Central Shangguo, originally a somewhat decayed and silent Tangdu, was completely detonated once again because of the return of the king of the three princes Yinwen. For a long time afterwards, this central place occupies a pivotal big city, burst out For several years, unprecedented passion.

The impact of the war on the Taixuan monks is undoubtedly huge.

This kind of influence is divided into two aspects, one is displacement, the family is destroyed, and the other is the blow to the heart, which will wipe out the will of countless monks a little bit. In the end, it will be like a corpse of a fellow traveler, muddled and resigned.

Therefore, the central government at this time undoubtedly needs a booster to inspire all the people's hearts to fall into the abyss.

At the next breath, at the gate of Tangdu City, which was shrouded in heavy rain, at the gate of the palace dragged by three golden dragons, the three princes Yin Wen, standing upright and proud, slowly raised his right fist under the gaze of countless lights.

Then the young and majestic voice sounded clearly in the ears of everyone below:

"The Lord is dead, the holy court is gone, and the mountains on the top of my central kingdom have disappeared. My fellow citizens, raise your heads and let out an eager roar!"

As soon as these words came out, deafening roars went straight into the sky, bursting into the void:


This roaring roar almost lifted the torrential rain from the sky upwards, and then the three princes Yin Wen glanced down below, and the extremely high voice resounded between the sky and the earth:

"I, Yin Wen, the third prince of the Central Shangguo, will inherit the power of Shangguo, revitalize Shangguo, lead Shangguo, and stand on the top of Taixuan again!"

"My lord, my lord, my lord!"

After a breath, the entire Tangdu city gate was empty, and continued to tremble under the roar of the mountain whistling and tsunami, and then the Baolian sword ground sword repaired the stars behind the city wall, retracting the shocking color on his face, and opened his mouth to speak:

"Master Sima, the prestige of these three princes is so great. It seems that sitting on this central high country will be unimpeded, but I don’t know if the woman next to the three princes is the so-called nine days of ancient times. Hyeonnv?"

Fanxing's question fell, and Sima Annan, who was standing upright beside him, raised his slightly frowned brows, then raised his hand and gently took out a fixed fairy bead, Yinglang's voice sounded:

"Is it a so-called ancient immortal? You will know if you look at it. With such a leak, it is not difficult to confirm the identity."

At the next breath, the words in Sima Annan's mouth had not yet fallen, and the extremely rich red light suddenly lit up in the celestial bead, so strange that the former made a direct whisper and waved the bead away.

Sima Annan's speed was so fast between the time he took it, and even the stars not far away felt a little strange. Then the latter turned his head and asked at the same time:

"Master Sima, does Daxia have a way to confirm the identity of the ancient immortals?"

Before the words fell, Fan Xing's voice stopped abruptly, because beside her, Sima Annan's figure flying in white had completely disappeared. At the same time, the umbrella that was originally held in the hands of the young minister of Da Xia was in a burst. Under the influence of the mysterious power, faintly suspended in the air.

"The people of Da Xia, everyone is really out of sight!"

After sighing with a complex complexion, Fanxing stretched out his right hand and held the umbrella handle left by Sima Annan. Then he saw a palm-sized scroll floating under the umbrella, and the scroll was covered with mystery. The space texture.

The sky above Tangdu, all the way up, through that layer of stacked nine layers of heaven, is where the outer sky is, and this outer sky has completely changed its appearance a year ago.

It is no longer the depth and silence like a black hole. Instead, countless deep purple runes, together with one after another crape myrtle pillar, turned into a huge cage, sealing the fairy palace. Within it.

Because of the Battle of Prisoners a year ago, this place began to appear extremely majestic, but the only thing in common was that it was still a forbidden place on this Taixuan land.

But today, the peace of this forbidden place is broken by a colorful streamer. Within the streamer is a crystal-clear treasure ship, which comes through the void at such a fast speed as if it is teleporting.

Then the treasure ship tore apart the ancient aura flowing in the outer sky, and appeared in front of the crape myrtle Zhoutian array.

As the saying goes, only comparison can show the difference. The Daxia treasure ship is already a behemoth in the land of the profound, but compared with the crape myrtle Zhoutian array that appeared in front of the treasure ship at this time, it is like the difference between a firefly and a bright moon. .

After a few breaths, the tall and straight figure of Sima Annan appeared again on the bow of the Daxia treasure ship, and then the young man stepped forward, standing on the bow, looking straight ahead, waiting quietly.

The entire sky outside the sky seemed to be completely frozen once again, but Sima Annan standing at the bow of the boat, the young and handsome face did not show the slightest impatience, his complexion was calm, and he continued to wait without arrogance or impetuosity.

Time passed forward every minute, and Sima Annan stood quietly on the bow of the ship. Few people knew who he was waiting for, but the powerful official in this young and tall body was getting stronger and stronger. The more concentrated, the more domineering.

Although the Daxia Bao Ship where Sima Annan is located is the size of a grain of rice in front of the Lagerstroemia formation, if there are other people here, they will definitely find that Sima Annan at the bow of the treasure ship stands tall and has a mighty breath in his body. , Has formed a sharp sword, piercing straight ahead.

I don’t know how long it took, just as the aura within Sima Annan’s body grew stronger and stronger, the crape myrtle Zhoutian array in front of the treasure ship finally began to change, a large amount of purple qi began to converge inward, and then gradually converge. Into a somewhat fuzzy human face.

At the same time, an old hoarse voice suddenly came out:

"Young man from Daxia, what's the matter if you are looking for the great monarch?"

The magnificent voice of the Great Lord Zhongtian lingered around the entire crape myrtle array, even like a bell ringing, and it shook again and again.

At the next breath, the tumbling aura within the great formation became more intense, and at the same time, Sima Annan on the treasure ship did not change his complexion. Then he lifted his right hand, took out a folding fan, swayed gently, and a young voice came out:

"What is the matter when the official came here, why did the Lord Zhongtian ask knowingly?"

The sound from Sima Annan's mouth was not heavy, but for some reason, the whole sky roared like lightning and thunder. Then the former paused, and a more deafening voice sounded again:

"And there is one more thing, you should also be clear, Lord Zhongtian, since this time the official came here to look for you on the initiative, this means that our Majesty is not in a happy mood!"

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