The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2126: Ice and fire

On the low mountains outside Wanghe City and between the woods, due to the attack of the ancient immortals, an elite monk who was transferred from various parts of Daxia distributed in a formation, forming layer after layer of defense. At the same time, the carriage where Rouge was located, Layers of protection.

The atmosphere in the short mountain is serious but not solemn, because these young people in Daxia have full confidence that they can knock down the dust from the sky in the future.

In the center of the low mountain, under the surging momentum, Sun Jian, who was dancing in An Jiangsi's robe, first turned his head and glanced at the Empress Rouge, who was still bowing his head listening to the weed in front of him, then retracted his gaze and opened his mouth to speak:

"Wang Juan, have you investigated this True Monarch Sanhe before coming here? What is the origin?"

This question fell, and Wang Juan, a young man standing behind Sun Jian, took out a dossier in his sleeve and opened it:

"Sir Cheng, before the Empress came, the Military Aircraft Department had given a volume of Sanhe files, which recorded all the powerful figures in Sanhe County that had been explored before, and these Sanhe True Monarchs were among them.

"However, because the Military Aircraft Department had just recovered when it was closed behind closed doors, it was once thought to have moved to the southernmost part of Sanhe County, but it was unexpectedly the first to strike."

After Wang Juan's young and clear voice came out, he raised his right hand and flicked Sun Jian on his chin, opened his mouth again, and uttered two words:


"A few days ago, the Weichen sent someone to investigate. The strength is not weak. Before the collapse of the Immortal Palace, his rank was a true monarch, and he should be at the same level as the Nanze Tianxian in Fengxin City. The strength of the immortal, and combined with the time of recovery, the current strength is around the peak of the Great Master Realm of Palm Edge."

Wang Juan's response was neither overbearing nor overbearing, and clear, so that the younger generations around him who heard the words looked sideways. You must know that those who can stand on the low mountain at this time are all outstanding among the various departments and departments of Daxia.

In the troubled times, there are many people who are invincible soldiers, but no matter when, careful and resourceful generals, and even handsome talents, are the most lacking.

Genius cherishes genius, but genius also understands better, which aspect of quality is the most rare!

Although Wang Juan's strength is not the strongest, the demeanor he displayed at this time already makes people around him feel uncomfortable. Then everyone's ears, from Sun Jian's voice, resounded again:

"Wangjuan, everything is determined and then acted. It is very good to investigate in advance and dare to make judgments. But the next thing to pay attention to is to think more."

After speaking, Sun Jian slowly raised his right hand, and his voice came out again:

"Especially for these ancient immortals who are dead but not stiff, they have to think more. This place is Sanhe County, surrounded by the extremely strange power of Sanhe.

"Under this force, the speed of this True Monarch Sanhe's recovery will be much faster than that of ordinary immortals. Look at his face with a flood of water, his strength should be stronger than imagined."

Before Sun Jian’s words fell, the tumbling hanging river above directly erupted with an extremely ear-splitting roar, and then the huge waves of turbidity and scarlet intertwined directly inward, forming a terrifying violent giant with bare fangs. The snake opened its huge mouth and roared.

At the same time, True Monarch Sanhe, standing on the volley above the huge waves, in his cold eyes, the scarlet light, together with the giant snake below, suddenly lit up. This situation is like the origin of destruction, the eyes of the giant snake in the last days. Destroy red light rising from inside.

"The fairy law is surging, shaking!"

After the icy voice of True Monarch Sanhe crashed down, this terrifyingly condensed giant snake directly pounced on the low mountain below. The size of this giant snake is so huge that it makes it look far away. The low mountain became a trembling lamb waiting to be slaughtered in the mouth of a giant snake.

"Mr. Sanhe, I have to say, you are so courageous!"

At the next breath, an extremely cold voice came from Sun Jian's mouth, but Si Si Cheng raised his right hand unchanged, and the voice continued:

"If I remember correctly, are the two black dragon guards guarding the south of the low mountain?"

"Exactly, the two recommended by the Ministry of War, Xu Hao and Xu Lang."

After Wang Juan's response fell, Sun Jian nodded and murmured:

"The two newly promoted Black Dragon Guards are enough."

After he finished speaking, Sun Jian's raised right hand suddenly fell, and he opened his mouth with a terrifying roar:


This word kill, violently burst out, and instantly overwhelmed the roar of the torrent above the void. At the same time, Xu Hao, who had already raised his Qi machine to its limit, in the outskirts of Aishan, instantly released the hold. The right hand of the pitch black arrow.


There was another low moan from the **** of death, resounding in the void, and then the black arrow above Xu Hao's bow turned into a black streamer that was invisible to the naked eye and disappeared in place.

After an instant, a pitch-black arrow appeared directly on the eyebrows of the Sanhe Giant Python that came straight from top to bottom, and then the rune above the arrow lit up at the same time, and then the whole thing exploded.

"Thunder burst arrow, burst!"


In the next instant, the bursting arrow continuously improved by the Ministry of Industry of Daxia exploded directly without fancy, and the violent power directly tore the river water inside the giant python completely, and countless river water was evaporated into a billowing mist.

Then, in the mist, countless thunders began to flicker, just like a thundercloud with infinite lightning!

As we all know, water can conduct electricity, so after a short and incomparable moment, the blazing white thunder completely covered the whole body of the giant python, and it rushed directly towards the body of the true monarch of Sanhe.

Seeing the giant python that he summoned with all his strength was swallowed by thunder in the blink of an eye, the dignified color appeared on the arrogant face of Zhenjun Sanhe for the first time, and then his hands were raised, and the seal was once again closed, facing the one beside him. Print out.

"The river is rolling, Xianshu. Under the mud and sand!"

With the sound of the word and sentence of True Monarch Sanhe, the tumbling sand began to condense inside the Sanhe giant python wrapped in countless thunder, and then it directly turned into a mud python, and then the former shook his huge body frantically. In time, smashed the thunderclouds around the body.

The next breath, the giant python raised his head again, opened his mouth, facing the low mountain below, directly poured out countless **** torrents, and then the torrents rushed down, turned into red frost, and pierced the void.

At the same time, the young man Alang standing upright beside Xu Hao, the body under the armor, countless scales emerged, and then the battle armor customized for the black dragon guard began to turn into black scales and spread out, Xu Lang's body Rising against the storm.

After a short breath, on the outskirts of Aishan Mountain, a hideous and terrifying, extremely ancient black dragon head was exposed to the world, and the same raised his head and sprayed out a breath of dragon flame toward the front.

After an instant, fire and ice formally opposed, and the entire world outside Wanghe City was instantly divided into two parts!

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