Fengxin City Taihang Palace, an inconspicuous corner of the schoolyard, like thunderous explosions, constantly resounding in the void.

"Boom, boom!"

Every loud noise came out, it means that the huge silver hill was raised with one hand by a tall young man on the school field, and then waved back and forth lightly, as easily as waving a side of silk. .

The silver hill was moved back and forth, not only made loud noises, but even the void, because of the infinite weight of the former, produced waves of void ripples that swept outward.

However, it is worth mentioning that even with such an exaggerated amount of exercise, this sturdy upper body of this upright figure does not even have the slightest sweat.

"The little prince is very hardworking, even when he arrived in Fufeng County, he didn't leave a trace."

Amidst the roar of the void, a calm and young voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as this voice came out, outside the schoolyard, he slowly walked into the shadow of an old man in military robes.

As soon as this figure appeared, Zhong Lizhan, the grandson of the Western Man King and one of the Tianhui Army, stopped waving the hand of the hill, with a smile on his face, and responded:

"I would only have itchy hands on weekdays. I just came here to lift the mountain to get rid of my boredom."

When the voice fell, the mountain that Zhong Li was holding in his hands slowly lowered, and the voice continued:

"Master Li, if you are not staying in Shenjing City, what wind has brought you here?"

After he finished speaking, Zhong Li put down the hill in his hand completely, and after a breath, the entire island where the Taihang Palace was located shook severely. Everyone on the island could clearly perceive that their feet were shaking.

However, the people of Daxia on the island of wind had already been surprised by this, so he only paused for a while and ignored it.

At the same time, the pulsation of the earth caused by the violent vibration of the wind island formed a shock wave outwards, and after it burst out, even the haze wind shattering outside the wind island was shattered into dust.


It took a few breaths, like the buzzing sound after a bell trembling, before it resounded through the entire void.

"It's been almost half a year since you and I were separated last time. The old man will come to see if you are a junior?"

After Li Chunfeng's old voice fell, he was seated next to the white jade table, looking at the exaggerated muscles of Zhong Li Zhan in front of him, and continued to open his mouth and say:

"The little prince deserves to have the blood of the fourteenth surname flowing in his body. Even if he comes to this Fengxin Town, his cultivation is still progressing like flying, I am afraid that this time I can go back and get something amazing in the ancient secret realm of your majesty. ."

"Lord Li don't say these polite remarks. We all know that you, Mr. Li, are not good at polite remarks."

As soon as Li Chunfeng's words fell, Zhong Lizhan's still steady voice sounded immediately, and then the latter came to the Baiyu table, and after saluting the old man in front of him, he also sat down, and his deep voice came out:

"My lord is a senior after all. This time I suddenly came to Fengxincheng. If I had an order, I would have done my best."

"I didn't dare to be ordered. I just came to run errands. You also know that the old man made a few mistakes a few years ago and was always degraded by his majesty. Now that he has finally worked as a military plane, he naturally has to be more dedicated."

Li Chunfeng's words, coupled with his old appearance with white beard and hair, really gave people a very sad feeling. Then the old man sighed slightly, and then said:

"You don’t know how busy the military plane is today. There is almost no place to stand. The old man is old, and it’s not much worse to describe him as an old man. How can he be like young people like Sima Annan? , Thoughts are so full.

"So this time I volunteered to come to Fufeng County, and I also came out to avoid the limelight, by the way, let my head be clean and clean, otherwise this old bone can't stand it, it can't stand it at all!"

"Where is Lord Li, you should always be strong. Is there such a saying that you are old?"

"I'm old and old, and I'm almost in the ground."

Obviously, Zhong Lizhan's praise made Li Chunfeng extremely useful, and then the latter narrowed his eyes, brought a solemn voice, and said:

"Since your Majesty has been convicted in the outer sky, the whole heavenly secret has been particularly obscure, and at this time it may be a situation that has never been seen in the entire Supreme Profound Land for countless years, so that even our Military Aircraft Department has summoned all of them. People don’t even understand if they use mountain and sea maps to calculate."

At this point, Li Chunfeng stopped speaking, using extremely wise black eyes, looking at the same solemn face of Zhong Lizhan in front of him, and the old voice of each word came out again:

"But although I don't understand it, I didn't get it completely, so I am here."

As soon as Li Chunfeng said this, Zhong Lizhan's eyes suddenly shook when it was his turn, because he had already sensed the unusualness of this matter.

Obviously, if it is Zhao Yu in the Baidi Palace, or an ordinary order from the military aircraft department, it can be done through a flying messenger, or a messenger official can pass the order, but now the arrival of Li Chunfeng has clearly explained one thing. .

The Military Aircraft Department must have discovered a great secret!

"Old man Li, do you need the cooperation of the troops stationed in Wufengxincheng on the military plane side?"

Zhong Lizhan's words fell with a strong and evil spirit, Li Chunfeng raised his hand and lightly supported the white beard on his chest, while continuing to speak:

"Little prince, you should know that the new Fengxin City is lively. The monks from the core of the Central Plains in the land of Taixuan are gathering in Fengxin City, preparing to open a Heze Taoist society to discuss how to deal with it. It’s raining heavily."

"This would have been known. Now that the flow of people in Fengxin City has increased sharply, it has been determined that this Taoist meeting will be held in a few days."

As soon as Zhong Lizhan's nodding response sounded, there was a sudden pause on his resolute face, and then he turned his head slowly, staring at Li Chunfeng, whose hair and beard were all white in front of him, and the words of questioning came out:

"So Grandpa Li, you are here this time for this Taoist meeting, that is to say, there is something tricky in this Taoist meeting?"

After saying this, Zhong Lizhan's body seemed to have a roar from the mountain giant, almost torn the entire void completely.

It is true that Zhong Lizhan was ordered to guard Fengxin City during this year, but there is an unknown conspiracy flow in this city. How can this not make the little prince in the northwest feel frightened and angry?

Thinking of this, Zhong Lizhan stretched out his right hand and held down the white jade table in front of him. The breath surging from within his body was as rapid as a volcanic eruption, so that cracks began to appear on the ground under him.

"It's really impatient to break ground on Tai Sui's head."

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