The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2101: The man who drives the wheel of the times

In the east of Shenjing City, at the intersection of the Three Rivers and Six Banks, there was originally a lake called the East Lake.

The area of ​​the original East Lake was not large, and few people paid attention, because the true prosperity of Shenjing City was on the banks of the three Jinshui Rivers.

However, as under today’s changes, the city of Shenjing has undergone earth-shaking changes. At the moment of rapid population growth and geographical expansion, the three rivers and six banks are already saturated, and they extend downwards, injecting this vitality into the whole below. In the East Lake.

Therefore, this East Lake, which has been widened for an unknown number of miles, has become the second favorite place for the people of Daxia after the Taiping Ruins with its beautiful scenery and unparalleled prosperity.

If the Taiping Ruins is the well-deserved commercial center of Daxia, then this East Lake is a good place for people in Shenjing City to go out and play in their spare time.

The autumn is high and fresh, and the trees on both sides of the East Lake are all dressed in golden autumn costumes, and then accompanied by the breeze blowing from afar, pieces of gold leaves fall and dance on the lake, just like the next game. The golden rain is gorgeous.

Golden leaves are flying, and at the same time, the shimmering East Lake is dotted with cruise ships like dots of stars. As far as the eye can see, it looks like a leisurely peaceful residence.

In the middle of the afternoon, in a quiet pavilion beside the East Lake, a stone table stands in the center. At the same time, there are two young figures sitting opposite each other on the stone table. In front of them, a pot of warm tea is placed. The fragrance of tea permeated.

Then came another autumn breeze, blowing along the lake surface, blowing into this rather delicate pavilion, and brushing the face of Zhao Yu with low eyes, pulling the latter's thoughts back, looking up, looking To the very young figure wearing a normal big summer robe in front of him, his lips lightly opened, and the emperor's voice heard:

"Yuan Bai, don't be cautious, drink."

This road came down with a gentle voice, and the teleporter Sisi Cheng Yuanbai, who was sitting in danger, relaxed a little, revealed a smile, and said:

"Your Majesty, the Weichen did not expect to meet you on the shore of East Lake."

"Why, only the people like you are allowed to take a ten-year holiday, but I am not allowed to steal a half-day leisurely and come to this East Lake for a stroll?"

As soon as Zhao Yu's joking voice came out, Yuan Bai smiled even more. He raised his hand to salute the young emperor in front of him, and the voice came out:

"Yes, yes, naturally. Your Majesty is the lord of the entire Northern Territory, and every inch of land in the entire Northern Territory is under His Majesty's control."

Yuan Bai’s words were young and stable, but it’s worth mentioning that after these years of precipitation, the entire face of the second-ranking member of the Great Summer has become more mature, with dark skin and jet black at the same time. In her eyes, the light of wisdom flickered, with wisdom that did not match her age.

As the saying goes, there are talented people from generation to generation, and countless amazing talents can emerge in troubled times. Therefore, in these years, on the northern land, every once in a while, there will be a young man born out of nowhere. Then it's famous all over the world.

It is true that under the incomparable population mobility of Daxia, the speed of information transmission has almost reached an unprecedented level. Therefore, for these young people who are growing up under Daxia’s protection, there is no doubt in this era. It's the best time!

In this era, the people of Daxia no longer need to worry about their lives, and the threshold for cultivation has even reached the lowest level in the history of the vast land of Shenzhou, so that every young person can obtain cultivation in the Academy. chance.

And all of this came from the hands of the young emperor sitting in the pavilion at this time.

Every time he thinks of this, Yuan Bai’s heart directly rises with infinite awe, and then the former’s ear, the voice from Zhao Yu, continues to sound:

"Yuan Bai, a few days ago, I went to see Master Master, and his old man said a word, which made me feel deeply."

As soon as the young emperor said this, Yuan Bai put down the steaming teacup in his hand, sat down tightly, and said seriously:

"Yuan Bai listened respectfully."

Yuan Bai's words of neither humble nor overbearing fell, Zhao Yu turned his head to one side, and looked at the sparkling surface of the East Lake not far away. Words and words sounded in his mouth again:

"The old man said that today's era is more than anyone can imagine, and this era is also an era of blue sky and sunset!"

As soon as this emperor sound came out, like a thunder, Yu Yuanbai's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly exploded. At the same time, it also caused this determined young man to tremble slightly and his fists suddenly clenched.

Toward the blue and dusk Cangwu!

What a great and incredible time this is!

As for Yuan Bai, who created such a feat with his own hands, he feels more profound than anyone else, because every ancient stone statue tower standing on the land of Daxia, every station that stands up from the ground is his painstaking effort. For.

In addition, in these years, Yuan Bai’s whereabouts have traveled almost every region in the vast land of Shenzhou, and then incorporated into the transmission map. In other words, Daxia’s entire transmission network is An artwork created by Yuan Bai.

Now that this work of art is close to the stage of being fully formed, it is even highly praised. How can this not let Yuan Bai be shocked and agitated?

No one can casually succeed, let alone change the entire era, so the difficulties and sadness behind this are only at this time the young transmission secretary Si Cheng knows best.

"Yuan Bai, what you have done by the Teleportation Division over the years, I can see that you have done a very good job."

With a heartfelt praise, Yuan Bai took a deep breath, bowed his head to the front, and let out a loud shout:

"Yuan Bai, Your Majesty Xie compliments."

"I think you are also dragging your family to play, and it happens that the little naughty at home is clamoring with me to catch crabs on this East Lake. Then we will go together. Wei Young likes the fun."

"Invited by your majesty, it is an honor for your majesty Yuanbai's family!"

After a half-pillar incense, Yuan Bai's figure slowly walked out of the pavilion, and then outside the pavilion, Yuan Bai's wife, who was holding a little girl, lit up, stepped forward, and spoke softly:

"Master, what do you call your Majesty?"

Perhaps it was because she felt that her question was not appropriate, her daughter only asked halfway and stopped abruptly, but Yuan Bai's complexion did not change at all. He bent down and picked up the daughter in front of him, and smiled and responded:

"Just now, Your Majesty praised it with a good grasp."

As soon as the words came out, a big smile appeared on the woman's face, and then a voice from Yuan Bai continued to sound in her ears:

"We will catch crabs with Your Majesty and the little princess later. You don't have to be too restrained, just play normally."

"Ah, is this something wrong?"

It is true that this sudden news made the young woman a little nervous, and then Yuan Bai, who was holding her daughter, turned to the lake where the golden leaves were flying in front of him. For some reason, a billowing momentum suddenly appeared in his body. Words and sentences sounded directly:

"What's wrong, you are my Yuanbai’s wife, and I, Yuanbai, wearing a pair of cloth shoes, walked all over the mountains and rivers of Daxia, laying down one stone tower after another, so that all Daxia citizens can enjoy it. Without distance.

"As your Majesty said, I personally pushed the wheel of the times and caught a crab on the East Lake. What happened?"

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