The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2105: Return of Yin Wen

The torrential rain is still in the core of the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land.

This non-stop rainstorm from morning to night has lasted for more than a year.

Not to mention how much water this continuous rain brought to this Taixuan earth, just the light of the sun and the moon without light has caused the monks on the earth to have an illusion of extreme trance.

Difficult to distinguish between morning and evening, hard to distinguish between day and night!

It was another extremely dark morning in Tangdu in the central Shangguo. Under the endless rainstorm in the sky, the door of a courtyard house in Tangdu was gently pushed open by a cocooned hand. The slender figure walked out of the inner room. It was a young woman.

The woman was wearing a black sword robe, embroidered with a few lotus flowers, and a wide broad sword was behind her back. The aura was fierce enough to show that her slender body contained extremely vast swordsmanship.

In the next breath, a hint of sword intent pouring out of the woman's body instantly cut the raindrops in front of her face into dust. Then the former looked at the yard that had been partially flooded with rain, frowning, and murmured:

"This year's rain is really a headache."

The murmur fell, the woman directly raised her hand and pointed it into a sword, pointed out at the front, and suddenly the sword whistled in the void, followed by a scarlet sword light, bursting out of the void, like a void swimming in the void The fire dragon whizzed around along the ground.

Suddenly, the hot sword intent immediately evaporated the water in the courtyard into a white mist, and it was like a hot pot with the lid just opened, and the mist was steaming.

Then the woman with the back sword in the yard continued to raise her hand and waved lightly towards the front. With this wave, all the white mist was swept away, and there was no trace of it, making the entire yard, under the heavy rain, There was even a hint of dryness.

Almost at the same time, shortly after the mist was swept away by a sleeve, the outer gate of the yard was pushed open from the outside, and then a lovely-looking female swordsman entered from the outside. The female swordsman was younger and held in her hands. Holding an umbrella, above the round face, his brows tightened.

After the latter stepped into the hospital, perhaps feeling the extremely rare dry breath in the yard, the female sword repairer stretched her brows a bit, and said softly:

"Senior Sister Fanxing, your comprehension of the fire lotus sword intent seems to have increased to another level. It has only been a few years since the Baolian Swordsmanship has been in the Sect. The disciples of Fire Lotus Sword Intent know that they will definitely be ashamed."

"Junior sister, you don't know, there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky. What am I to count?"

Facing the praise of her own junior sister, Fanxing, the current great sister of Baolian Jianzong, seemed extremely calm. Then she looked at the worried look under the umbrella of the girl in front of him, and said:

"Why, Xinyue, he looked like he was worried early in the morning, but what happened?"

"Before I came to Sister Sister, I took a look at the largest shopping street in Tangdu. I wanted to buy some Akashi, but I didn't expect that the price of Akashi, which was originally the most common, is now extremely outrageous. It has almost doubled dozens of times."

"This is normal. At the moment of heavy rain, the sunlight is pitiful, and Akashi's principle is to absorb the light of the sun, and the purer Akashi, the higher the absorption capacity.

"As a result, under the current circumstances, a large number of Akashi that could otherwise be used are difficult to illuminate, and the price of high-quality Akashi will naturally rise."

After Fanxing's calm response came down, she walked to a desk next to her and sat down, looking at the young girl Jianxiu with a small mouth, and continued to speak:

"Don't stand in the rain, come and talk, by the way, I asked you to inquire about the news before, how's it going?"

As soon as this question came out, Kenxiu, a young girl who had just been immersed in Akashi's price increase, came back to her senses and nodded like a chicken pecking rice. As she walked into the hospital, she said:

"Senior Sister Fanxing, don't tell me, when I was on the street of Tangdu today, I really heard some incredible news. They were all earth-shattering events."

As soon as this remark came out, Fanxing was interested, and his voice immediately sounded:

"Let's talk about it, what's the big news."

"First of all, wow, it is said that in the heart of the city in the Central Plains, a very strange battle broke out yesterday."

"Fengxin City? This city has not just been built. Why has it gone through wars? It shouldn't be, and if I remember correctly, there are people from Daxia stationed in Fengxin City."

Fanxing said with some strange words, the sword repair girl who came to the table over there, put away the umbrella in her hand, and continued to speak:

"This battle originated from the army stationed in Daxia. It is said that the reckless army of Daxia attacked directly and almost completely turned the entire Fengxin City to the sky. The momentum is huge. , It can be called the whole city trembling!"

As soon as the words of the sword repair girl fell, Fan Xing's sword eyebrows raised, and the sound of inquiry came out:

"There are other things, what's the reason?"

"The reason for this is very strange. According to what Daxia said, it turned out to be the cause of the ancient immortals. I thought I had heard it wrong."

When she said this, an extremely exaggerated expression appeared on the pretty face of the sword repair girl, and then she opened her hands, and her voice continued to speak:

"This fairy palace has been destroyed for tens of thousands of years. Where did the ancient immortals come from, so I don't know whether this news is true or false."

"Ancient fairy?"

After the sword repair girl finished speaking, Fanxing, who was sitting on the stone table, fell into deep thought, and then she stared at the rain curtain that fell like a curtain of beads in the courtyard in front of her, with a solemn voice, and continued to make her debut. :

"Crescent Moon, it's really hard to say. In this world, anything can happen. Daxia's style of behavior has always been known for being safe. Therefore, if it is the news from the mouth of arrogant Daxia, it should be the same. ."

As soon as Fanxing’s voice fell, the girl Jianxiu who had just sat down by the stone table raised her head, her red lips opened, and her voice continued:

"Since this ancient immortal was born as true, doesn't it mean that the entire Taixuan land is going back to the old fairy palace era?"

As soon as the cry of exclamation fell, the central Shangguo under the rain curtain suddenly uttered deafening cheers. At the same time, after the cheers rose to the sky, it was like a mountain with waves of muffled thunder like a tsunami. Through the ears of everyone in the city.

At the same time, another young disciple of the Baolian Sword Sect Fanxing rushed into the courtyard where Fanxing was located, and then an urgent voice suddenly sounded:

"Sister, big news, big news, Tangdu Nei is now spreading, it is said that the third prince who disappeared for several years in the Central Shangguo actually returned, and according to the old edict, he, he To inherit the throne of the entire upper country!"

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