The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2138: Death Prophet

Bai Zhining, and Ruyue, are the close female officials of Empress Rouge.

When Zhao Yu dominates the vast land of China, and takes the entire Daxia to expand the territory, conquer the Quartet, Lien Chan, and even dominate the entire Northern Territory of the Supreme Profound Realm, and become the most important overlord-level forces, these two female officials, together with Empress Great Xia lived in the White Emperor's Palace silently, without showing up in front of others.

But the entire Daxia was able to enter the Baidi Palace, and the important officials summoned by Zhao Yuyu in the imperial garden, whenever they met Bai Zhining and Ruyue who were acting low-key, they had to stop peacefully and say hello.

Everyone knows that there is only one hostess in the huge Baidi Palace, and the closest person to the rouge who grows flowers and grass in the imperial garden is only two close female officials, so Bai Zhining is called the relatives of the emperor. Not an exaggeration at all.

Among the two female officials, Ruyue is charming and lovely, while Bai Zhining is calm and calm, each with very distinctive characteristics. At the same time, they also help the maids of the House of Internal Affairs to raise the emperor and princess on weekdays.

In other words, these two girls with miserable life experiences had already regarded the rouge beside them as their relatives.

Therefore, when the sharp claws formed by the leaves of the grass that broke through the soil, after the cover from the bottom up, Ruyue immediately opened his hands and stood in front of Rouge.

Ruyue is not a good seedling suitable for cultivation. Although she has practiced in the Taoist Palace for a while, she still cultivates at an average level, but at this time, she did not hesitate, her hands opened like an old hen standing up. , Eyes widened, glared at the front, opened his mouth and let out a soft drink:

"You old lady, just eat this and eat that when you open your mouth and shut your mouth, really shameless!"

Ruyue’s reprimand, mercilessly, suddenly made the face of the old woman extremely cold. He stepped forward fiercely, and at the same time, the grass leaf extending downward, like a blue spear, descended like a teleport. , Appeared directly in front of Ru Yue's head.

It is foreseeable that if this sky grass leaf moves forward even an inch, Ruyue’s head will undoubtedly burst completely, but at this critical moment, a white and slender right hand suddenly appeared in front of Ruyue’s head. .

After an instant, this white right hand continued to move forward, pressing directly on the violent rushing grasses, and at the same time the two opposing the huge might, in the entire mysterious river bottom, like a mighty violent bomb, Crazy burst.


The earth-shaking roar suddenly resounded in the river bottom world of the old woman, and then the air machine that rushed out wildly, constantly swept, and attracted the strong power of the surrounding sky, rolling extremely violently.

After a breath, between the tumbling air machines, the old woman in the sky first opened her mouth and inhaled fiercely, and then spit out violently, the color of greed in her eyes disappeared a little, with a little unexpected voice, suddenly came out:

"who is it?"

This call fell, as the old woman opened her mouth and spit out, the energy surging in front of her was torn directly to the sides. The appearance without resistance was as easy as tearing a piece of extremely fragile white paper.

After that, the old woman's gaze directly over the tumbling weather, looking forward, and under the former's gaze, Bai Zhining dressed in white, stretched out her open right hand, like a city wall, the horizontal bars are dancing on the top of each other. Before Amakusa.

Until this time, the breath contained in Bai Zhining's body was like a torrent dam that opened the gate, and surged outwards, and this breath was so special and so special that for the first time, it appeared on the face of an old woman. With a strong unbelievable color, the voice immediately came out:

"Hid so deep, who are you?"

The old woman said the two words who are very cold, because for some reason, an emotion that can be called a panic began to emerge in her heart.

This made the old woman's eyes even worse, because for her, she would never allow rouge, a once-in-a-lifetime magic drug, to slip away from her hand.

But at the next breath, the pupils of the old woman shrank fiercely. At the same time, the spear-like tentacles that Bai Zhining was holding against, began to tremble in pain, and finally began to wither a little bit.

This is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying picture!

I saw that the originally full-bodied, sharp-edged leaves of the sky-grass grass seemed to have been taken away from all its vitality in an instant. Pieces of dazzling black spots appeared on the leaves, and the speed of withering faster and faster, and finally more Countless ashes and debris fell from above.

After a few breaths, Bai Zhining's right hand stretched forward with a slight force, and the huge grass blade that was completely withered, just like a camel that had been crushed by the last straw, it began to collapse completely.


After an instant, with this soft sound, countless black ashes floated down from above, forming a mighty black rain, and in this rain, white clothes were flying, and the face was even more white than snow. Bai Zhining stood upright and proud, against the black ashes, like a goddess of ice and snow.

But obviously, Bai Zhining's control is far beyond the so-called ice and snow, and when this power and will are fed back to the old woman, the latter's true complexion changes wildly, and he opens his mouth and makes a strange cry:

"This breath, this breath actually has the charm of the chaotic death mother. It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. Now this is the place of Taixuan. When Taixuan Supreme was incarnate in the mainland, it was to cover the death of chaos. Mother visits, if it really discovered the land of the profound mystery, the whole world would definitely not be so peaceful.

"Why do you have the power of death that can only be controlled by the Chaos Death Mother, who are you?"

Amidst the strange cry of the old woman, there was obvious astonishment, and his fear of the so-called Chaos Death Mother was clearly carved into the depths of his soul, so that he even stepped back directly, the whole ugly face, for a while. Change.

It looks like this, but it is most appropriate to use one word to describe it, that is, it is a frightened bird!

The next breath, under the gaze of the changing gaze of the old woman, Ru Yue, who was rescued before Yu Qianjun's hair, let out a sigh of relief, looked at the white figure in front of him, with a hint of joy on his face, and called out. :

"Sister Bai!"

With this soft call, he raised his hand and waved forward, completely sweeping away the ashes that fell above Bai Zhining. Strands of black and green death force began to gush out of his body, and then this death force. The force turned into fireworks and began to burn.

At the same time, an infinitely cold voice resounded through the void:

"The maid of the White Emperor Palace of the Great Xia, the death prophet Bai Zhining of the Night Dire Division, will never allow anyone to hurt the emperor's half silk!"

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