saw this Taihang Palace for the first time, I didn't dare to imagine my eyes. You see, all the buildings in this Taihang Palace are built around the ancient stone statue standing upright in the center. .

"At the same time, all the buildings in this palace are actually a complete whole, and the distribution of these houses is full of amazing beauty, as if they came from another world."

When the voice fell, the two of them raised their eyes and swept away at the same time, looking intoxicated. Although they were not in a high position, they could only see a small corner, but the wide and smooth roads and roads The Akashi street lamps standing on both sides and the carefully cultivated green plants still made the two people admire.

In many cases, neatness and cleanliness are beautiful.

The basic structure of the Taihang Palace has inherited Daxia's consistent philosophy and is not fancy, but it is the temperament revealed in this calmness that really strikes the minds of the two young people.

As the so-called big country, it shows the greatest tolerance in the most subtle places. For some reason, looking at the appearance of the corner of the Taihang Palace in front of me, a thought came to Nan's mind without restraint:

"I really want to see what the lives of the people of Daxia are like?"

But this thought hadn't fallen yet, and Qing Yu's voice whispered with excitement beside him, and it sounded directly in his ears:

"I'm coming."

As soon as this low whispering sound fell, I looked at the far end of the Taihang Palace in front of him. The door of a building was pushed open, and then a tall and young figure walked out.

This figure is not too tall, but the body under the black robe seems to have endless power, and even gives people an illusion. Even if it stomped a little, it could directly crush the entire island below. .

At the next breath, the figure in the black robe on the Taihang Palace campus directly stretched out his hand and took off the black robe on his body, revealing a magnificent face and almost perfect muscles.

Then the straight figure naked upper body, after twisting his neck, he came to a hill on the school ground, raised his hand forward, gently shook it, and then lifted it up, directly forming a hill with special materials in front of him. Hold it above your head.

This is undoubtedly an extremely powerful picture, and when viewed from a distance, it is as if an ancient **** who is actually moving the mountain and reclaiming the sea appeared in front of him, holding the mountain easily.

At the next breath, I watched the young girl Qing Yu not far away, her eyes brightened, she smashed her mouth, her face was intoxicated, but after an instant, Qing Yu frowned tightly, raised her hand and waved back, muttering dissatisfiedly. :

"Nan, don't pull me, I didn't see this girl busy."

After speaking, Qing Yu didn't turn his head back, but he felt that someone else was pushing him with his hand. This made the disturbed Qing Yu frowned, and a look of dissatisfaction appeared on her pretty face, and she suddenly turned her head back. He wanted to continue speaking, but he held the words that he had blurted in his mouth abruptly.

I saw the girl’s side, and I don’t know when to stand a tall Daxia Rage Beast Colonel. At the same time, a group of Daxia sergeants in armors stood upright on the outside of the two, releasing turbulent blood. Killing intent, wave after wave came forward.

Seeing such a scene, Qing Yu's pretty face showed a sneer, and while stepping back, he spoke:

"Ha, it's a coincidence, this general, the two of us were just blown here by the wind. This is so disturbing. Let's leave, let's leave."

After speaking, Qing Yu hurriedly waved to Nan who was beside her, and wanted to lift her foot and walk away quickly, but was forced back by the entourage of the angry beast in front of him, and then the latter's thick voice rolled out:

"Girl, then your luck is really bad. Every time the Lanfeng wind breaks out, you will be blown to this place. This school lieutenant has calculated it. This is the fourth time.

"As the saying goes, there are only three things. Since you want to get close to our Taihang Palace like this, you might as well go sit inside the palace, please!"

The request from the Lieutenant of the Fury Beast was not heavy, but it was overbearing that could not be rejected. After speaking, the former took the lead to move forward to the Taihang Palace.

But as soon as he walked a few steps, the lieutenant of the angry beast army stopped, as if thinking of something, turned slightly, and a softer voice came out:

"I think the girl, you are watching our general secretly. I have to say that the girl is really good-sighted. The guys who originally came from the southwest of Daxia and the southwest of Daxia are all great boys, as for General Zhong Li.

"That's the dream girl of many girls in our southern three states, and the girl must continue to work hard."

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