The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2107: Nine Heavens Profound Girl

"Everyone, have you heard that the team of the three princes of the Shang Kingdom has reached a place less than a hundred miles outside of Tangdu, and it will not be long before you can enter the city."

"The heaven is above, Ben Xiu can't even dream of it. The Third Highness is really not dead, but now the real king is back."

The city wall of Tangdu under the rain curtain is now full of people, and there are extremely passionate exchanges, one after another, and in order to save space on the city wall, many people of Tangdu directly discard the umbrellas in their hands and let the rainwater. Poured from above, and kept chanting.

Then on the city wall, an old man, who was quite old, heard the word "Team" in the words that had just been in his ears. He was puzzled and asked in a loud voice:

"This fellow Taoist, I just heard the word for this team just now. Could it be that our three princes brought a lot of people and failed?"

As soon as this question came out, the monk from the Central Shangguo who had spoken earlier showed a look of surprise, but he still opened his mouth and responded:

"Old man, don't you know? It is said that after His Royal Highness fell into the river that day, he was not completely washed away, but sank directly into the bottom of the lake."

"Isn't it possible? We must know that before we went to the country to find the traces of the Three Highnesses, we sent countless people to turn the land and the river outside Shangxiao City to the sky. In the end, there was no trace. If it is according to you, fellow daoist, if you sink into the depths of the water, you will definitely find it."

"This is what I call the mystery."

As soon as the open monk spoke, the high voice had already caused all the monks who heard the words to gather around, and then the former slammed his hands, and the words of each word sounded in the rain again:

"It is said that our Three Highnesses are the reincarnations of the emperor stars of the fairy palace, and their fate is extremely noble. Naturally, they will not fall so easily, and after they sink into the river that day, there will be a fairy who came and brought him into the river. Secret realm at the bottom of the river, healing and practicing.

"Furthermore, it is said that the fairy is the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who used to be famous in the fairy palace, specially assisting the emperor star!"

This loud voice came out, and a violent riot sounded directly on the city wall. Then the ancient monks in the center who heard it nodded suddenly, and after looking at each other, they raised their arms and shouted again:

"His Royal Highness is the emperor star coming to the world, doesn't it mean that we are in sight of the rise of the upper kingdom, and the rise of the country is in sight?"

This burst of enthusiastic shouts billowed, and then spread in all directions, like a fuse that ignited a bomb, with a bang, set off a more violent wave among the people on the city wall of the Central Shangguo.

At the same time, at the highest point of the city wall, Sima Annan, holding an umbrella, looked solemn, and he stared at the gaze ahead, with a stern breath. Next to Sima Annan, the female sword repairer from Baolian Sword Ground The voice of the stars sounded:

"Nine Heavens Profound Girl? It seems that the experience of the three princes is quite mysterious, but this ancient fairy, how does it sound weird."

As the voice fell, Fan Xing's eyes moved slightly, turning his head to look at Sima Annan's slashed face, and continued to ask:

"For this so-called Nine Heavens Profound Girl, what do you think of Lord Sima?"

After he finished speaking, Sima Annan's complexion remained unchanged, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a word by word response came out immediately:

"How do you look? I haven't seen it yet, and the official is actually quite curious about what exactly this Nine Heavens Profound Girl looks like, and is it as beautiful as it is recorded in the legend? !"

Sima Annan's words just fell, and at the end of the void outside of Tangdu, under the gray rain curtain, an extremely dazzling golden streamer suddenly burst out.

This golden light was like the sunlight that suddenly lit up in the ancient darkness. While tearing the darkness apart, it also shone light on the faces of all the people on the wall.

The next breath, these people's originally somewhat blank faces, the color of excitement and enthusiasm appeared directly, and immediately in front of the city where everyone was located, within the golden light that pierced the darkness and gleamed, there was a sound. The deafening dragon howls:


As the citizens of Tangdu of Central Shangguo, they are naturally no stranger to this dragon roar, because in these tens of thousands of years, this golden light, this dragon roar, to a certain extent, represents The royal family of the central government.

After an instant, the countless ancient people in the center shrouded in the golden light of the dragon's whistle directly raised their right hand to make a fist, and began to wave their arms together. The uniform roar rose into the sky:

"His Three, Your Three, Your Three!"

After a few breaths of time, as the loud shouts continued to sound, the golden streamer outside Tangdu quickly approached Tangdu's broad and heavy ancient city wall at an unparalleled speed from far to near.

At the same time, in the eyes of a Tangdu citizen with agitated expressions, three golden ancient dragons appeared like a torn void, and on these three ancient huge bodies, the pieces of gold overlapped each other. The dragon scales can even illuminate the specific scene above the entire city wall like a mirror.

In the next instant, the mighty ancient Longwei, like a toppling tsunami, was directly facing the city wall of Tangdu and snapped it immediately, even causing countless monks from the Central Kingdom to take a step back and start to kneel one after another.

Afterwards, fanatical and pious eyes began to pass the golden dragon and condensed on a palace behind the dragon.

That’s right, behind these three ancient dragons, there are many magnificent and noble and glorious palaces. At the same time, outside the gate of this palace, the three princes Yin Wen, who has disappeared for several years, are just like the same Like a javelin, he stands upright and proud.

Yin Wen stood just like this, but the billowing momentum seemed to puff outwards like a substantive cloud, and behind the former, there was a pretty shadow covered with a veil.

It is worth mentioning that although the appearance of this beautiful figure has not been exposed to the world, the graceful figure has the most perfect body proportion in the world. At the same time, ray of light gushes out of the former's body, even when standing. Beside the radiant Yin Wen, the same cannot be ignored.

The two people who descended from the heavens were undoubtedly Da Sun and Shenyue in the eyes of a monk from the Central Upper Kingdom below. Then on the city wall, I don't know which monk it was, bowed forward and uttered a loud shout:

"The emperor star descends, the mysterious girl assists each other, the sun and the moon shine together, this is a sign of great prosperity!"

As soon as this loud cry came out, there was no doubt that a fire was added to the boiling hot pot, and with a bang, countless people on the entire city wall suddenly raised their heads again and shouted:

"The emperor star descends, the sun and the moon shine together, and go to the country for prosperity!"

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