The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2120: Choke your throat


Under the soft Akashi light, the Shenxiancheng City Lord’s Mansion suddenly sounded from Ruyue’s crisp laughter, and then the rouge who was looking down at Mai Sui raised her head, looked down at the girl with a smirk, and asked:

"Kurizuki, why are you giggling there all the time?"

Rouge's response sound fell, and Ruyue, who was carrying the chair, paused slightly, and the response sound came out:

"Niang Niang, I just wanted to laugh when I saw the look of the old gentleman with a green branch just now."

After finishing the sentence, Ruyue's round and round face smiled even more, and she continued to speak:

"When I was in Shenjing City, I heard that people of the Shumei clan, the older they are, the more arrogant and confident they are. This is true, but the shocking look of the old gentleman is really interesting.

"Look at him when he left last, he almost fell because he was in a daze."

At the next breath, Ruyue’s smiling words just came out, and at the entrance of the Partial Hall, a slightly cold, but extremely pleasant voice immediately sounded:

"Juyue, the people of the Shumei clan have helped a lot in the food in the outer two states, but you can't be so jokes."

As soon as this voice came out, Ruyue stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, then turned her head and looked at the entrance of the side hall, only to see a beautiful figure wearing a white palace dress, an exquisite and moving figure, holding a plate slowly walking in.

This woman has one of the most beautiful faces in the world. Perhaps even the fairy once in the sky has to be ashamed of herself. At the same time, she has an inexplicable feeling on her body. It is an inexplicable impact that makes ordinary people completely unable to look directly at her. .

If there is a major repair of the cultivation base to reach the sky, you may find some clues, and the next breath is a clear voice, from Ruyue's mouth:

"Sister Bai, the little princess didn't wake up, right?"


After the faint response came out, Lian Bu lifted Bai Zhining lightly, and while holding the plate to Rouge's side, he responded:

"The little princess slept very soundly. Grandma watched. I thought it was late at night, so I made a bowl of clear soup to soothe the nerves. Please use it."

"Zhi Ning is interested, let's put it on the side first, and I will look at this ear of rice again."

After Rouge finished speaking, his complexion remained unchanged, and he continued to pick up the ear of rice in his hand, stretched out two fingers, and gently stroked it, then looked at the table, and there appeared the curious little head of Ruyue.

At the same time, the big eyes above Ruyue’s head watched Rouge’s every move straightforwardly. The curiosity in the eyes became more and more intense. Then Ruyue knocked her chin on the table, with a curious voice coming out. :

"Niang Niang, Kiuri is very curious. How did you know that the grain on the shore of the North Sea requires two plants to be planted together. Even the old gentleman who cultivated the green branch tree charm does not know."

After speaking, Ruyue's big eyes lit up, and the voice went on to say:

"Could it be that Niang Niang knew about this new grain for a long time, and that there was Bian Tilian in it?"

"The palace doesn't know."

After Rouge's faint response fell, the former continued to raise his hand and gently stroked the golden rice ears in front of him, his voice resounded in this partial hall again:

"The palace does not need to know in advance, because it told the palace."

This word of it fell, and the wheat ears in Rouge's hand, after the Empress Great Xia's fingers passed, a light green fluorescent light suddenly began to glow outwards.

Then there was some faint fluorescent light, and it continued to flicker rhythmically, as if this plant was saying something, followed by a soft rouge voice, and then came out:

"Listen to Kisaragi, it is talking, it tells this palace, it is a bit lonely."

Rouge's words that were neither light nor heavy fell, not only Ruyue, but Bai Zhining who was watching quietly from the side, a deep look of horror appeared in his eyes, and after Bai Zhining thought for a while, he said:

"Niang Niang, your huayu ability has become more and more superb."

"Perhaps after our great summer came to Taixuan, the types and numbers of flowers and plants that our palace came into contact with greatly increased, which also made this palace better understand the thoughts and words of these flowers.

"It's like this North Sea ear of rice. Although its call is not strong, it can be said to be extremely weak, but my palace still hears it very clearly."

After speaking, Rouge continued to raise his hand, picked up another ear of rice, and merged with the previous one. At the same time, on the right hand, a strong breath of life emerged, extending downward between the two. The rice plant is completely enclosed.

The next breath, a more magical scene, appeared in this partial hall. Under the gazes of Yanzhi and Bai Zhining, the roots of the two rice plants began to interweave in one place automatically, and then the ears on the leaves, with naked eyes Visible speed began to grow, and on the originally blank leaves, full ears of wheat also appeared.

At the same time, in the side hall, the exclamation from Ruyue sounded directly:

"Wow, mother, this is incredible!"

Accompanied by this exclamation, the rice seed in Rouge's hands has completely entered a state of heyday, and it has been completely different from the appearance of the grain that ordinary people see.

"I don't know if the rice ears in this state of stalks will affect the rice produced?"

With a suspicious murmur, after it came out of her mouth, Rouge lifted her finger and tapped a rice ear underneath to spot a rice seed.

After a breath, the shell wrapped around the ear of the ear was automatically peeled away, revealing a rice grain that was as white as jade and filled with a lot of vitality.

Even if you look carefully, you can still see a rune on top of this grain of rice.

"Runes, there are runes on this grain of rice, madam, if you can really grow this kind of food in the future, then for us Daxia, it will undoubtedly be a huge leap forward that can stabilize the foundation!"

Compared with the innocent Ruyue, Bai Zhining’s thoughts undoubtedly looked farther, and then his eyes were fixed in front of him, the stalk of rice that exuded a burst of vitality, and his beautiful face. There is obvious horror.

There are countless races and infinite living creatures in the Taixuan Land. Therefore, food has always been one of the unavoidable problems in all ages. Even before Daxia, I was constantly thinking about how to expand the area of ​​growing food and quality.

But now, this problem has been solved directly with the emergence of this combined ear of rice. At the same time, it also means that Daxia, who has dominated the northern border for several years, no longer has the worries of a sharp sword out of its sheath.

At the next breath, a deep joyful rouge appeared in his eyes, put the ear of rice in his hand back into the box, turned his head to the side of Bai Zhining, and whispered:

"Zhi Ning, arrange for someone to send this box to the White Emperor Palace, immediately."

There is also a bit of clever Rouge who didn't make it clear that the torrential rains for a whole year have destroyed countless acres of heaven and earth in the entire Taixuan Land, causing an unprecedented food shortage on this continent.

And once Da Xia completely spread out the ears of rice, it would undoubtedly choke the throats of half of the creatures in the entire Taixuan Land!

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