The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2099: Soldiers into the city


Long Xiao shook the sky and shook the whole city. Then one after another, the Daxia roaring sergeant who fell from the sky and landed on the Fengxin City Square raised his right hand and shook his arms together and let out a roar straight into the sky:

"Ancient immortal soul is haunting me, I want to mess with my great summer, and fight!"

The billowing roar spread outwards, and it sounded clearly in the ears of all the cultivators of Windheart City, causing countless practitioners to instantly show their different expressions, such as those who doubt, those who are shocked, and those who don't know why.

But in any case, the four characters of ancient immortals still caused a lot of ripples in the heart of every monk.

At the same time, outside of Fengxin City Square, when the billowing smoke cleared, the two trembling old monks could finally see the person lying on the ground in front of them.

Therefore, at the next breath, Huo Lao, who was still a little stupefied, looked forward, and his face instantly changed wildly, because he recognized the appearance of the young man in front of him, and he blurted out:

"How is it possible, why do my young people from Nanze Country appear here?"

This unbelievable roar fell, Huo Lao jumped forward directly, preparing to get closer, but was grabbed by the old man of Tianyun Temple beside him, and then the latter's anxious voice sounded directly:

"Huoze, don't be impulsive, there must be something tricky, and you still can't see it, this young man is very problematic, definitely not the younger you think."

I have to say that the old man You Tianweng from Tianyun Temple has a clearer judgment about the situation in front of him, so his hands continued to use force to hold Huo Lao firmly, and his voice continued to sound:

"Didn't you listen to the words of the Daxia general before? The ancient immortals are at trouble, so you, the descendant of Nanze Kingdom, are likely to have something to do with the so-called ancient immortals in the fairy palace."

As soon as the words of the old man in Tianyun Temple fell, the high voice of Huo Lao directly sounded:

"Impossible, the old man Nan looked at growing up and lived in the land of Nanze since he was a child. How could he not have anything to do with this ancient immortal?"

As the voice fell, Huo Lao stared at the front, and Nan, who was still bleeding immortal blood all over his body, was covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes, and the hot breath surging in his body became more and more violent.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, the most important point is that he is not dead yet, he still has a breath!"

The words of the old man You Tianweng gradually calmed down Huo Lao. After clenching his fists, he was dragged back step by step by the former, and then a lieutenant of the angry beast standing on the square would stare at the front. Man Ying retracted his gaze, waved his hand, and uttered two words directly:

"take away!"

After the command was heard, the sergeant of the reckless army, who continued to fall in the sky, stepped forward and dragged a giant coffin directly behind him, encased the burly body of Tianxian Nanze, and moved away backwards.

"Daxia will give you an explanation."

A steady and vigorous voice came from the Lieutenant of the Fury Beast Army, and then the former once again glanced at the vigorous Huo Lao, and took the lead to leave the square in the center of Fengxin City.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the direction of the entire Daxia formation began to march, not to retreat to the wind island where the Taihang Palace is located, but to spread out towards the entire wind heart city main island, which means that the next time Inside, the entire Fengxin City will tremble under Daxia's infinite soldiers.

The next breath, looking at the well-trained Daxia soldiers in front of him, with a solemn murmur, he once again heard from the mouth of Old Man You Tianweng:

"Daxia is marching in an all-round way. It seems that this so-called immortal's troubles must be an extraordinary event!"

When the voice fell, the old man You Tianweng seemed to have thought of something. He turned his head abruptly and looked to the other side of Fengxin City. Above the countless buildings in the city, the huge ancient black dragon passed by at low altitude, and at the same time the vast and mighty dragon might be mighty. The swing poured down, covering the entire area below.

Under the black dragon, a cultivator in the city raised his head, looking at the dense black dragon scales above his head, his eyes were full of awe, while the black dragon's back, holding the immortal beads, Zhong Li Zhan, his face was cold, and the forbidden aura in his eyes. , Did not weaken in the slightest.

In Fengxin City at this time, there must be more than Nanze Tianxian who has revived the immortal palace, so Zhong Lizhan clearly understands that this battle is far from over.

The next breath, when the Black Dragon Guard passed somewhere in Fengxin City, the fixed fairy beads in Zhong Lizhan's hand suddenly began to flicker, and then the former's eyes brightened, and his mouth opened with a murderous roar:

"Got you!"

Before the roar fell, the incomparably violent evil intention exploded outwards, and then the black dragon guard, who spread its wings and soared, instantly stayed above the void, opening its mouth to the bottom, and it was the breath of a black dragon that melted everything.

The crimson black dragon breathes, like a sword of destruction that cuts through the void of heaven and earth, slashing directly to a building below, and it only takes a moment to melt it from beginning to end in an instant.


After an instant, a sudden change, an extremely deep and mysterious aura, burst out directly in the building melted by the breath of the black dragon. The frost, which is still extremely strong frost, instantly condensed under the breath, and the frost surrounds it. In between, a figure with a whole body of ice armor and body emerged.

At the next breath, a stern voice burst out from within Frost:

"Daxia, deceive people too much!"

"Since you know our country, it means that you are not ignorant of the current situation in the world. Then you should understand the style of my Daxia."

After the words fell, Zhong Lizhan continued to look down at the body under the robe of the resurrected ancient immortal, under the robe of the Radiant Army. Pieces of mountain giant rock armor reappeared and spread, and then his young voice continued to spread loudly. Down:

"Speaking of it, there is actually not much connection between Wu Daxia and Er and other ancient fairy palaces, and even cause and effect are intertwined. Therefore, what should be puzzled is why there is malice towards our country in your thoughts. ?"

When Zhong Lizhan asked this question, the figure below, also surrounded by countless ice crystals, did not hide too much. Instead, he opened his mouth directly, and a phantom voice came out:

"As far as I know, the Antarctic Longevity Maharaja is in Daxia. As a family of immortal ministers in the south, he must take the recovery of the Maharaja as his own responsibility."

Before the words of Fuzzy Immortal were finished, Zhong Lizhan's complexion suddenly condensed, then he took a deep look at the bottom, and coldly spit out:

"You know a lot."

When the voice fell, Zhong Lizhan raised his hands, and the whole person stepped forward, directly smashing the reviving fairy below with the momentum of a tiger leaping over the hill, and a more violent voice, blasted:

"Although there was no order from your majesty, you would not be able to execute Er et al directly, but there is no problem with arresting all of you and waiting to be sent off!"

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