The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2104: There is only one

In the east of Shenjing City, beside the East Lake, under the orange-red sunset, a wide carriage was driving smoothly on the smooth lakeside road.

It is worth mentioning that although this carriage does not seem to be traveling fast, it only takes a little carelessness to find it unknowingly, so that it disappears completely from the line of sight.

The reason why Shenjing East Lake has become a good place for the people of Shenjing City to play together in just a few years is that the beautiful scenery is not only one aspect, but also an important reason, which is its unique geographical location.

In other words, all sides of the lake are convenient for transportation. Whether it is a site with ancient stone statue towers or the exit of underground rail cars, they are all on the shore of the East Lake.

Therefore, for most of the people, the convenience of going to the East Lake is even more convenient than those of the rest of the places that are originally built in the same city.

A wide and flat road was paved along the banks of the East Lake. At this time, the carriage that the young emperor was in was driving along the lake, but after a breath, the carriage slowed down a little, and then Liang Po’s questioning sounded:

"Your Majesty, will you go back to the White Emperor Palace next or go to other places?"

This question came out, and the inside of the carriage was frowning thinking about Zhao Yu, retracted his thoughts, stretched his brows, and responded:

"Since I'm out of the palace, let's go to the Qiongjiang Restaurant to have a bowl of noodle soup. I haven't tasted it for a long time."


Liang Po's response was still magnetic, and then Zhao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the carriage, stretched out his hand and gently touched Xiao Weiyang's head.

Xiao Weiyang spent the whole afternoon playing on the East Lake, so he fell asleep as soon as he got on the carriage, and in front of the young emperor was Yuan Bai who was called to get on the carriage.

However, because of the immortal resuscitation reported by Xue Bancheng, Yuan Bai's face was full of dignity, bowed his head and nodded, holding his breath, while on the table in front of the latter, there was the copy that was handed over by the military plane. Folds.

Yuan Bai, who was the No. 1 scholar in Daxia, knew very well that Zhao Yu would show him the Zhezi generously, which meant that he would naturally participate in the response to this sudden change.

Sure enough, the next breath, in the carriage, the voice from Zhao Yu continued to linger:

"Yuan Bai, how do you think I should deal with the so-called revival of the immortal?"

As soon as this young emperor's voice came out, Yuan Bai's body shook slightly, and after a few breaths of thought, he spoke:

"Your Majesty, the minister is straight to the point. According to the minister, in fact, the key to handling this matter lies in two words."

When the voice fell, Zhao Yu raised his right hand and waved lightly, the emperor said:

"But you say it's okay."

"These two are chess games!"

As soon as the words of the chess game came out, Zhao Yu's gesture of raising his hand stopped abruptly, and then staring at the table in front of him with majestic gaze, he opened his mouth and uttered a word:

"go on."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After he finished speaking, Yuan Bai stood upright and gave a salute to Zhao Yu in front of him. At the same time, his voice came out:

"Your Majesty, this vast expanse of mystery has been a chessboard throughout the ages, but this chess game is not the same as the nineteen horizontal and vertical lines played by ordinary people.

"In the chess we play, there are only two black and white pieces, which means that only two players are playing chess, but in the chess game of Taixuan Dadi, there are so many chess forces."

At this point, Yuan Bai paused, and then the young voice continued:

"The most important point is that in the land of the profound mystery, the situation changes rapidly, and no one can tell whether he is a chess player or a pawn.

"When the identities of the chess player and the chess piece are intertwined back and forth, it is what we call a chaotic world. Under the chaotic world, life is like a waste, whether it is the chess player or the chess piece. As time goes by, it is the same. The stubble is erased, this is the fate of heaven and earth.

"This process is extremely long, just like a big fish swallowing a small fish, and with the development of tens of thousands of years, today's Supreme Profound Land has clearly entered the late stage of the chessboard."

After Yuan Bai's voice of neither overbearing nor overbearing fell, Zhao Yu nodded slightly, gently stroked the little head of his daughter beside him, and continued to respond:

"You go on, I'm listening."

"According to the decree, Your Majesty."

Yuan Bai saluted and took orders again. After thinking for a moment, he spoke again:

"Weichen believes that every change in this big game of heaven and earth is not done slowly in many cases. It is more similar to the sudden qualitative change formed after the accumulation of non-quantitative changes.

"And every qualitative change will completely change the entire historical process, such as the collapse of the fairy palace, the rise of the holy court, the birth of the Great Sage of Taiqing, etc., and among these qualitative changes, the big change a year ago, It is undoubtedly the key among the keys!

"Because of the change in the sky, the tone of the follow-up chessboard has been completely set!"

When Yuan Bai said this, he directly raised a lot of volume, and then a flame suddenly began to burn in his eyes, and his voice continued to be heard:

"From the previous multi-strength competition, it has truly become a two-pole competition for hegemony, or it can be called a duel of ancient and modern!"

Yuan Bai's remarks were so eloquent, even like a thunder in the void, shaking deaf, and then Zhao Yu, whose complexion remained unchanged, reflected Yuan Bai's firm face in front of him, and the emperor's voice heard:

"In other words, in your opinion, there must be a battle between My Daxia and the Ancient Immortal Palace?"

In these simple words of the young emperor, there was a **** evil spirit like a sea of ​​blood from a dead mountain, and then Yuan Bai nodded and said with a positive voice:

"That's right, Your Majesty, in the tens of thousands of years of change, quantitative changes have caused qualitative changes. After the war a year ago, not only the sages who once dominated the party have fallen, including the Taiqing Great Sage, the son of Taixuan. The same dying.

"On the other hand, the so-called Four Great Kingdoms in the Supreme Profound Realm, the Hidden Sejong Gate, etc., all have greatly reduced their strengths. Sweep the stage of history.

"Although the general development of the world and the earth may be beyond everyone's expectations, the situation in Taixuan's chess game has become more and more clear. People with a discerning eye can see that those who are really capable of playing chess, only There are two remaining!"

"The ancient fairy palaces have been destroyed for so long, do you think their ambitions are still there?"

Zhao Yu's next question made Yuanbai's eyes move, and then the young voice continued to sound:

"Your Majesty, you have your own answer about this, don't you?"

After speaking, the young transmission division Si Cheng of Daxia lowered his head slightly, and said again with word by word, solemnly speaking:

"This Taixuan chess game will only end under one situation, that is, only the final winner remains.

"The reason is very simple, because there is only one in the world!"

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