The capital city under the autumn wind may also feel a more urgent atmosphere. Time seems to pass exceptionally slowly. Even the golden autumn leaves flying down from the treetops are like a lost person, flying around in the air. He didn't want to land for a long time.

However, sunrise and sunset are the most important principles of heaven and earth, and yin and yang will eventually alternate, and the sun will inevitably sink slowly into the west, and the light above the sky will similarly weaken and become dim.

Then, in the Imperial Garden of the Shenjing City, a respectful greeting sounded under the Xuantian Wood:

"Your Majesty Sheng'an, the ministers will leave!"

"Go ahead."

Accompanied by the young emperor's young emperor's voice, the many officials who saluted in the imperial garden once again respectfully saluted, and then filed out and withdrew from the depths of the imperial garden.

It is worth mentioning that in front of the throne where Zhao Yuduan is sitting, the lineup of the officials who are retreating from Daxia is huge. In addition to the top leaders of the six departments and 15 departments, the generals of the military department, and even the current Sitianjian Jianzheng, the girl sitting in a wheelchair invites Xia.

This lineup even surpassed the normal situation in the early dynasty. In fact, this call that lasted for a day was originally a continuation of today’s early dynasty. From the complex and excited faces of the humeral ministers of the Great Xia, you can peek a little bit. The context of Daxia's follow-up trends.

"The sword will eventually come out, it's just a matter of time."

After the officials dispersed, the murmur of the emperor's voice made it easy for Zhao Yu to hear, and then the young emperor leaned his body lightly behind him, and raised his hand to pinch the somewhat swollen eyebrows.

Zhao Yu’s face has a trace of exhaustion that is hard to detect. It is true that at his level of cultivation, his body is already extraordinary and comparable. What really makes the young emperor tired is the idea of ​​infinitely running and calculating infinitely all the time. .

At the next breath, Liang Po's figure appeared, lifted up and gently placed a cup of bitter tea in front of Zhao Yu, and then filled with a magnetic voice, lingering under the Xuantian Wood:

"Your Majesty, have a cup of tea first."

Liang Po's voice fell, under the mysterious sky, as night fell, countless emerald green life elves spread out on the ancient trees, gradually forming a green galaxy floating above the imperial garden, beautiful and gorgeous.

Now the mysterious sky tree in the imperial garden has completely entered the stage of adulthood, and it has surpassed Sitian Tower and the Phoenix Terrace not far away, and has truly become the highest fetish of the entire Shenjing City.

The true heaven and earth, straight into the sky!

The Xuantian Mu is a well-deserved sacred tree in the vast land of China, and there is another point of its mystery. It is the countless life elves that live in it. Today's life elves have already increased their wits, even leading the way. Under the leadership of a leading elf that Zhao Yu had ordered, one could feel the slightest emotional fluctuations in the void.

At this moment, they keenly felt the majesty of the emperor's way still lingering in the void of the imperial garden, as well as the strong iron-blooded killing.

Therefore, these elves chose to float back and forth among the mysterious forests, instead of sinking as usual, playing around the young emperor shadow below.

After a breath, Zhao Yu, who was sitting behind the Yu table, stretched out his right hand, gently held the steaming tea cup in front of him, put it to his mouth and took a sip, frowned slightly, and said:

"Liang Po, this cup of bitter tea?"

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother took the little princess to the south to transplant a plant that is said to be extremely precious, so this cup of bitter tea was made by the tea master in the imperial dining room."

After Liang Po's response sounded, Zhao Yu's brows gradually stretched, he continued to take a sip, and then he asked:

"In terms of safety, is there any guarantee?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the Netherwing Army followed the two standards, as well as the Angry Beast Army and the Black Dragon Guard, and there are also people in the Night Dire Division."

After Liang Po continued to speak and lingered under the Xuantian Wood, Zhao Yu put down the bitter tea and picked up the top one among the thick stacks of papers beside him. After opening it, Di Yin continued to say:

"Okay, let the messenger who is accompanying you deliver the message to the Baidi Palace from half an hour to one report for two sticks of incense."


Liang Po nodded in response, and looked down at the young emperor who was looking down at Zhezi, his movements stopped slightly, and his majestic voice continued to be heard:

"In these zhezi sent from all over Taixuan, the reports are all about the so-called revival of immortals, including the central Shangguo, Taixuan's core area, and counties and territories in all directions."

After finishing the words, Zhao Yu kept reading the memorials in his hand, and the emperor's voice continued to linger:

"The recovery of these immortals has undoubtedly completely disrupted the slightly restored order in the Supreme Profound Land, so that violent conflicts broke out directly in many places.

"Liang Po, guess what, between these newly resurrected ancient immortals and the local forces, who now has the upper hand?"

"Your Majesty, the minister is not clear, and it is not easy to speculate."

Liang Po's voice that was neither humble nor overbearing, Zhao Yu's face immediately showed such an expression, and he shook his head and said:

"I know you would say that. By the way, I didn't let you take your ten-year holiday. Why are you still in this palace? Daxia's entire action will not really begin until the end of the ten-year holiday, so you can rest assured Go for a walk.

"If something happens, I will call you back."

"Your Majesty, the minister came this time precisely because there is something to ask for."

As soon as Liang Po said this, Zhao Yu directly stopped the movement in his hand, raised his head, looked at the burly Liang Po in front of him, and made a slightly surprised voice:

"For so many years, Liang Po has asked me about you, but there are only a handful of things, so I'm very curious when you talk about it."

After speaking, Zhao Yu stood up directly behind the Yu table, raised his right hand slightly, signaled Liang Po to continue, and then the latter nodded and responded:

"Your Majesty, the minister went to the small world of the floating island a few days ago and went to the mountainside hut."

When this word came out, Zhao Yu's eyes gradually narrowed, and after a few breaths of silence, his lips lightly opened, and Di Yin said:

"It's the soul of that snowman woman, who is going to dissipate?"

"Your Majesty, there is only a trace left."

Liang Po responded with a look of loneliness, and then he bowed forward to Zhao Yu, and his voice continued to sound under the Xuantianmu:

"Your Majesty, the minister wants to take her to the rain for the last time."

The words of Liang Po fell, and even the life spirits heard under Xuantianmu seemed to have heard something shocking. They brushed and completely dispersed, and then they flew upwards back to the towering Xuantianmu. Into the treetops of the cloud.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu Jiang raised his head, staring at Liang Po's face in front of him, and opened his mouth and said:

"Go to the so-called Qixian rain?"

After the emperor's voice, Liang Po lowered his head, and his voice sounded again:

"Your Majesty, maybe this is the last chance, maybe, with the help of the so-called immortal's power of recovery, it can be a turn for the better."

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