The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2111: National Events

As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days, and for a short time, Daxia’s countless powerful troops have been in a state of warrior and horses since the Battle of the North Sea, just like the heaven-shaking sword is hidden in the scabbard.

Although mobilization and exercises continue on weekdays, in the end, only real war and fire, life and death, are the best means to test the combat effectiveness of an army.

Soldiers, the country's major events, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be observed.

From beginning to end, Zhao Yu has never relaxed the construction of the entire Daxia military capabilities, and all Daxia citizens, even these young generals standing outside the Imperial Garden at this time, want to know that they are now young How strong is the Great Summer Army horse that has been polished and upgraded by the emperor for so long!

Thinking of this, Wang Jing standing upright outside the imperial garden, the light in his eyes is like a rising sun, and in his entire upright body, there is also an indescribable violent boiling and surging of iron-blooded killing intent. The voice of one sentence continued to sound:

"My great summer's military front, longing for the enemy's blood, for a long time!"

This voice containing the infinite iron and blood warfare came out, the insider who was holding a stack of memorials and stepping into the Royal Garden Avenue suddenly stopped undetectable, and then he continued to hold the memorials of various colors. Go to the depths of the imperial garden.

The imperial garden of the Baidi Palace of Daxia, because of the status of the queen of the thousands of flowers, is a well-deserved flower palace in the vast land of China, especially after Daxia descended on the Beihai, the countless precious plants in the rest of the Taixuan Land were all Was planted here.

Even many times, Rouge personally took a pair of children, went south to Taixuan, and picked and transplanted by himself.

In this way, you can see the countless precious plants in this imperial garden, more and more, and at the same time, the brightly colored precious plants in the entire imperial garden are nourished by the fountain of life in the garden. It gave out unprecedented vigor and vitality.

The next breath, a slight wind, blew down from the sky, and flicked across the periphery of the Imperial Garden. At the same time, when the wind passed through the border, the sky full of vitality directly flew up, rising violently, as if A cloud like a rainbow rose up, beautiful and gorgeous.

Between the misty clouds, the middle-aged clerk with the memorial in his arms, walked hurriedly between the roads of the imperial garden, and then raised his gaze, looking at the mysterious mysterious sky in front of him, which is looming in the colorful mist, standing on top of the earth, A little trance appeared in his eyes.

At the next breath, the inner official didn't know why, his feet suddenly softened, and he staggered forward, and fell directly with the memorial body in his arms.

Seeing that this inner official was about to fall forward completely, a powerful hand stretched out from the side in a moment of attack, and grabbed the middle-aged middle-aged official who was falling down, and then an older voice sounded:

"Be careful, your majesty is in the imperial garden. Don't let yourself go!"

As soon as he said this, the middle-aged middle-aged official who turned up in the stormy sea in his heart immediately stood up straight, and after clinging to the memorial in front of him, he turned his head and looked to the side.

In front of the middle-aged clerk, there was an old clerk with an old face but a straight body like a spear. At the same time, this old clerk wore the most docile and meticulous robes in the Baidi Palace, whether it was buttons or subtle The lining position is perfect, precise and meticulous.

He is the old man in the entire Baidi Palace, who has been in charge of the House of Internal Affairs since the founding of the country. It can even be said that he has gone through three dynasties and managed the entire huge imperial palace in an orderly manner.

As we all know, the Zhao family, the lord of Great Xia, has been sparsely populated since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Therefore, the entire Baidi Palace with a huge area is inevitably extremely deserted, and because of the existence of this old servant, it is close to a Jiazi Baidi Palace. The people of the Zhao clan don't have to worry about all the internal affairs of the officials.

This alone is enough to see how capable this old servant is.

Perhaps because he often accompanied the emperor’s side, the old man’s eyes unknowingly brought a strong majesty and sharpness, and then he looked straight in front of him and hugged the memorial in front of him. Official, the old voice sounded again:

"What's the matter with you, why don't you stay away from home today?"

When the question came out, the middle-aged official showed a little shame on his face, and he responded:

"General Manager forgive me. I just heard General Wangjing Wang outside the Royal Garden saying that our Daxia Military Headquarters will soon be out of the sheath, so I feel a little lost."

"You are also an old man in the palace, how can you still make such a low-level mistake?"

After the old internal official finished speaking, he took a step forward, and then as if he had thought of something, the voice continued:

"If I remember correctly, your son should be in the army, right?"

As soon as this question came out, the shame on the face of the middle-aged official became stronger, nodding in response:

"Yeah, that kid is in the army. I think of this, so I will be distracted. Don't worry, Chief Executive. I understand the rules. I will return to the Internal Affairs Office to confess my punishment later."

"Okay, give me the memorial."

After finishing speaking, the old insider stretched out his hand to steadily accepted the memorial handed over by the middle-aged insider in front of him. The thick pile of folds was obviously not light in weight, but the old insider's hands did not tremble. He turned around holding the memorial, and then the voice came out:

"Well, after you go to the House of Internal Affairs to receive the punishment, allow you to go out of the palace to rest for a few days, and then come back when you take your heart. You can just meet your kid in the palace. The palace is no better than the rest of the capital city. , There will be no mistakes."

After finishing speaking, the old inner official looked straight and continued to move forward, passing through the only road in the imperial garden that led to the mysterious sky, and came to the core of the garden.

At the next breath, in front of the old servant’s sight, Liang Po’s tall, burly, bald figure appeared. Liang Po’s body just covered the line of sight between the road and Xuantianmu, and then the old servant stopped. Open the mouth:

"Lord Liang, this is the dice sent by the Teleportation Department from all places in Taixuan urgently just now. Please show it to your Majesty for review."

As soon as the voice fell, Liang Po’s voice filled with magnetism softly passed into the ears of the old inner man:

"Your Majesty is discussing important matters, the elder, please wait a moment."

"Weichen respects life."

The old servant here just nodded his head and immediately lowered his head, his whole body was slightly shaken, and he hurriedly held his breath and held his breath.

Because under the Xuantian Wood, a majestic and domineering emperor voice, engulfing the endless rolling vast emperor prestige, burst out like thunder, and after shaking back and forth in the void, it made all those who heard the words become violent again. shock:

"Aiqing, who can tell me, is there any way to make this land of the profound mystery, so that the clouds will see the sun, the rain will disappear, and the heavens will be restored again?"

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