The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2132: Three Rivers of Evaporation

Time flows slowly in the Taixuan Land. At this moment, Sanhe County, which is enveloped by the rain of Qixian, including all the creatures in Sanhe County, directly raised their heads, their eyes pointed to the sky above, and their eyes were puzzled.

Because the top of these people’s heads, after the first light of teleportation soaring into the sky, penetrated the sky and the earth, only a few short breaths passed, one after another denser blue and white beams of light, they swept across the wasteland. The center rises, straight into the sky.

After an instant, flowers of teleportation bloomed in the sky at the same time, and the wild and magnificent aura completely shattered the dark clouds above Sanhe County, while also letting the bright blue and white light from top to bottom. , Shining Wasteland.

After the next breath, the wasteland and the land where Wanghe City was located continued to tremble more violently, and even the surrounding air became extremely viscous and it was extremely difficult to breathe under the induction of those monks in the city.

"Could it be that this desire for heaven and earth has been overturned directly?"

Facing such an ups and downs scene, voices of extreme fear came from the Sanhe County race in Wanghe City, because these people had already felt the fear deep in their bones from the strong wind that struck from the front.

At the same time, in front of the magnificent wasteland altar, Zhao Yu, who was guarded by a Radiant Nightmare Taboo, had his eyes low enough to pierce the entire void and stare at the front, and then there was the Emperor Infinite. Wei's voice came out:

"How long has it been since the rouge disappeared?"

The emperor's voice fell, and Old Jin, the secretary of Anjiang, kneeling in front of him, pressed his forehead to the back of his hand, and the response came out:

"Back to your majesty, ten breaths, ten breaths have passed since the empress disappeared."

As soon as this voice fell, Xu Qing, a slender celestial army windrunner behind Zhao Yu, stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty, in the void within Sanhe County, there is an extremely obscure and mysterious aura, and this mysterious power has concealed the secrets of the heavens, and has greatly restricted the scope of the subordinates to explore the sea. "

"According to the words that Rouge said before, if I didn't guess wrong, the strangeness of Sanhe County at this time is related to the so-called legend of Heavenly Grass.

"In other words, this breath is the so-called power!"

As soon as Zhao Yu said the emperor's voice, the infinite emperor's might lingering in the young emperor's body was even worse, and then wisps of silver emperor flames appeared on the black and gold robe of the young emperor's flying, and then burned.

"Heavenly, wickedly? It's nothing more than to obscure the perception of Heavenly Dao, but you hit Rouge with your idea."

At the next breath, Zhao Yu continued to speak, although it was still steady, but it made all the Daxia monks around him tremble subconsciously, because they knew their emperor.

For Zhao Yu, how stable his voice at this moment is, it represents how angry the young king of the north is in his heart!

At the next breath, the silver emperor flame spread downward and onto Zhao Yu's right hand, and then Zhao Yu stepped forward, raising his right fist and clenching his entire body, facing the wasteland in front of him. A heavy punch.

After an instant, the young emperor burned the ancient taboo Silver Flame's right fist and slammed it firmly on the ground.

This is an unprecedented punch.

This is also a punch of the emperor beyond everyone's imagination!

Everything outside of Wanghe City, Sanhe County, fell into a standstill under the punch of the great emperor.

Space, time, and the rain of Qixian pouring down from the sky above the sky are all at this moment.

At the same time, if someone can observe very carefully, the raindrops in the void contain the mysterious power of recovery, they will find that the inside of the raindrops is shaking violently at an unprecedented degree, and at the same time, the shocking In the center, a wisp of emperor silver light appeared out of thin air.

It’s not just the countless rain of enlightenment above the void. In the wasteland land that was hit by Zhao Yu’s punch in Sanhe County, centered on the punch of the young emperor, the inside of every grain of sand also has infinity. Shock.

In the next instant, the entire Sanhe County void, the space and time that was stopped by Zhao Yu's punch, continued to flow forward, and then the silver light, the extremely dazzling silver light, began to shoot on the young emperor’s right fist, and then melted. It is a mighty silver torrent, pouring in all directions, sweeping all around.

When the emperor Yinmang crosses the border, everything will be dominated by the Supreme Emperor!

In other words, Zhao Yu used this punch to completely incorporate the entire Sanhe County into his own world.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, the punch of the young emperor did not produce the supreme power of destroying the world for a while, nor did it completely split the entire wasteland of Sanhe County.

But what they didn't know was whether the entire Sanhe County was destroyed or not, in fact, it was just between Zhao Yu's thoughts at this time.

One thought to turn the sky, one thought to overthrow the earth, one thought to destroy the city, is for the godless way!

The most important thing for Zhao Yu at the moment is to find the rouge under the power of the sky that envelops the void, so the race creatures of Sanhe County can have their lives next and see a picture that they will never forget. Horror scene.

After an instant, before the altar, Zhao Yu, who hit the ground with a fist, slowly raised his head, and then stared at the void in front of him with ebony eyes.

As the young master raised his head, a torrent of more intense, visible silver brilliance continued to sweep outwards, and even in a short blink of an eye, it completely crossed countless distances and completely covered the entire Sanhe County. Swept it again.

"This, what exactly is this?"

A fearful murmur came from the mouths of the creatures in Sanhe County. At the same time, they raised their hands blankly, staring at their palms that were starting to become extremely blurred, and a more fearful voice came out. :

"I, I'm actually watering down, my physical body is gone!"

In this weird cry, there is immense fear. Of course, anyone who sees his body's flesh and blood is fading away will feel extremely frightened.

However, not only that, as another wave of Diwei Silverlight swept through once again, the land and void of Sanhe County, like completely boiled river water, began to turn into steam and floated into the sky.

And this scene is no stranger to most of the Daxia monks, because a few years ago in the northern border of the Taixuan Land, above the North Sea that was once covered by the mist of countless Taoism, Zhao Yu also used great Weili, showed this scene.

Overturn the North Sea and evaporate all the fog of Taoism!

But at this time, what Zhao Yu evaporated was the entire Sanhe County, and at the same time evaporated into the void, extremely secretive, and at the same time, it could obscure the perceiving aura of the sky.

The only difference is that once the young emperor brought Beihai back to life, but now, he wants to sink the entire Sanhe County into the ashes of history!

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