The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2114: Belonging to the legend among the flowers

On the low mountains outside Wanghe City, among the woods, it is quite quiet.

This situation is in stark contrast with the trend of refugees around the low mountains and the infinite noise and roars. Then, among the low mountains and forests, on a parked carriage, Wei Young's body is light, like an elf dancing. Zi jumped off the carriage, and at the same time a clear voice came out:

"Mother and queen, I think my younger brother is a little too miserable. During the ten-day break, he will study with her husband. Now when the mother is looking for Lingzhi in Sanhe County, he still has to study with her husband in the palace. No wonder I see him every time. At that time, he frowned and looked sullen."

After Xiao Weiyang finished speaking, he did three steps and two steps before trotting to Rouge's side, raising his hand to grab Rouge's clothes corner, and continuing to speak:

"And I found out, my younger brother's appearance is exactly the same as that of the father."

"You also know that your brother is pitiful, so you don't irritate him on weekdays."

Rouge's response sounded a little distressed, but she also understood that with the identity of Emperor Xia, her son would not be able to get along with freedom. Then Rouge raised her hand and touched the head of her daughter next to her. With a soft voice, she continued to speak:

"Your brother still has a lot to learn. When he gets older, your father will naturally arrange for him to travel around the world, so you are an exception, because your father is partial and loves you too much."

As soon as he said this, Wei Young's delicate little face showed a little embarrassment, he stuck out his tongue, rolled his big eyes, and continued to ask:

"Mother, let's go south this time, are we looking for those precious magical plants, but here is just a very ordinary hill, and there is no special one."

"Actually, this time, I don't know whether the plant I'm looking for exists or not."

Rouge's soft response fell, he raised his head, looked around, and continued to speak:

"A few days ago in the palace, while listening to the murmur of the flowers in the imperial garden, she heard a legend. She said that in the ancient times, a **** planted a grass on the land southeast of the Supreme Profound Land. , Named Mi Tiancao, is extremely mysterious, and in the name of Mi Tian, ​​even on this day, I don’t know where it grows."

The legendary words sounded in Rouge's mouth. Weiyang, who had always loved the bizarre story, suddenly felt energetic. Not only her, but even the Ru Yue and others who followed behind, all looked slightly moved, revealing a deep feeling. The color of interest.

Then Sun Jian, Sisi Cheng, An Jiang who was at the side of the team, raised his brow, raised his hand and said:

"Niangniang, Weichen once heard that Mr. Shu told stories, and also heard the myths circulating between the mountains and the wild. This is the first time I have heard of them, which belong to the legends told between flowers and plants."

"Everything has an aura. The more precious the flower, the higher the aura. As long as you can hear it, there will be many interesting secrets."

After the response from Rouge's mouth fell, Sun Jian, the Anjiang secretary and the several young people in charge of internal defense, showed a more respectful look on their faces.

At the next breath, Sun Jian sounded again with a peculiar wind leaking:

"The Niang Niang's ability to listen to flower language is really admirable, so you came to Sanhe County this time to look for the grass?"

"I just want to try my luck. I don't know why, when I heard these three words, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity."

The words fell, Rouge, who was holding the umbrella, stopped before a small flower in front of him, and while handing the umbrella to Ruyue next to him, he continued to speak:

"Legend is just a legend after all. It is still unknown whether there is such a big grass, but in any case, I have to give it a try."

After the soft voice fell, Rouge squatted down and stretched out his right hand downwards, gently stroking the bottom. This ordinary flower that tilted and fell under the heavy rain for a whole year, the invisible voice continued. Rumor:

"Ordinary Xiaohua still knows about stealing life, let alone this palace, people always have to work hard for themselves, because this world has too many things that are nostalgic."

Rouge's low voice is like the groan of the little flower in front of him. It is inaudible, but for some reason, including Sun Jian, everyone feels like their heart is pinched by something, tight, even hard. breathe.

Then Sun Jian just wanted to speak, the voice from Rouge's mouth in front of him continued to linger among the trees:

"Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous weed knows the legendary story of Mitten grass. It said that its ancestors had seen Mitten grass and also knew the three billowing rivers of Sanhe County. The reason why it exists is to protect it. This stubble of heavenly grass."

In Rouge's words, there was a color of joy, and then strands of substantial life breath began to appear on Rouge's right hand, and injected into the grass below.

In the next breath, this weed began to absorb this substantial breath of life, and began to stand up little by little, emitting a twinkling light outwards, as if sharing its own joy outwards.

At the next breath, Rouge's movements paused slightly, and the brows on the beautiful face wrinkled, revealing a very solemn expression, and then Bai Zhining, who stood aside with an umbrella, stared at the changing expression of Empress Da Xia in front of him. , Asked:

"Niang, what's the matter?"

"This little green grass just spoke again."

After Rouge's response fell, he began to slowly lift his head, and then looked into the distance, and the voice continued:

"It said that this celestial grass is no longer there, and that its ancestors saw the celestial grass with their own eyes a long time ago, and turned into an immortal, soaring into the sky, right here!

"When she said this, she was a little scared, so I want to appease it, and listen to it and know what else."

Rouge's words were still plain, but all the people around him were shocked, and he was on the spot for a while.

But the next breath, everyone's eyes changed at the same time, because a deafening roar like a thunder roar suddenly sounded in their ears, and when this sound came out, the younger generation of Daxia in the low mountain looked at each other. , The voice came out:

"Sure enough, as the Masters of Anjiangsi had speculated, the nearest embankment in Wanghe City still broke!"

But the words have not yet fallen, a mighty and strange aura that makes it easy for the end of the sky to rise to the sky, and along with this aura is a torrential flood.

And at the moment this breath appeared, Sun Jian's face suddenly changed, and Yang Tian let out a roar:

"It's not that the river bursts its embankment, but the immortal is attacking. Everyone, listen to the orders of the chief, first level alert, and at the same time spread the letter to the capital of God!"

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