The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2122: Villain, old woman, little girl

Now Sanhe County in the southeast of Taixuan Land is devastated, and the people don't have a lot of livelihood.

The originally relatively fertile land was turned into mud due to the bursting of river banks and the soaking of rainwater, even causing most of the crops to die directly. At the same time, after the cities along the Three Rivers were washed down, a large number of refugees were born, dragging their families. Mouth, scattered in exile.

This is a frightening vicious circle. More and more cities are being washed down, and at the same time there is less and less food available. The entire county begins to sink into the bottom of the abyss.

"Aran, my grandfather once said that hunger is the most terrifying plague. Once it breaks out and spreads, it will completely brighten humanity."

On a low mountain in the rear outside Wanghe City, the voice of Xu Hao, the young master of the official residence of the State of Wei, sounded.

After the voice fell, Xu Hao, who was wearing a pitch-black battle armor and was extremely restrained, continued to look down at the stream of refugees in front of him that was still pouring forward, and continued to speak:

"The continuous heavy rains throughout the year, coupled with the dim clouds and fog covering the sun, made almost 40% of the food grown in the Supreme Profound Land dead, and this Sanhe County is even more outrageous."

After speaking, Xu Hao let the rain from above hit the armor outside of his body, and his young voice sounded again:

"Because the river in this county burst its banks, and the most fertile land in Sanhe County was completely wiped out in an instant. The refugee tide we see in front of us is only a small part. The famine is spreading quietly throughout the county. But it is definitely not too far from the day of the outbreak.

"If the empress arrives here a few days late, what she sees is not a mere escape scene, but it is truly **** and cruel, and even staged a shocking scene of monks eating each other!"

As soon as Xu Hao said these words, Xu Lang, the young man standing beside him, flashed a trace of horror in his eyes under the black dragon helmet.

Although the top of the mountain where the two of them are located is not high, they can still see the surrounding landscapes outside the city. Around this hill, countless ragged refugees from the Sanhe County race are not weaker than the mighty river that bursts down. Qi rushed towards the direction of Wanghe City ahead.

The subsequent shouts, wailings, and humming noises continued to linger under the heavy rain, and it was already an extremely chaotic appearance, and such a scene had an impact on Xu Lang, a young man who went abroad for the first time. Power, one can imagine.

However, this young Black Dragon Guard was naturally very mentally savvy. After a few breaths of thought, he opened his mouth and said:

"Brother Hao, I heard that Sanhe County had a festival with us before in Daxia?"

"Some frogs always sit on the well and watch the sky, trying to provoke the gods and phoenix in the sky."

Xu Hao's response sounded with a little coldness, and then he narrowed his eyes and looked up, and the cold voice continued:

"A few years ago, Sanhe County was dominated by a sect called the Sanhe Sect. This sect controlled more than 70% of the city and land in the entire county, and it united with several surrounding southeastern counties to form a sect called Hai. The power of the Union.

"You should be no stranger to this GCC. When the North Sea wars, it danced very happily. It sent elite monks, plus an island-like GCC, with great momentum.

"It's just that the wishful thinking is empty, and all the games are lost. Now that huge ship is serving as a warship cruising around the vast land of China."

After he finished speaking, Xu Hao slowly raised his right hand, gently shook the void in front of him, and squeezed out a large bow directly, and the voice continued:

"After the GCC's Northern Expedition was annihilated, the interior was already disintegrated, but then the Sanhe Sect wanted to jump on the ship of the Holy Court, and jumped directly out of the Xia alliance. This is like a clown. The noisy behavior is ultimately displeased by your majesty.

"Then things became extremely simple. Daxia's Frontier Fury Beast Army directly descended on Sanhe County and surrounded the city where the Sanhe Sect was located. Although they did not take action, they forced the Sect to behead the principals themselves and completely Disbanded the sect.

"This may be the first time our Great Xia Qiang army has moved south, but the infinite edge contained has already made everyone fearful!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Hao's eyes suddenly became extremely cold. He bent his bow and shot his arrows towards the top, and he was done in one go.


The vibration of the bowstring resembles a sickle swung by the **** of death. Before the sound of the string fell, over Wanghe City far away from the low mountain, a streamer arrow ripped through the void like a teleport, and pierced directly into it at the same time. A scaly monk who just took off in a flying race raised his eyebrows.


After the slight sound rang, the scaly monk fell straight back, and the complexions of several people around him changed drastically. Just as they were about to shout, a red dot appeared on the center of their eyebrows, and their vitality was cut off instantly.

In a short breath, the lives of these people were completely wiped out. At the same time, on the low mountain outside the city, the voice from Xu Hao continued to sound:

"The nature of this Sanhe County race is really greedy, and I feel bad intentions in my heart all the way back."

The unabated voice just fell, Xu Hao's eyes moved slightly again, his right hand holding the bow tightened, and he just wanted to turn the arrow down, but then he hesitated.

Below this low mountain, a stern and old howl sounded directly under the heavy rain:

"My granddaughter, my granddaughter is still young, my lord, please let us make a living, she is still young!"

Under this begging scream, an old woman lying in the mud was grabbing a little girl’s ankle, and this cried out to the other side of the little girl, a strong and vicious The handsome guy is holding the little girl's arms and dragging forward.

For this ragged, skinny old and young, the strength of the man in front is so great, so the two were dragged forward without fancy, and left a long line on the muddy ground. The glaring traces.

This wicked guy who snatched people in public was so fierce that the vagrants who were watching everything around him hugged their children, and desperately spread out.

Then the wicked man's forward footsteps stopped slightly, and he turned and stared at the old woman who was still begging in the back, with a voice of dissatisfaction:

"Old lady, don't blame me. If you want to complain, blame this world of eating people without spitting out bones. Others don't understand, but I know that there will be a famine in Sanhe County, and I will leave here.

"And your granddaughter is actually from the Jinyu clan, and the hiding place is deep enough. As long as I give your granddaughter to those nobles, you can escape from birth right away. It's really nowhere to find any place to get through the iron shoes. time!"

The evil man said this with ecstasy, and after this word spread out, Xu Hao and the two standing on the low mountain frowned deeper, holding the bow, and clenching again!

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