The vast land of Shenzhou in the north, the great city of Daxia, the breeze enveloping the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus that belongs to autumn, shuttles through the streets and alleys of this incomparable city.

Compared with a few years ago, the area of ​​Shenjing City has expanded several times. Except for the ruins of the wasteland in the north, to remind the people not to forget the history of blood and tears of the ancestors, the three directions of east, west and south are just like Like a gluttonous beast, it continued to expand, including the original satellite cities.

This is a very interesting phenomenon. The Qiongjiang Pavilion near the East City Gate has now even become the middle circle of Shenjing.

There are many constraints on the expansion of a city, such as population, construction capacity, economic level, etc. Obviously, there is no shortage of these aspects in Kyoto, the most powerful city in the summer.

And when Shenjing is underground, the underground tracks are completely spread, and at the same time the countless rail cars on the tracks begin to move rapidly, for the countless people in the city, the distance is no longer a distance.

There are even rich and powerful people who use teleportation scrolls in the outer city of Shenjing to reach the four teleportation stations in the city, and then pass the ground track to go wherever they want to go. This will not take more than half an hour. .

The vitality of the city stems from the flow of population. At this time, Daxia is not only the city of Shenjing, but the vast land of Shenzhou, including the countless cities located in the two states outside the North Sea, and the ability of population flow is unparalleled.

If Da Xia is likened to a giant in the land of Supreme Profound, then the blood in this giant's body is boiling and rolling to an unprecedented degree!

In the east of Shenjing City, Qingye Academy, accompanied by a pleasant bell ringing, the gates of the entire Academy slowly opened, and then within the gates, a person with white beard and hair slowly dangling out, wearing white Rushan's old man.

The old gentleman walks a bit slowly, and the white beard that is fluttering back and forth under the breeze is also dangling.

However, on the old gentleman's body, there are quite hot and eager gazes, and if you follow the direction of the old gentleman and look inward at the palace gate, you can see that right now There is a baby with immature faces, wearing the same clothes, lined up in a neat line, staring at the front with all their faces in anticipation.

The old man deserves to be someone who has seen strong winds and waves. Even in the face of so many fiery eyes, there is no trace of anxiety. Then he stood at the gate of the academy, raised his hands and opened them, and the old voice came out:

"Students, according to the law of the Great Summer Holiday, every time the autumn breeze rises and the sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant, you will have a ten-year time to visit the great rivers and mountains of our motherland. This is a ten-day holiday.

"During this ten-year holiday, the old man hopes that you can enjoy yourself, whether it is the rainforest scenery in the Nanban forest, the endless sea on the shore of the North Sea, or the border outside the Great Wall of Bafeng Pass, all are intoxicating places. It's worth a lifetime to savor carefully."

After the old man finished speaking, he folded his hands in front of him and bowed to the little dolls in front of him. The voice continued:

"The mountains and rivers are magnificent, you should enjoy it to your heart's content. As a citizen of Daxia, it is a blessing for my generation. Everyone, please."

When the words fell, the old man turned sideways and made a request, and then the little guys in Xu Xuegong also raised their hands to the front and respectfully saluted, and Qi Qi began to say:

"Thank you Mr. Nangong for his teaching!"

After this sound burst into the sky with a childish greeting, these little dolls who had long been unable to restrain themselves opened their mouths and let out a cheer, stepped on their feet, and ran towards the gate of the palace.

The faces of the little dolls were filled with smiles from before the holiday, and for them, the mood at this time was naturally extremely happy.

Since Daxia descended to the northern border of the Taixuan Land and gradually stabilized, the education of the children has also begun to undergo more detailed reforms, and the Aoba Academy where the children are now is one of them.

This type of academy only accepts young children, so as to lay the strongest foundation for the cultivation of the entire Daxia people.

At the same time, Daxia’s dolls have been extremely independent since they were young. Even when the school was on holiday, the gate of the palace was not surrounded by too many parents. It was not until they walked some distance along the road to the gate of the palace that they saw them. Some adults were waiting in the street, all smiles.

"Yang Yang, do you have any arrangements for this time off?"

At the gate of the Qingye Academy, a childish question came from a little girl, and this voice just fell, wearing a blue academic palace gown next to her, like a pink jade-like little girl. He retracted his gaze in front, and responded:

"I don't know yet. I must spend more time with my mother. I want to eat more nectar made by my mother."

As soon as the three words "Hundred Flower Honey" came out, the girl who had spoken before licked her lips subconsciously. She was obviously lucky to have tasted it before, and then the latter smashed her mouth, and her immature voice came out:

"I was told by my family yesterday that I can take me to the two states of Beihai Overseas to see the endless hundreds of millions of acres of fertile land, and I can eat the rice there."

After the words, the little baby seemed to have thought of something, her thoughts jumped again, and the voice continued:

"By the way, it's still early anyway, do you want to go to the Taiping Ruins with me for a stroll?"

"I'm afraid it won't work today."

The subsequent response of the pink jade jade made the girl who spoke with regrets on the face of the girl who spoke. Then the former raised his hand and patted the shoulder of her companion next to him, and said with an apologetic voice:

"Today, I made an appointment with my dad to go to the lake. It was only after I begged for more than half a year that Daddy agreed."

As soon as these words came out, the originally lonely girl suddenly showed a little surprise, and said:

"Yang Yang, I haven't heard you say daddy before."

"He, he is the busiest and busiest person in the world, so he can promise to accompany me to swim the lake, but it's really not easy!"

After speaking, the girl named Yang Yang wore a sincere smile on her face. She couldn't even hide her joyful mood. She snorted and laughed.

This smile is so bright!

Time passed, about a quarter of an hour later, at the end of the street outside the Qingye Academy, the companion had already left, and then the little girl walking alone stopped, raised her head, and raised her head a little, and then a voice came out:


This clear uncle's voice sounded, and the void at the end of the street slowly separated to the sides like a stream of water, and a thin figure in a green shirt walked out of it.

Then Huang Ting, whose eyebrows were raised like a knife, looked at the little girl in front of him, with a petting smile on his face, and responded:

"What's your order, little princess."

"The agreement between my father and me, he hasn't forgotten it?"

"Your Majesty's words will not break your promise."

A little smile appeared in Huang Ting’s voice, and then he turned slightly to the side of the street. A rather wide carriage slowly approached, and then the Daxia Great Sword Sect gently pushed Opened the carriage door, stretched out a hand to welcome, the voice continued:

"Your Majesty is already waiting by the East Lake, princess, please."

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