On the shore of East Lake, as the sun sinks, the autumn breeze gradually rises, and a chill of the evening, engulfed by the cool breeze, swept across the surface of the East Lake, and blew a tall tree on both sides of the lake.

Then, in the autumn wind, a suspicious murmur sounded in the mouth of the middle-aged boatman:

"Weird, really weird, I have traveled north and south for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a little baby with such great power!"

When the voice fell, I saw the dark-skinned man, watching the group of people who had disembarked at the end of his sight, and continued to speak as if suddenly realized:

"It seems that this ship is a very big man."

After he finished speaking, the boatman smiled lightly, turned and walked back to the cabin, with a voice of joy, continuing to wind in the autumn breeze:

"Today's East Lake crab is really fat. This boat has a good heart and has left a lot. Our daughters are blessed."

At the same time, on the periphery of the East Lake, the afterglow of the setting sun slanted across the huge woods, and the figure standing upright under the woods was more clearly outlined.

I saw that this person had silver-white hair that was very different from the ordinary people of Daxia, and his facial features were several times more refined than that of the most exquisite southern women. At the same time, his white skin was like a piece of carefully carved white jade. The white is dazzling and dazzling.

The young man stood so quietly, but naturally became the center of the whole world, attracting a lot of attention.

It is worth mentioning that the place where young people are located happens to be one of the exits of the East Lake. Therefore, in the evening, there will be a large number of tourists walking out of the lake, including many waiting characters. someone's girl.

In this way, a very strange picture appeared here. The girls stopped their steps, couldn't move their legs, and after secretly glanced at the figure in front of them, they turned their heads and the best friends around them. Whispering:

"Look, the young man standing under the tree over there is so handsome, God, could it be that he walked out of the painting?"

"You Nizi, don't be ashamed, don't look, let's leave soon."

Even though he said that, the girl who opened his mouth couldn't help but raise her head and glanced forward again. After a glance, she retracted her gaze like a frightened deer. In an instant, Xiafei's cheeks were pressed into her ears. There was a laugh from his companions:

"Wow, I said before that I'm not ashamed, look at you, your face is blushing, isn't it ashamed, isn't it ashamed?"

As soon as this series of teasers came out, the beautiful girl's head was lowered lower, and she almost went straight down to the ground. Then she turned her face away in a hurry, and was taken away by the other person next to her. A girl grabbed it, and the latter's voice followed:

"Look, there is a girl walking over, wanting to give a sachet."

As soon as this word came out, the girls who were watching were interested, and with curious eyes, they stared at the scene under the big tree in front of them.

At the next breath, among the group of Yingying and Yanyan, a girl whose elder was an official in the court, frowned, as if thinking of something, she opened her mouth and said:

"Sisters, I have some guesses about the origin of the young man in front of me."

When the words came out, the girl didn't sell anything, she told her all the guesswork in her heart:

"According to my brother who works in the Military Aircraft Department, there are two young talents in this military aircraft department. One of them is naturally the Chief Cheng of the Military Aircraft Department, Lord Sima.

"But this other person, ordinary people among us don't know much, and his identity was once an ice snowman!"

As soon as the two words Xuemin came out, the girls around narrowed their eyes and spoke together:

"Could it be the one in front of you?"

"Blue-black pupils and white hair are the typical characteristics of snowmen. There are not many snowmen in Shenjing City. It is estimated that they are inseparable from each other."

After the girl fell with some certain words, a suspicious voice came from the side:

"But I heard that Xuemin has a burly figure and strong hair. They all look like five big and three thick ones. This can't be beaten by the Pian Pian boy in front of him."

"There are always exceptions. There are people in our human race who are extraordinarily tall. Among the snowmen, a stunning and beautiful young man was born. Although it is rare, it is not impossible."

Just as these girls discussed each other with each other, under the tree by the East Lake, the girl who had plucked up the courage finally came under the big tree, in front of the young man.

This short journey seemed extremely long to this girl, and then she took a deep breath, just about to speak, but looked at the upright young man in front of him, and directly raised his foot and stepped forward. People then passed by directly.

At this moment, the girl could clearly feel the slight coldness lingering outside the body of the young man beside her. This coldness is so out of place in this autumn day.

It was as if the person in front of him was born cold and belonged to winter. At the same time, it also meant that he had the most absolute calmness.

After an instant, the soft and calm voice of Xue Bancheng resounded in the ears of the girl who stood still in place:

"I'm on official business, it's inconvenient to talk, sorry."

Before the words fell, the figure of Xue Bancheng moved forward step by step. Although its steps were not large, it disappeared under the sky full of autumn leaves very strangely.

At the same time, on the other side of the exit of the East Lake, the black-clothed figure dancing in Xuebancheng reappeared in the breeze. Then the young man from the military plane knelt on one knee and saluted forward, and a respectful voice came out:

"Weichen military plane is in the snow, see your majesty."

In front of Xuebancheng, a large carriage stopped, and then inside the carriage, a voice from Zhao Yu rang:

"Xue Bancheng, the Military Aircraft Department sent you to see me, something urgent?"

As Di Yin fell, Xue Bancheng raised her body slightly, and a steady voice came out:

"His Majesty, there is indeed an urgent matter. The wild army stationed in Fengxin City and General Zhong Li have just detained three immortals who wanted to be unfavorable to Daxia. The specific circumstances have been stated in the memorial."

After he finished speaking, Xue Bancheng held up his hands forward, and handed a book to Liangpa who got off the carriage, and then Liangpao walked back into the carriage, and the whole area of ​​East Lake began to fall into silence.

This silence is as if the entire sky is completely overturned. At the same time, the power contained in it is unparalleled, and even the kneeling snow half of the city has a slight tremor in its body.

Under the mighty emperor, it truly feels like a year!

After a few breaths, Xue Bancheng suddenly felt the pressure on his body disappeared, and then in the carriage ahead, the magnificent Di Yin rolled down:

"The situation of the ancient immortals' recovery is much faster than I imagined. Let Sima Annan take someone to the outer heavens to talk to the Lord Zhongtian, and talk to them if they agree.

"And if you can't agree, you should understand what to do."

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