To the southeast of Taixuan Land, Sanhe County, the rain is majestic, like the sky.

The torrential rain that was called Qixian by the Lord Zhongtian, after more than a year of continuous rain, did not decrease by a little bit, but got bigger and bigger.

The sky is dim, like a blue sky with a shame, and the Sanhe County in the southeast of Taixuan Land, which is originally a rainy zone, the rain is more rapid, and then countless rains from the sky have caused the three billowing rivers within the county to explode. Climbing high, forming a hanging river.

Not long ago, one of the big rivers officially burst its banks, and the flood tumbling down, flooded both banks, washed down the city, leaving behind the corpses of countless ordinary creatures and races, and forcing a large number of races along the coast to flee out of their families.

In the face of the disaster of heaven and earth, even the monks who can practice are so pale.

This time the big river burst its embankment, and the force of overturning was overwhelmingly suppressed, so that countless monks hadn't reacted yet, they were stunned by the wave, and then died.

The favorable geographical environment has an obvious influence on the development of power and race, and because of the three rivers running through and nourishing Sanhe County, for countless years, it has been a richer county in addition to the core of the Central Plains. One, especially the city originally built on both sides of the river, is rich in oil, but it completely melted into nothing overnight. People can't help but sigh that things are impermanent.

"This **** rain!"

Sanhe County, Wanghe City, under the torrential rain, a violent curse sounded in a luxurious compound in the city.

After the curse fell, a sturdy young man sitting under the eaves of the yard, his face covered with fish scales, the color of dissatisfaction was even thicker, and finally he raised his hand and clenched his fist and hit the void in front of him. out.


The huge force directly tore the air in front of him, and then a fist wind visible to the naked eye rushed out directly, blasting the sky above the yard, and blasting the torrential rain that was constantly falling into the sky, flying and dancing.

At the next breath, a burst of applause and compliment sounded directly in the courtyard:

"The young patriarch has a good boxing technique. I think I have improved my cultivation a lot these days. I really am the pride of heaven!"

This very warm compliment caused the boredom on the young man's face to fade away, replaced by a strong arrogance, and then the former turned slightly, his sharp eyes staring at the monks behind.

Under the gaze of this young patriarch, a group of people not far away are not only burly figures, but also not wearing tops. The entire body surface is covered with fine scales. The aura is also full of strong bandit spirit, and the surrounding buildings. It can be said to be out of place.

Then a cold voice came from the young patriarch's mouth:

"Everyone, our clan has occupied this Wanghe City for some time, right? Who is this young clan leader?"

As soon as this word came out, the complexion of the people behind changed, and then the headed monk stepped forward, biting his scalp and saying:

"Young patriarch, this, when we captured Mochizuki City, we killed a group of nobles in the city to show our example. In addition, we have heard the wind before and fled in advance. For a while, we will really not be able to find one that meets your requirements. Ladylike."

As the voice fell, the scaly monk who opened his mouth looked at the young man who was getting more irritable in front of him, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and then he continued to explain:

"Also, there is also the order of the patriarch that in order to maintain the stability of Wanghe City, we must not burn, kill, and looting. Therefore, it is not easy for us to find it with great fanfare, so it was delayed for some time."

"You are really a waste."

The scaly monk's voice just fell, and the extremely cold voice from the young patriarch sounded directly, and then an extremely fierce breath came out from the latter's body, like a giant in the river trying to kill its prey. crocodile.

The young man's eyes were cold and fierce, which directly caused the temperature in the yard to drop a lot, and then the extremely cold voice sounded under the heavy rain again:

"The people in Wanghe City haven't run away yet. If you can't find everyone, it's not difficult to find a commoner chick for the young patriarch. Why are you so stupid?

"Furthermore, you kidnapped an inconspicuous civilian. Are you afraid that my father will punish you? It's so stupid, stupid enough!"

The young patriarch's series of roars directly caused the entire yard to hum, and then the scaly monk who nodded and bowed his head and said anxiously:

"Yes, young patriarch, I will go now, I will go now."

After the scaly monk finished speaking, he directly waved his hand at a few people around him, turned and walked out, and not long after he took the people out of the courtyard, he saw the dilapidated street in the heavy rain, and a figure was swift. Rushing, the two almost collided head-on.

At the next breath, the scaly monk stretched out his right hand and directly pinched the figure rushing in front of him in his hand, and the voice came out:

"You didn't want to die. You were so reckless and ran into the young patriarch in the back yard. You didn't think your life was long enough?"

This stern voice fell, and the struggling monk in the hands of the former hurriedly said:

"My lord, there is a big discovery, this time can definitely meet the requirements of the young patriarch?"

As soon as this statement came out, the sturdy scaly monk's eyes lit up, his big hand was loosened, and his voice came out:

"Listen to it, if it's fake, pull out your tongue."

"Don't cheat, don't cheat, that's a little repeated confirmation."

After an anxious explanation, the little monk who rushed from the rain curtain climbed up from the ground, and continued to speak anxiously:

"According to the latest news, the city of Black Mountain, which is closer to the river to the north than us, was submerged by floods. The originally towering Black Mountain now has a small piece of land left, and the monks in that city have all become refugees. Throwing in groups to our Wanghe City.

"Moreover, there are a lot of refugees. At this time, they are all walking to our city."

As soon as this voice fell, the scaly monk's big hand violently waved, and he let out a loud roar:

"Okay, okay, there are refugees again. You have to know that these refugees have good things in their hands. Lao Tzu likes refugees!"

Before this roar fell, the little monk with a smile on the face below also showed a flattering smile, and then continued to speak:

"My lord, and among this group of refugees, I also found a convoy. There is definitely a beautiful woman in the car. The small ones are especially outside the city wall where relatives from far away have just arrived. According to him, he saw a young man in the convoy with his own eyes. The girl has come out, that small face and skin will really shine, just like the precious 10,000-year mussel beads in Sanhe."

As soon as this said, the burly scaly monk put away the excitement on his face and asked:


"Small is willing to take the head guarantee!"

This word fell with a certainty, and it made the scaly monk stay in place to think, and then the former turned around and glanced at the courtyard behind, as if he was hesitant.

After a few breaths, the monk directly turned around and walked towards another street, and his voice came out:

"Take someone to the gate of the city to take a look, remember not to say anything, and come back after a glance."

"What about you, sir, do you want to tell the young patriarch?"

"The young patriarch is naturally the old patriarch, you really can't figure it out, no wonder you've been a slave all your life!"

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