The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2131: Engulf the queen


On the low mountain outside Wanghe City, the situation changed drastically, from the black dragon guard knocking the real monarch of Sanhe down to the dust, and then to the weird long river whip suddenly pulled out of the void, blasting the ancient black dragon into flight, only for a very short time. The number of interest.

And within these few breaths, the extremely violent domineering energy, directly like an extremely sharp long knife, completely cut open the low mountain where the Empress Daxia was located, like tofu.

After all this fell into a slight calm, the Daxia people who were covered by the gust of wind that rose to the sky have already discovered that the obstacles that had been hidden in front of them had completely disappeared.

Then the sharp gazes of the Daxia cultivators who were in charge of the guard stretched forward, trying to see the specific situation ahead.

"Wind, wind, wind, gale!"

At the same time, the wind-suppressing arrays released by the two ghost wings became more and more condensed, and huge ghost claws began to form above the large array, and the roar of the ghost wings resounded through the sky.

But in the next moment, when everyone on the low mountain saw the look ahead, their minds shook again, in disbelief.

Because under the torrential rain before the low mountain, on the muddy ground, apart from a corpse, there was only a very strange figure that could move.

It was the old woman who was dying, now half kneeling!

I saw this squatting old woman, still clinging to the baby girl in her arms with one hand, but within the violently trembling body, it seemed that there was something terrifyingly awakening.

The next breath, the terrifying aura that was enough to make everyone discolored, exploded like a volcanic eruption, and then Xu Hao, who was struggling to catch the incarnation of a violent ape, Lu Zhiyuan, forcibly resisted his concussion, opened his mouth and spoke directly. With a roar:

"Sun Sicheng, protect the empress, this old woman, this old woman is extremely terrifying!"

Before the exclamation sounded, the old woman, who continued to tremble all over, stopped abruptly. Then, although the former continued to look at the ground, he raised his right hand forward.

The direction that the old woman raised her right hand was amazingly where Rouge was on the low mountain!

At the same time, an unprecedented sense of crisis exploded directly in the heart of every Daxia guard, and then Sun Jian's roar rolled out:

"King scroll, altar, set up the altar, hurry up!"

"Master Si Cheng, three breaths still needed!"

In fact, when Sun Jian gave instructions before, Wang Juan had already begun to place the altar, but throughout Daxia, no one except Zhao Yu could release an altar in an instant, so even Wang Juan had been put down at the fastest speed in his life. The altar still needs some time.

"Three breaths, three breaths, all listen to the order, even if you desperately, you must survive these three breaths for this Secretary!"

Sun Jian continued to speak with a rapid roar, and then countless auras on the low mountain rose into the sky, but these auras did not attract the attention of the old woman until the first light of the altar shone in the world, the old woman raised her hand and held it. There was a sudden pause after the tight movement.

After an instant, a murmur came from the old woman's mouth:

"What kind of breath is this unheard of?"

What is weird is that even if the old woman looks very old, the voice coming from her mouth is like a young girl.

When the words fell, the old woman's right hand raised forward, squeezed directly forward, and the voice continued:

"The waste in Sanhe used to like to speak big words, so what he said before was incorrect, because the deity is the real master of the whole Sanhe County."

As soon as this voice came out, the entire void outside Wanghe City became silent and silent at this moment. Both the sound and the color were in this grip and were completely deprived.

Then three mighty long rivers phantoms suddenly appeared, and at the same time, centered on the place where the old woman was, they rolled and roared forward, and then crashed into the town wind array outside the low mountain under the astounding gazes. Above the barrier.

After a breath, only a short breath, the two large formations, which were fully displayed by the cultivators of the Netherwing Army, were completely torn apart without resistance, and then the long river crossed the border and swept the void.

"Shield and armor guards, barriers, barriers!"

Before the Zhenfeng Array was completely torn apart, Sun Jian's roar had already sounded, and then several Daxia elite shield armours wearing heavy armor, armed with heavy shields, were in front of Rouge.


A heavy shield smashed into the ground at the same time, making a loud sound like a bell, and immediately after the barriers of the barriers rose into the sky, at the same time, the shadows of infinite aura from behind had already rushed forward, turning into a stream of light, like a profit. Sword-like, stab the old woman straight ahead.

Although most of the monks Daxia carried this time were the younger generation, they were undoubtedly the elites among the elite. Therefore, when all the cultivators moved, the situation changed suddenly, and the entire Void Air Machine was suddenly incomparable.

The shield armour guarded the front, and the rest of the monks outflanked both sides, instantly both offensive and defensive, demonstrating unparalleled combat skills.

But at this time, Sun Jian, who was firmly nailed to the low mountain below, did not relax at all on his face, but became more and more solemn. Then he turned his head and stared at the other side, the great summer altar that was slowly landing. .

Every official in Daxia who participated in the Battle of the North Sea firmly believed in their hearts that once this altar stood between the heavens and the earth, it would be equivalent to the entire Daxia, appearing directly behind it.

No matter what kind of powerful enemy you face, you can all kill!

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Obviously, this strangely-appearing old woman brought Sun Jian's mind shock beyond imagination, and behind him was the great empress who could not be missed, which made his heart under his cold face an unprecedented anxiety.

In the next instant, Sun Jian's straight and arrogant body shook violently, because the Sanhe phantom swept from the front, and in an instant, the shield armour cultivator who erected the shield in front of him completely blasted off.


There was another deafening roar, and then three long rivers phantom drove straight in, like a claw covering the sky and sun, and grabbed the rouge below.

At the same time, an incomparably magnificent breath poured downwards directly in the phantom of the long river above, and this terrifying power, similar to the power of forbidden magic, raised the younger generation of Daxia shrouded below to The pinnacle of energy was completely broken up.


After a groan, the entire low mountain, except for the altar that was still falling slowly and emitting silver-white light, fell into a state of death again. This kind of death is not only in the void, but also a great The vitality flow in Brother Xia's body.

"not good!"

Sun Jian's fists were directly clenched, and at the same time the three long river phantoms above his head slammed down, covering the entire low mountain completely and swallowing it in one bite!

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