The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2132: Emperor Fury


Sanhe County, which was originally in the downpour and torrential rain, completely changed its appearance after the old woman woke up. Numerous thunder snakes began to flicker in the sky above the county, and at the same time they made a loud roar that shook the sky.

At the same time, a mysterious and mysterious breath filled the heavy rain. This mysterious power was ancient and profound. Few people could really feel its existence.

More people just feel that the surrounding void and rain have become so heavy for some reason that they can't even straighten their waists.

At the next breath, the group of scaly monks standing high on the wall of Wanghe City looked at each other, and they all saw a deep bewilderment in each other's eyes.

Then the young scaly monk who swallowed a slobber, looked forward to the wasteland that was almost flooded by the torrent of the rolling river, and muttered:

"Father, what's the situation now? This, this True Monarch Sanhe, won?"

As the voice fell, the burly monk in front of everyone shook his head and responded:

"How can a mortal understand when a **** fights."

After speaking, the burly scaly monk who opened his mouth began to express a deep joy, with a high voice, and continued to preach:

"In any case, one thing is certain, that is, the people of Daxia have been hit hard, that is to say, we people are temporarily safe.

"If we are wronged, we are in debt. If Daxia follows up with revenge, it is estimated that we will not be found."

After the words fell, a relief appeared on the face of the burly monk.

It is true that Daxia’s majesty still made this little sect master feel the oppression of the sky, but now the former, who is happy, does not know that a sword of killing has been suspended in the entire Sanhe County. Overhead.

Obviously, Rouge is the treasure that Zhao Yupeng held in his palm. Now that the Empress of the Great Xia is attacked, it will undoubtedly make the Lord of the Northern Territory burst out of monstrous anger.

"Father, our Sanhe County is becoming more and more evil now. According to me, it's better to stay away early."

Just as the people on the wall of Wanghe City were slightly relaxed, the voices from the young scaly race made several people think.

Then the Sect Master looked at Wanghe City below, and said with a little regretful voice:

"Nowadays, the world is in chaos. Therefore, our sect was able to control Wanghe City, and it cost such a huge price. If we give up, we will give up. It is not easy."

Speaking of this, the Sect Master's painting style changed, and then he said:

"However, this Sect Master is frightened, so it's better to leave earlier."

The word "Leaving" had just fallen, and all the land in this riverside wilderness suddenly trembled extremely violently, as if an earthquake was coming, ups and downs.

At the same time, on the wasteland where countless water vapor mixed with rainwater, a blue-white light suddenly lit up without warning. The dazzling light was like a round directly rising above the wasteland full of ruins. Full moon.

After that, the center of this round of light, that is, on the low mountain that was directly cut open by the Sanhe phantom, the ancient magnificent altar suddenly landed completely.

Afterwards, the Daxia monks who were in charge of guarding gathered outside the altar one after another. The eyes of the originally determined and confident eyes were full of fear at this time.

Because the Empress Daxia who originally stood at the center of the low mountain, and several people around her, have completely disappeared at this time.

In short, the mysterious old woman, directly under the barrier released by countless cultivators, under the protection of a large number of elite cultivators, forcibly removed the entire space around Empress Great Xia.

"Space, this person dug out the entire space just before the altar fell!"

With a little trembling sound, it came from the mouth of a Youwing Army general behind the altar, and then he slowly knelt on one knee, hit his chest with a fierce punch, and let out a low growl:

"Damn, damn, Empress Daxia disappeared under her nose. You and I are the biggest sinners of Daxia since your majesty became king!"

The words of the deputy general of the Youwing Army are not unreasonable, because since Zhao Yu dominated the world, Daxia has been almost unbeaten in countless battles, large and small, but now he has planted one in Sanhe County. Somersault.

"Everyone, the most urgent task now is to find the whereabouts of Niang Niang and Sun Sicheng. Before Wang Juan has been at this time, tell the city of Shenjing. After a few breaths, the imperial court will come."

After the words from Anjiangsi Laojin fell, the shame on the faces of the people around him became even thicker, and their lips were tightly pressed together. There was a flame of incomparable anger in their eyes, burning blazingly.

After an instant, on the holy altar surrounded by blue and white light in front of everyone, a more dazzling light was directly condensed, and then the light went straight up and turned into a pillar of light that opened up to the sky.

What a vast shining light, it even directly shattered the large black clouds covering the top, and then the pillar of dazzling light continued to rise, and after blooming outward, a huge blue-white teleportation flower was formed.

As soon as this teleportation flower appeared, for some reason, the entire Sanhe County Wasteland, whether it was the earth or the void, trembled more violently. Then, looking at the river city, the gazes that looked up were filled with anxiety and fear, and blurted out. road:

"The beam of light is leaning against the sky, and where is this sacred?"

Before the words fell, the flower of teleportation continued to bloom, and then within the light of the altar, a tall and vast figure slowly emerged, and the first color that came to Sanhe County in the flower of teleportation was black gold. The color.

In Daxia, black and gold represent one and only one meaning, and that is the most supreme dominating color!

In the next instant, within this teleportation light rising into the sky, the figure from Emperor Daxia gradually became clear.

At the same time, a Daxia monk standing around the altar, as soon as he saw the figure, he knelt on one knee, his head hung down, and spoke together:

"Your Majesty, the minister deserves ten thousand deaths for crimes, and ten thousand deaths for crimes!"

The guilt did not end, this young and tall figure took a step in the void, and then all the void centered on Zhao Yu, including the wasteland, surrendered and trembled under the power of this extremely emperor.

Ever since the young emperor ruled Daxia, Zhao Yu has always been happy and angry, but this time, there is anger on his face, extremely obvious anger.

After an instant, an extremely cold voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth:

"Where is Sun Jian?"

When the emperor's voice fell, Lao Jin pressed his head lower, and the response came out:

"Back to your Majesty, Sun Sicheng and the empress disappeared together."

As soon as this response came out, a stronger icy cold appeared on Zhao Yu's face again.

Then the earth continued to tremble, and everything in the void was completely silent!

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