The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2119: Beihai grain species

Most of the buildings in Shenxian City, including the Partial Hall of the City Lord's Mansion at this time, have different architectural styles from those of Daxia, which are not exquisite, but a little rough.

After all, the human race of Shen Xiancheng has been accompanied by hardship and poverty for tens of thousands of years. It is already the greatest miracle to survive. When resources are exhausted, practicality becomes the first element.

Even if the current situation has completely changed, the deep-rooted thinking is still difficult to change for a while, and it is also reflected in the decoration of this partial hall.

The pillars and beams of the side hall are only the most primitive rough wood, and no exquisite patterns are carved on them, and even some of the pillars have tree knots that are not completely flattened.

Full of original and pragmatic atmosphere.

It is worth mentioning that, as the monks of the Shumei Clan of Qingzhi Country, who integrated fine art and art into their bones, they have long criticized the architecture in Shenxian City, so they often quarrel about it after discussing food planting technology.

However, tonight's city lord's side hall, Akashi's light is not too dazzling, on the contrary, it is extremely soft, and the light is filled with a very soothing and refreshing good smell of flowers.

This scent of countless flowers gathered in one place has the magical power to disperse all hostility, and even the Five Immortals and others in the temple feel that they have entered a world of flowers and plants.

In other words, it is similar to the monk's domain, but it is different from the domain, and it is deeply involved in the subtle, but this feeling is not offensive, so the old woman and the others quickly recovered.

At the next breath, the old silver-haired woman bowed respectfully to a pretty figure sitting quietly in front of him, and a respectful and solemn voice came out:

"Daxia Sect Master of the Five Immortals, Shen Xiancheng City Lord Lan, and the disciples of the Wuxian Sect, meet the Empress Empress."

As soon as this high voice fell, all the disciples of the Five Immortals sect behind the old woman bowed down at the same time, asking An Sheng to preach:

"My mother is happy and healthy!"

The sound of greetings lingered in the side hall, and then the rouge who was sitting behind the desk showed a faint smile on his face, gently raised his hand to swing, and a soft voice passed:

"Get up all, take their seats, don't have to be cautious, Ru Yue, get a chair for Lao Lan."

"Niang, you can't make it so, the old woman can just stand."

After the old woman's somewhat flattered voice came out, she once again bowed to the rouge in front of him, and a grateful voice came out:

"Niangniang, I heard your Majesty mentioned before that it is Niangniang's idea to improve the land along the North Sea coast of our two states and cultivate grain seeds suitable for the North.

"Therefore, the old man is here, for all the people who can live in the outer two states, thank the empress!"

The silver-haired old woman's words are true and sincere. In a sense, today's life, whether it is for the old woman Lan or all the original Taixuan races, is unimaginable, as if it were a dream.

Therefore, everyone in the entire side hall showed a deep gratitude on their faces, and they spoke again:

"Empress, we are so grateful."

"These are the achievements of Daxia and Your Majesty, and this palace just casually suggested something, it doesn't have to be so grand."

Shen Xiancheng’s City Lord’s Mansion’s side hall, the voice that came from Yanzhi’s mouth was still soft, and then the increasingly mature Empress Great Xia commented without oppressive eyes, and the voice sounded again:

"This palace knows that no matter who lives on the earth, living beings need spiritual comfort and a sense of security. What is important is that this sense of security does not come from others, but from one's own creation.

"Now the people in the outer two states have personally built these countless acres of fertile land, and with this high-quality food, they have been recognized and integrated into the great summer. Whether it is the main palace or your majesty, I feel extremely gratified. "

Rouge's words and words made the respect of the silver-haired old woman Lan's face thicker and thicker. At the same time, the peaceful and comfortable breath of the flowers of the Great Empress also made everyone in the Partial Palace slow down. Tension is emotion before letting go.

Sincerity can move people's hearts most, and perhaps it is Rouge's truth that makes him the empress respected and loved by everyone in Daxia.

At the next breath, the old woman Lan handed out the wooden box in her hand, and her voice came out:

"Niangniang, this is the ear of rice planted in the two states outside of our country that you ordered before. Please have a look."

When this word came out, Rouge, who was sitting behind the desk, brightened his eyes and said:

"Karitsuki, bring it here and show it to the palace. The palace has long heard that the food in the two states is getting better year after year. A large part of the reason is that the quality of the rice seeds has improved."

"Niangniang praised, in fact, Shen Xiancheng is gradually exploring and improving it."

Speaking of the great grain harvest, the smile on the old woman Lan's face became more and more intense, and then she handed the wooden box in her hand to Juyue who walked above, and her voice continued to spread:

"Niangniang, according to your request, these rice ears were obtained directly from the field at random, and were not selected intentionally."

"It's so good, my palace will look at this rice."

After Rouge's response fell, he lifted his white right hand and gently opened the wooden box in front of him. Then he saw a touch of golden color greeted his eyes, and saw a few ears of wheat in the box. The grains were full, bright and colorful. The vitality is not weak.

"It's so full of vitality."

With a little joyful voice, it was heard from Yanzhi's mouth, and then the old woman Lan turned sideways to the old man Qingzhiguo in the crowd behind him, and said:

"Niangniang, this year's seeds have been improved and nurtured by the Grain Division of Daxia and this old gentleman from Qingzhi Country. The old gentleman will explain to Niangniang below."

As the voice fell, the old man from the back of the Qingzhishumei clan who was wearing an extraordinarily exquisite and solemn step forward stepped forward, coughed lightly, and said:

"Niang, it’s not easy to improve the grains, because the core is to extract the essence and remove the dross. And because the land on the banks of the North Sea changes gradually every year, the old man will use the land in the North Sea to go back and forth. Hundreds of thousands of plants were tested, and only then were the more satisfactory varieties selected.

"This kind of brand-new grain is not only able to adapt to the water vapor on the seashore, but even the absorption of the vitality of the heavens and the earth has tripled. In other words, the rice produced by this ear of wheat has three times the amount before. Vitality content."

Perhaps it was about her lifelong masterpiece, the old Qingzhi Guoshumei's face was full of confidence, and then the rouge above nodded, and the voice came out:


Rouge's praise made the smile on Lao Qingzhi Guoshumei's face even worse, and then Rouge's soft voice continued to sound in the latter's ears:

"But when you are waiting for subsequent planting, you may have to pay attention to the fact that your planting method is wrong. For this kind of rice, if two plants are planted against each other, the harvest will be better."

Rouge's voice, which is neither light nor heavy, is like a thunderous thunder that makes the old tree charm of Qingzhi country stay in place for an instant, and then the latter's body begins to tremble violently, as if a bright light suddenly appeared, and he murmured:

"Yes, yes, Biandilian, this is the characteristic of Biandilian when it was cultivated. How did I not expect it, why didn't I think of it!"

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