The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2123: Can't bear

Outside Wanghe City, Sanhe County, among the refugees, the hoarse cry of pleading from the old woman kept ringing:

"My lord, you must be mistaken. My granddaughter is just an ordinary carp family, not the jinyu family in your mouth. You must have read it wrong, let us go, my granddaughter, my grandchildren, Pathetic enough."

This pleading sound can be described as extremely stern, causing those refugees who are far away to flicker, some of them are unbearable, and more of them are focused on thinking about the meaning behind the Jinyu family in the mouth of the evil man. .

At the next breath, a murmur made it easy for the refugees beside him to speak:

"Let’s go, don’t look, I know the origins of this Jinyu clan. It is a legendary race that only came out for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. It's totally out of reach.

"I think this evil guy is because the situation is turbulent now, and his own mind has been turbulent, so that he has the so-called hallucinations, walk, go quickly, if there is a long delay here, the flood strikes, you and I will die."

This refugee who speaks, looks like a middle-aged person, and if you look closely, you will find a little brocade in the depths of his torn clothes, trying to hide his good financial resources, and then a middle-aged person next to him walks in the footsteps. Stopped, sighed, and said:

"Run, when can you run? Look at the rain in the sky, where can't it fall?

"As long as the rain keeps falling, the waters of these three rivers will keep rising, and the city in the entire county will be submerged sooner or later, so we are the turtles in the urn and we can't run away."

As soon as this desperate speech came out, the middle-aged monk who spoke at the beginning changed his complexion. After hesitating for a few breaths, he moved his head to another person's ear and spoke softly:

"Brother, let me tell you, I have spent a lot of money to get a piece of news before, it is said that in the south of Sanhe Jun, not far from here, an immortal appeared, the name is Sanhe Zhenjun, and it was said that he was here during the time of the Immortal Palace. It's the real monarch's site.

"I also heard that the True Monarch of Sanhe is planning to recruit more people. If we go to his dojo, we will be blessed. Now that there are people in Sanhe County with a face, they are all gone."

As soon as he said this, the middle-aged man who was still sad before had a blazing fire in his eyes. He turned his head abruptly and said in a hurry:


"It's more real than real gold, and this is our last chance, but even if you get there, people may not bless you."

"Don't worry about this, brother, you can leave it to me, I have my own way."

In the next breath, the eyes of the two people who found vitality suddenly began to change, but the evil man who was completely in despair on the side became more and more fierce in his eyes, and also changed because of the wailing of the old woman below. Very irritable.

Then, seeing the old woman attract more and more people’s attention, the evil man grabbed the purplish-faced little girl in his hand, turned around, and directly dragged the two of them towards the low mountain that was covered with woods. Began to run wildly.

"Old lady, since you can shout and pull so well, then you have to shout enough for Lao Tzu!"

After a roar came out of the evil man's mouth, an extremely cruel picture appeared directly in the muddy ground under the heavy rain, but no matter how the strong man ran, the old woman dragging behind him just didn't let go. , Even if his head and whole body had been smashed into flesh and blood by the stone, they were still held on tightly.

"Fuck, why don't you let go, why?"

The tenacious appearance of the old woman completely angered the evil man, and then he madly threw the little girl in his hand and the old woman forward together, causing them to slam on the ground heavily, directly uttering an extremely painful boring sound. Humph.

At the next breath, the evil man didn't give up, his legs suddenly burst out with a huge force, and the whole person jumped up, directly facing the dying two below, and stepped on it with one foot.

This powerful and heavy kick can be said to have condensed the most violent killing intent of this evil man, and the direction it stepped on was also the head of the old woman, so that everyone who looked at all of this seemed to be able to see this extremely **** picture about to come. Happened before our eyes.

At the same time, Xu Lang, who was standing high on this low mountain, changed his head and looked at Xu Hao, who was bowing his bow to the side, and opened his mouth hurriedly:

"Brother Hao, save or not?"

The simple sentence of the young man Alang was like a heavy hammer hitting Xu Hao's mind, causing the latter's mind to suddenly tremble, and there was a momentary trance.

This momentary trance seemed extremely long to Xu Hao, but after he recovered, A Lang beside him had already held a branch next to him and threw it directly towards the bottom.


The sharp whistling sound has not yet been heard, this branch has been blessed by the violent force, and the flame is rubbed between the air, and then this red streamer straddles the void and directly penetrates the center of the evil man’s eyebrows. He even threw the latter's entire back behind him.

"Aran, did you take the shot?"

At the next breath, Xu Hao's extremely solemn voice sounded directly, and then the former stared at the evil man lying motionless in front of him, and the old and young who were trembling for the rest of his life. The voice continued:

"Before we set off, the Secretary of An Jiang clearly gave the order. The safety of the empress is the first element in everything, and you must not provoke other causes and effects, Alang, you have violated the law!"

As soon as the word "Ling Ling" came out, the young black dragon guard named A Lang, his complexion suddenly turned pale, and he murmured:

"I didn't think too much, I can't bear it!"

"Can't bear it? There are countless more cruel things happening on this continent at all times. Don't forget your own identity. You are Daxia's Black Dragon Guard. You are now performing an extremely important guard mission. , And the price of your kindness may be the future of your entire career!"

Xu Hao's remarks are not unimportant. Da Xia pays attention to the law, and the military laws are even more stringent. At this time, Xu Lang's good intentions may be a serious injury to his Black Dragon Guard career.

"We are knives, swords, and sharp edges. Once we step on the battlefield and perform tasks, there will be no mercy emotions!"

After Xu Hao's words came out, he held the big bow in his hand with one hand, and patted Xu Lang's shoulder with his lips tightly pressed with the other hand, but the two Xu Hao who were talking did not. What I know is that not far from the two, the old and the young, who were trembling under the rain of Qixian, shook very strangely.

After this shaking, countless rainwater began to flow into the body along the seven orifices of the two, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

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