The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2125: Sanhe Zhenjun

"Boom boom boom!"

The void outside Wanghe City, Sanhe County, suddenly roared loudly, like a thunder, rising out of thin air, while resounding between the world and the earth, it also caused countless refugees outside the city to face panic and panic.

In the next breath, the mighty and extremely turbid river water appeared from the southern end, and it was like a turbid yellow dragon rising into the sky, rushing into the sky with one breath, truly reaching the ground.

"South, this flooded river is in the south. Could it be that the big river in the south also broke its bank?"

For a time, shouts of extreme horror began to be heard from countless refugees outside Wanghe City, and the horrified eyes of these people reflected a terrifying scene of a flood.

It is not an exaggeration to say that once this flood, with the infinite rushing force and photographed, the entire Wanghe City, including all the people of Sanhe County who fled hurriedly outside the city, will all be buried under the torrent.

"Damn, damn, God just doesn't give a way to survive!"

In the flood, the Sanhe County refugees, whose mentality was on the verge of despair, were completely destroyed in their defenses. While crying bitterly, they continued to yell:

"God thief, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Before the words fell, the voices of these people cried and grabbed the ground, because they found that there was a very different thing above their heads, and then they made a sharper strange cry:

"Look, it's the face. In this river, there is a face!"

As soon as the words came out, countless people looked up, and they also saw the huge faces emerging from the turbid river above them. They stood there for a while, unable to speak any words.

After an instant, an ancient heavy pressure slapped down from above before the tumbling river, causing all refugees on the ground to kneel directly on the muddy ground with their knees bent, and then I don’t know who it is. , Yang Tian let out a shout:

"It's the ancient immortal who built the dojo in the southern part of Sanhe County, this True Monarch Sanhe really came to rescue us!"

This lingering high voice was undoubtedly igniting the flames of hope, and instantly allowed countless people outside Wanghe City to see the hot and dazzling dawn from the abyss of endless despair, and then these refugees just wanted to echo loudly. But like a duck pinched by the throat, the sound stopped abruptly.

Because the mighty torrent tornado in front appeared after the wasteland outside Wanghe City, it did not stop at all, but continued to violently move forward, instantly kneeling a large number of Sanhe County on the ground. The person, involved in the void, and then smashed into powder, turned into a blood dance, and the dead can no longer die.

Such a terrifying scene made the refugees who were watching all this from behind, their bodies trembling subconsciously like a sieve, trembling constantly, trying to run backwards, but found that the whole body seemed to be pressed with infinite weight and could hardly move. , I can only watch the torrent of human faces tumbling down and sweeping forward.

The torrent rolled, like an invincible sword, all the way forward, and countless people were chopped up along the way. After the flesh and blood mixed in between the floods, even the muddy river water showed a scarlet color visible to the naked eye.

After a few short breaths, harvesting the torrent of countless lives, it directly approached the unremarkable low mountain on the wasteland outside the city.

A few moments later, this tornado torrent of mud, sand and flesh hovered directly above the void, turning from movement to silence, in an instant, forming an extremely terrifying scene.

Cover the sky and torrent, hover in the void!

At the same time, the face above the flood became clearer, and then condensed inward, directly condensing into a figure wearing a muddy gray robe.

This figure was as pale as paper, and at the same time had two horns on the head. On top of the body, there were three large rivers lingering in the shadows, with a monstrous aura and cold eyes.

Then the figure standing above the torrential flood slightly lowered its head, staring at the humble low mountain in front of him, and the voice came out, resounding through the void:

"Looking at the report from the sect in Hecheng, a group of distinguished guests appeared in My Sanhe County, the true monarch of Sanhe Sanhe, here is here to visit."

While this True Monarch Sanhe was talking, countless rivers under him roared and roared, and the torrent formation above the void was even more intense, making the pungent scarlet blood in the tumbling river even more intense.

At the same time, within the short mountain, Sun Jian, who was moving forward and blocking the front, narrowed his eyes, and the response came out directly:

"The Great Xia Anjiang Division is here to do business, True Monarch Sanhe, stay away!"

The word avoiding that came out of Sun Jian’s mouth was sonorous and powerful, with an irresistible majesty, but it made the true monarch of Sanhe, who was once an immortal palace immortal, a thick cold and harsh color flashed in his eyes, and the roar rolled out. :

"Evasion? You waited for Daxia's great majesty to let the true monarch avoid dispersal. This place is the dojo of the true prince, and the true prince is the master here!"

This roar fell, and the True Monarch Sanhe suddenly leaned forward, and the torrent of river water under him also pressed down a lot, almost forming a real hanging river above the low mountain.

"Presumptuous, hanging in the air, regarded as a provocation. True Monarch Sanhe, you must think clearly, disturb the nobles, and be at your own risk. Now it is no longer the fairy palace era, and the years have changed. This Sanhe County has long ceased to be your doctrine. Do not set fire to yourself."

Sun Jian's voice resounded through the void, becoming more and more majestic, and at the same time it contained boundless evil intentions, and besides the low mountain's carriage, besides the low-eyed and continued listening to the rouge of the little grass in front of him, the eyes of the rest of the people were all There was a color of curiosity and eagerness to try.

"What kind of true monarch of Sanhe, in the eyes of the young generation of guards, is simply a first-class military service."

Behind the short mountain, the voice of Zhang Zhu from Anjiangsi came out, and then Lao Jin beside him, staring at the top with one eye, shook his head and said:

"Zhang Zhu, don't take it lightly. Every ancient immortal should not be underestimated. What's more, this True Monarch Sanhe has good luck, and his recovery position happens to be in his own territory. The immortals who are still cultivating in a certain cave are completely different."

Lao Jin's words just fell, and above the low mountain void, the harsh roar from the True Monarch of Sanhe blasted once again:

"Noble, what the true prince is looking for is this Daxia nobleman. I heard the news before that the soul of the Antarctic Longevity Maharaja was imprisoned by you and Daxia, and the biggest goal of our southern immortal family now is to use this The rain of Qixian will revive the Lord of Longevity."

As the words fell, True Monarch Sanhe raised his hands outwards, controlling the entire river under him, and began to roll at an unprecedented degree, followed by a stern voice, continuing to pass on:

"The Daxia nobleman who was delivered today, the true monarch generously accepted it!"

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